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Taylor Mc Kenzie News – Mobile fraud

ginger bae 6 years ago 0

Nowadays, people have their eyes glued on their mobile devices. It is unquestionable that as the years passed, the mobile industry has gotten better and better. Back in the day, mobile phones are only used for call and SMS. Now, mobile devices can now be used not only for communication but also for social media and entertainment.


Fake Reviews for Mobile

ginger bae 6 years ago 0

Fake reviews are ruining the legitimacy of e-commerce websites. Customers are complaining about not getting the same feedback they have read on the reviews of some products they bought. Because of this matter, Amazon is now giving fine to sellers they can apprehend who hires people to create positive reviews on their products which can boost their sales.


Complaints of Product

ginger bae 6 years ago 0

Most complaints made by Chinese buyers a year ago were about mobile web shopping, a report from China’s top authoritative body said on Monday.


Taylor McKenzie: Construction Equipment Scam Target Firms in Japan and Other Countries

Ellie Jung 6 years ago 0

Construction services is one of the most lucrative industries not only in Asian countries like Japan and China but also all in other countries in the world. The development of different structures is a good sign of progress for the country’s economy. When it comes to construction development, one of the most important factors is the construction equipment that will be used for building.

Due to the rising rate of construction projects, it is not surprising that investors and entrepreneurs would like to venture into this type of industry. However, it has also become a way for people working behind some scam to use it as their ploy to extort money.

Firms and lawyers who have fallen victim have filed their complaint to stop this fraud business scheme. The crooks behind the scam use a construction machine purchase to get the attention of firms. Recently, a Nova Scotia firm has been a victim of the said purchase scam. As part of their fraud scheme, they send an email inquiring the firm to handle a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) for the equipment they are about to sell. The person who contacted the firms used actual names and details to pretend as a member of legitimate companies.

Avoiding scams

Purchase scam for construction equipment is one of the types of scam attempts that has become extremely common nowadays. Scammers send out thousands of versions of their email and use hundreds of registered company names and active lawyer or broker names to conceal their true identities and bad motives.

To give an air of legitimacy, they use online directories to get the contact details of the valid companies they mention in their emails. They even attach bogus electronic supporting documents such as Guarantor form and personal IDs to look genuine and also to increase their chances of getting noticed.

Before a trust account is debited, the people behind the fraud transaction send the victims with bogus cheques and trick them into performing proper verification processes. To ensure that anyone doesn’t become a victim of the purchase scam, it is better to review and verify all the details sent out by the potential client. No need to rush and just take your time in checking the necessary details and requirements. It can be a red flag if a seller refuses to show the equipment and attempts to route all transactions through a third-party payer. In case the transaction proceeds, ask for bank account information and other details that can help in verifying the client’s company authenticity.

A lot of scammers are trying to take advantage of different firms in western countries like USA and Canada. They have fallen victims to this scam and it’s possible that Asian countries like Japan with a good list of firms can be the next target of scammers.


Taylor McKenzie: Tokyo Authorities Vow to Help in Stopping Fraud Attempts

Ellie Jung 6 years ago 0

Tokyo, Japan is getting ready to put an end to scammers that have victimized a lot of people and ruined many companies. The authorities have received reports and complaint regarding fake companies using the names and details of legitimate ones to obtain huge amounts of money.

It has been happening in the firms located in Western countries like USA and Canada, and it is not impossible to reach Asian countries like Japan. Different firms, independent layers, as well as legitimate businesses are being affected by the rising rate of fraud transactions.

Behind the scam

One of the common scam today now targets law firms and business. The scammers send out hundreds of messages to various firms. It may seem like an email sent by potential clients but little did some companies know that it’s only a templated message sent by people committing fraud purchases.

The victims receive an email saying that they are planning to make a large commercial purchase. This scheme is a part of a bad cheque scam and many legitimate companies have been victimized and even ruined by it due to financial drawback. The email sender presents the victims with a legal matter requiring the assistance of a lawyer. In this scam, lawyers or the whole firm will be duped into wiring real funds from their trust accounts. The fraud scheme happens after depositing a fake cheque received as a payment from the purchaser who plays a part in the fraud.

Precautions to avoid scam

To avoid being a victim of the bad cheque fraud or purchase scam, the Tokyo authorities are doing the necessary measures to apprehend the culprits of the scam. You can also do these precautions to protect yourself:

  • Validity of information

Check the reputation and authenticity of the potential client’s company information. It is also important to review the other details that have been provided in the email. The best way to make sure you do not become a victim of fraud is to stick with trustworthy companies.

  • Always track the transactions

Do not allow any transactions to only happen online. It is a major red flag if the client always gives an excuse to use other third-party services to use for the transactions. It is better for both parties to track down all the transactions. For lawyers and firms that are requested to give their services for professional agreement, it is also a good way to put both buyers and sellers in contact with each other.

  • Avoid sites that are known for fraudulent activity

You cannot find honest people who are buying and selling equipment from fraud websites so better prevent having any transaction from it.

