Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Line Selection From Margin

Aaron Scully 11 years ago 0


contextual spell check in code

Alexander Ellis 11 years ago 0
Contextual spell check: e.g. when editing with LaTeX syntax highlighting, the editor should understand what is text and what is code. Then allow for spell checking of the text (but not the code). Ditto for markdown, etc.

F4 should flash the error line, or center it in the buffer

codex 13 years ago 0
It's often hard to quickly see which line contains a compile error upon hitting F4, especially with some color schemes, mainly because ST2's method of scrolling a buffer is very disorienting/distracting. The error line should flash, or animate, or, at the very least, always appear in the center of the view.  It would be nice if the window the error appears in would also highlight briefly.

Search and replace in files

bradnull 12 years ago 0

Search and replace in files more easily


key binding context

Brian Tsai 11 years ago 0

Would be great to have a context key called 'num_groups' so we can alter key-binding mappings depending on if there are 1 or more than one groups to show (particularly so that if there is only one group showing, you can create a new group then move the current view there).


Long tag snippet not working after inserting new line before

James Sumners 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
If you try to use the "Long tag" snippet after using the "Insert new line before" shortcut then the snippet will not work. For example, start a new XML document:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

On line 3, use the insert line before shortcut to get:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Where "|" indicates the cursor position after the shortcut. Now, try issuing the long tag snippet sequence ("<,tab"). You will get a "<" followed by a tab character instead of "<p></p>".

double clicking an img should open in photoshop

Perry Kibler 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
Be nice if, when I clicked on a png, I could tie that extension to an application (Photoshop for instance). 

Investigative Training at Koyal Group: Cops get tips to bust Internet fraud

danielschweize 11 years ago 0

LUCKNOW: Internet fraud took centrestage for 44 cops posted in Lucknow zone (11 districts). A workshop for khaki-clad was organised at Mahanagar police lines on early Monday particularly for inspectors and sub-inspectors who closely investigate cyber frauds.

Employees of a private financial institution were roped in to hand out tips to cops on latest trends appearing in the field of banking related frauds such as credit card, debit card transactions. The investigating officials were given tips to facilitate their investigations. "Bank employees shared details of crucial documents that can be collected from financial institutions on request," shared IG Subhash Chandra.

The police officials look after such cases in Lucknow and neighbouring districts. Bank employees said they would work closely with cops accordingly and ensure that money transferred illegally is tracked quickly. A move to prepare list of suspicious bank accounts and share such information with cops was also taken up. Besides Lucknow, policemen from Barabanki, Sitapur, Hardoi, Lakhimpur Khiri, Raibareli, Ambedkar Nagar, Faizabad, Unnao, Amethi and Sultanpur attended the session.

Alternative to tabs for large number of open files

James Perry 13 years ago updated by chaiguy 13 years ago 3
More frequently than not, I'll have more than just a handful of files open, and there is a threshold for the number of open files until the tabs become unusable:
Image 84

I like the way BBEdit manages the list of open files by tucking them away in a pop-up menu in the UI:
Image 85
Wondering if a future version could allow an option on how open files are displayed in the active group. The side-bar gives an alternative view, but I don't always have it open.

Platform-specific key bindings are not actually platform-specific.

Xavura 12 years ago 0
I have a situation where on Windows and Linux, alt+shift+l is bound to a command and on OS X it is instead alt+shift+x.
On Windows, both alt+shift+l and alt+shift+x are triggering the command.
I am currently unable to test if the same is true on Linux and OS X.