Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


API / keyboard shortcut order / move tabs around

aristidesfl hace 13 años actualizado por Kristono Sugiarto hace 11 años 5
Is there any API to change the order of tabs/openfiles in sidebar?

This would be useful to reorder tabs with the keyboard and/or
create a plugin which orders tabs in MRU (Most Recently Used) order.

Typoscript syntax highlighting and code completion

Andreas Otto hace 13 años actualizado por David Mair Spiess hace 13 años 1
Typoscript is the configuration language of the CMS TYPO3. Since Typoscript is very powerful and widely used in TYPO3 based projects syntax highlighting and code completion will help to speed up development of TYPO3 projects.

TYPO3 includes a system extension called t3editor which already offers syntax highlighting inside the TYPO3 backend. See;f=typo3/sysext/t3editor;hb=HEAD for more information.

Since a few days a Netbeans plugin which supports Typoscript syntax highlighting and code completion exists as well and might be useful as a reference. See for more information.

Open build results in tab

Philipp hace 14 años 0
Sometimes I need more space to inspect build results.
The option to show them in a tab would allow to place them anywhere in the current layout as opposed to always having them at the very bottom.

Project menu is disabled when no windows are open

notanumber hace 14 años actualizado por Jon Skinner hace 13 años 0
If ST2 is open, but there are no open windows, the Project menu items are all disabled.

I would expect the Open, Select, and Recent Project commands to still be enabled otherwise the only way to open a project is to create new, empty file, then open the project, or quit and re-launch ST2.
Jon Skinner hace 13 años
This has been fixed in build 2111

Highlight CSS syntax to highlight LESS CSS files (*.less)

Willington Vega hace 13 años actualizado por Dan Rogers hace 13 años 2
I was unable to use the menu option (View->Syntax->Open all with current extension as...). All syntax available were disabled.

I would like to have LESS CSS files (*.less) opened as CSS files automatically.

Thank you for the best editor I have used in many years.

Tweak Solarized (Dark) selection color

H C hace 14 años actualizado hace 13 años 2

I'm finding that the Solarized (Dark) theme has a selection highlight color with very little contrast with the background color. I run a pretty well calibrated monitor for design work but perhaps it's just my setup. Anyways, maybe the theme file could be set to:



Save as super user

matrushka hace 14 años actualizado por Jon Skinner hace 13 años 2
I am using Mac OS X 10.6.8 and
i want to edit my /etc/hosts file via command line. I start by typing:
sudo subl /etc/hostsSublime opens normally with my hosts file on screen yet when i try to save it is says unable to save.

This works perfectly when i do:
sudo mate /etc/hostswith textmate.

This is one of the few stuff preventing me from switching to sublime text completely. I hope this gets fixed as soon as it can so i can skip installing textmate after Lion upgrade.
Jon Skinner hace 13 años
Added in 2165

SFTP Browser In Side Panel

antihero hace 14 años actualizado por Denis Tomilin hace 14 años 1
Essentially a bit like gedit. Could perhaps be developed as an extension.

Camelcase text highlighting, stop at camelcased selection

Mathieu Gosbee hace 13 años 0
When I use ctrl+shift+left, It would be great if it also highlighted camelcased words by each capitalized letter.

Set unsaved files more visible !!! please!!!

giulio isernia hace 13 años actualizado por Dirk Heider hace 13 años 1