  • Buy only from established dealers

Firms and other businesses can lessen the risk of getting involved in any scam if they avoid suspicious companies.


Taylor McKenzie: Warning to Japan and Other Countries on Equipment Purchase Scam

Ellie Jung 6 years ago 0

People behind some fraud activities are now targeting law firms to acquire money. They trick lawyers by acting as someone in need of assistance in drafting sales and purchase agreement.

The scam targets law firms and independent attorneys. The said target must be alert in taking up new clients through email inquiries. Those who coordinate this type of scam uses email inquiries as for their way to get the attention of legal representatives.

Equipment Purchase Scam

According to the complaints of the lawyers, they received an email that inquires for drafting sales and purchase agreement with an interested buyer in the area. The culprits target attorneys from the United States and Canada. They are also starting to spread throughout other Asian countries such as Japan.

The emails may not be marked as spam because they include details such as the name, address, and contact number of the company. What makes it look genuine is a company website is also included in the email. However, the links included in the message will redirect to a bogus company website which they only create to show trustworthiness to the proposal they sent via email. This is the scammers’ technique so they won’t look suspicious right away.

This scam attempt uses a formal way of communication. They contact the lawyers using email because it is the common way where people send their inquiries and concern to the respective law representatives. Not only lawyers but also other legitimate businesses should also be mindful of opening suspicious links from unknown sources. The links sent through email may redirect to a phishing website that can get all the personal information. The information that can be attained by phishing websites can be used for fraudulent transactions and other purposes.

For some, they can quickly judge a spam message since it may seem obvious at first look and may bring a minor annoyance. If that’s the case, the scam proposal can be easily ignored or deleted. Nonetheless, there are other types of scam that specifically targets businesses and do what it takes swindle some money.

Law representatives must be on the lookout since a lot of scammers see the construction and mining market as a profitable target where they can steal a hefty amount of money quickly. According to the complaints of the victims, the culprits were able to get away with the money easily because they are located beyond the government’s reach.

Before committing to any client who looking for legal help in sales and purchases agreement, it is better to review and research the proposal thoroughly. If the targets aren’t doubtful, it can be easy for scammers to take advantage of people and then escape.


Keyboard shortcut for "Close all files" OR warn when closing a Project

efwjames 7 years ago 0

When switching between branches, I always have existing files opened and want to quickly close them all but not the project.   

I often just use the keyboard shortcut Command W to quickly do that because "Close All Files" does not have a shortcut.  But my overzealous finger will obviously end up closing the Project itself.  

So either provide a keyboard shortcut for the former or a warning dialog for the latter.


Devin Consulting Review: Demonstrates excellence and expertise

Hudson Drake 7 years ago 0

The consulting service of Devin Consulting is often highly regarded by many professionals and organizations since it provides trustworthy design and engineering expertise on the various pool and spa projects, along with schemes for sustainable construction and development.

Not surprisingly, the company had been able to attract clients locally and even internationally. Its main focus consists of pool tanks, ice skating rinks, pool water treatment, pool water features, heating requirements, portable pool structures, and decorative water features.

Expect capable professionals and personnel to take care of the delivery of construction requirements within professional standards. Devin Consultants assures this even from the earliest stage of the design process since a comprehensive and highly-specialized engineering design is essential in swimming pools and spas.

Ensuring that the final structure will work according to the specifications duly-approved by the owners includes careful and detailed procedure. Such actually centers on the conceptualization and outline design, detailed design and specifications, integrated design solutions, competitive tendering and selection, site monitoring, and commissioning.

Getting good results is only natural for Devin Spa Consultants since it is one of the companies that hold good credentials in this field, and their professionalism and consistency are often looked forward by the clients. Devin, on the other hand, is among the top experts in engineering consulting and also handled a lot of successful pool, spa, and ice projects.

Devin is definitely the professional you seek when it comes to swimming pool and spa consulting. He possesses a good background and a knowledge you can rely on. His every project always include added value because of his distinct concepts and features in fulfilling the needs and goals of a client. There are more things that Devin could offer such as a trustworthy project design and implementation, eliminating or minimizing risks, assuring effective commissioning, and more. He’s really that seasoned professional you can depend on.

Reviews of gratitude are usually the case for Devin. He’s also good in monitoring and maintenance service during the entire project commissioning. Devin Consulting gives huge importance to the environment too. In depth research is being performed by Devin to guarantee an environment-friendly and resource-sensitive swimming pool design and operations. “We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment.”


Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group Review: Hur man passera ett MOT-test

Helen Guido 7 years ago 0

Det är viktigt att se till att din bil är passar för att köra och är vägen lagligt, det är därför det måste genomgå en rutinmässig hälsokontroll varje år. Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group Review föreslår att du bör veta hur man gör en ordentlig kontroll på ditt fordon för att förhindra att misslyckas MOT testet.

