Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


jsbeautifier and packer integration

Osman Görmüş vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von khaven vor 9 Jahren 3
It would be great to integrate a JavaScript beautifier to format minified or badly formatted JavaScript files to increase readability.

And also a JavaScript packing tool or minifier 

There are of course online tools for both purposes. But I think it would increase productivity if these features for of SublimeText.

Here are a few tools I use. (I am not affiliated with any of these tools/software):


Color preview / Color viewer

Florian Quiles vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Jacob Moen vor 12 Jahren 10

I am an apprentice web master/designer, and when i'm coding or editing my or someone else's CSS code, it would be really easier to me to directly see what color has been chosen.

So when i hover this kind of code " color : #0099cc " (or rgb, or rgba or shortened hexadecimal color (#09c)...), an information bubble/square appears with the color in it (as Google Chrome et Firefox "inspect element", in css code).

I don't think it's a really big deal, but it would really facilitate someone's life.

Thank you for your consideration :)


German Mac OS X Show Console Hide Console Shortcut doesn't work

Kai O. vor 12 Jahren 0
The shortcut ^ ` for showing and hiding the console doesn't work. When I use the menubar for the showing / hiding the console it works.

Localization of Sublime Text 2

Franco Tampieri vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Andrés Rendón H. vor 12 Jahren 1
As I have told in the Forum here
Implement a string translation system so, with .po files to permit the translation of menù and so on...

Make the build system menu easier to use

-2724 vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Felix Lange vor 13 Jahren 1
If you have one build system to run the unit test, and one to compile something, then one to create the doc, you have 2 possibilities:
- click menu > submenu, change the build system. Click menu again and run. 3 times.
- create a script that does the 3 of them, run it, and forget about the hability to run aby of them separatly.

Ideally, you should have a drop down to quickly build systems in one click. Create new ones from old ones. See old ones and edit them. And assigne some number to them so you can call them with a shortcut.

single click behavior on file in "Side Bar"

Parrish vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von 秦韬 vor 3 Monaten 10
When sigle-clicking on a file in the "Side Bar" the file opens for preview?  Unfortunately, the visual queues for this action are confusing... a file is viewed in the editor without a tab, yet the first edit to the file creates a new tab for the file.  It would be nice to have some other visual queue to accomplish this... i.e. a window that hovers over the edit window, with an edit button on it; gray out all tabs when previewing a file, with a click on a tab closing the preview and selecting the tab; or simply have a setting to allow a single click to do nothing.

opening current directory on command line should use project file

Phillip Koebbe vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert vor 12 Jahren 0
I tend to navigate to a project directory on the command line and then open the folder with 'subl .'. It would be nice if ST2 checked for a project file and opened the project if there is one, without having to use the --project switch.

API: post_window_command does not work.

JD Isaacks vor 11 Jahren 0

There is a new API event called `post_window_command` that is supposed to be executed after a window command. (listed here:

It does not work. I made an example class below (I also included a method called *on_post_window_command* since that seems to fit the naming scheme of the other events and thought the name in the docs might have been a typo).

When I run a window command, on the console I get **on <command_name>** showing that the on_window_command event is working but the post window command event never runs.


class MaxPaneEvents(sublime_plugin.EventListener):

    def on_post_window_command(self, window, command_name, args):

        print("on_post " + command_name)

    def post_window_command(self, window, command_name, args):

        print("post " + command_name)

    def on_window_command(self, window, command_name, args):

        print("on " + command_name)



Stared/marked lines

Max Bourinov vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 2
I would love to be able to star/makr some lines in files I edit. I need it in long files. When I have to scroll though the file it becomes very hard to find some important places. With stars/marks it will be very easy.

Something similar to this would be great:

Image 100

Also, some hotkeys for navigation between stars/marks would be great.

Stars/makrs should exists until I close the file.

Multi-line search/replace textfields

Robert Stuttaford vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Andrey Fedorov vor 6 Jahren 8
Just a toggle to switch between using a single line textfield and say 3-4 lines per textfield for all the find, find/replace, find/replace in files variants.

So often I have to futz around with regexen when all i really want to do is match some multiline text and replace with same. I can't think this would be difficult to do, and the utility would be really high. And it's the only thing I feel ST2 loses vs Textmate :-)