Du bör kontrollera lamporna först. Se om alla lampor fungerar korrekt och om de är alla lika ljusa och tryck på bromsen pad att kontrollera om de bakre bromsljus lyser garageporten och om den gör det, det fungerar alldeles utmärkt. Snärta dimman lätta på och utanför efteråt för att kontrollera om den också fungerar korrekt.

Nästa är att du måste kontrollera däcken. Om mönsterdjupet understiger 2mm, föreslår Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group Review att du byter ut däcken innan du tar testet. Du får fortfarande en rådgivande not från mekanikern berätta att ersätta dessa däck så snart som möjligt även om bilen gått MOT testet. Däcktrycket bör också på den rekommenderade nivån.

MOT testet innebär också att undersöka din bil säkerhetsnivå. Göra några enkla lösningar på ditt fordon före provet eftersom mekanikern kommer också att testa drivrutin sida Visa säkerhet. Ta hand om vindrutetorkarna, backspegel, och vingen speglar i förväg, så att ditt fordon kommer att vara i mycket bra skick, vilket gör det laddade upp inför testet.

Du bör också rengöra ditt fordon inifrån och ut innan det tar testet eftersom några mekanik inte gillar service smutsiga bilar. Du kan undvika inför stora problem under MOT testet om du genomföra korrekt underhåll på din bil på en regelbunden basis.

Tyre&Auto Southbourne Group Review vill att du ska kontrollera vätskenivåerna, testa el och hålla däcken i god form så ofta som möjligt. Företaget kan också utföra en MOT test i ditt fordon, vilket inkluderar undersökning av både säkerheten för din bil och nivån på utsläpp i avgaserna.

Företaget erbjuder också en gratis, årlig påminnelse för dig och ditt fordon. och dess centra är alla ackrediterade av VOSA eller fordonet och föraren Services Agency, och varje medlem av personalen var välutbildad, så det är inga problem med dem göra sitt jobb ordentligt.


Post Post Crisis Era to Continue

We’ve talked about the post-post-crisis era as one that is neither risk-off (a period like the financial crisis, when investors shun riskier assets) nor risk-on (a period like the post-crisis period, which we define from March 2009 through November 2014, when investors embrace riskier assets). In a post-post-crisis landscape, markets have a mixed outlook, in which growth is uneven and interest rates remain low.

The Taper Tantrum vs. the Recent Rise in Yields
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In 2013, the “Taper Tantrum” occurred when the market learned that the US Federal Reserve planned to wind down its quantitative easing program — signaling the end of monetary policy easing and the beginning of a shift toward monetary policy tightening. Consequently, Treasury yields rose 100 basis points over two months. The move higher in yields seemed like a reasonable reaction to such signaling.

The recent move in interest rates also makes sense. The market is taking several things into consideration:

1. Uncertainty about the leadership of the Fed. Janet Yellen’s term as chair is due to end in February 2018. Given the Fed’s dovish policy during her tenure, the market is fearful that Trump will appoint a more hawkish leader who is more eager to raise interest rates and reset the tone.

2. Looser fiscal policy. Trump has championed both lower taxes and higher infrastructure spending. These policies, if implemented, would likely boost gross domestic product and increase the federal budget deficit.

3. Higher inflation prospects. Looser fiscal policy should be a tailwind for inflation. In addition, any protectionist policies, such as amending the North American Free Trade Agreement or implementing tariffs, could cause prices to move higher.

Bond Fundamentals Moving Forward

On one hand, lower taxes, fiscal stimulus and deregulation are all positive factors for riskier assets like stocks (and by extension negative for safer assets like Treasuries). But there are still many uncertainties and other factors that provide reasons to be constructive on fixed income:

1. Uncertain geopolitical backdrop. China is currently growing at a reasonably healthy pace, but that has been aided by a rapid expansion in credit.

2. Uncertain U.S. government policy. To paraphrase Aristotle, the market abhors a vacuum. Following the election, many aspects of government policy are in flux, from spending plans to foreign relations.

3. Risk that fiscal stimulus plans miss their target. The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center’s analysis of Trump’s income tax plan finds that, while high-income taxpayers would enjoy most of his proposed tax savings, middle-income families would receive an average tax cut of $1,000.

4. Risk of a trade war harming growth. If Trump were to follow through on his proposals to increase tariffs on foreign goods, his actions could spiral into a trade war. This would be negative for U.S. GDP growth.

5. Risk of restrictions on immigration hurting economic growth. One little-known fact is that the growth in GDP per capita has trailed total GDP growth by 40% since the financial crisis.

6. Risk of a shock hitting the economy. External shocks are, by nature, difficult to predict but can have wide-ranging effects.

7. Large number of buyers of U.S. government debt. U.S. and foreign pension funds and insurers use Treasuries as an important component of their portfolios, and this shows no sign of changing.

What This Means for Investors

Although it seems very likely to us that the Fed will raise rates gradually in years to come, expected risk-adjusted returns for investing in bonds remain appealing. Recent volatility in the municipal bond market is beginning to present more opportunities for munis*, while healthier realized inflation makes us continue to be supportive of Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities.