Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.



Nihar Gagneja vor 11 Jahren 0
right now, you can't interact with the console. for example you cannot use std::cin in c++ or a scanner in java, and you have to compile outside of sublime, and this is such a huge feature that it is missing. 

Odd behaviour of collumn select with keyboard

Bent Furevik vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Jon Skinner vor 13 Jahren 2
When selecting collumns of code with Ctrl+Alt + Up or Down the marker only expands in height. I think it should have one fixed point of origin from where the marker expands either up or down, but not in both directions. Now I have to start over if I selected too much. 

I'm on Windows btw.

Javascript syntax highlighting for wrapped functions

Ben Vanik vor 13 Jahren 0
If you have a function that wraps syntax highlighting will be broken.

For example, this function will be correctly highlighted:
foo.func = function(a, b, c) {

But this function won't be:
foo.func = function(a,
  b, c) {


Function hints in status bar

John Helveston vor 11 Jahren aktualisiert vor 11 Jahren 2

It would be great if function hints could pop up in the status bar as you type, like they do in the R console. For example, in R if you start typing "plot(", the bottom of the console displays the function hint "plot(x, y, ...)" so you know what the function arguments are. This might be too specific to R, but I'm sure other languages have something similar. Maybe this could be built into the Enhanced-R plugin?


Add ids to Context.sublime-menu separators

Will Bond vor 13 Jahren 0
I've been working on a few packages and it would be very useful to be able to position entries in the context menu. Right now for the included Context.sublime-menu files only one has an id, "end". If you could add ids to the ones surrounding the "select_all" command, that would be awesome!


Provide a context manager for View.{begin,end}_edit

Patryk Zawadzki vor 13 Jahren 0

Something along the lines of:

class Editor(object):    def __init__(self, view, command, args):        self.view = view        self.command = command        self.args = args    def __enter__(self):        self.edit = self.view.begin_edit(self.command, self.args)        return self.edit    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):        self.view.end_edit(self.edit)
class View(…):    def edit(self, command, args):        return Editor(self, command, args)

Would allow one to forget about the problems of pairing begins with ends:

with view.edit(…, …):    do_something()    do_something_else()

Create project

SkS vor 13 Jahren 0

If you delete all folders from the project and it will be empty, but not saved, then saving will display the last opened folder in the project.

I apologize for my bad English.


Commenting a line without selecting is broken

Satyajit Ranjeev vor 13 Jahren 0

Lets say I have a line: 
    <li><a href="news.html"> News</a></li>
assume the cursor is where the | is, when I press Command / this is the output:
    <li><a href="news.html"><!--  -->News</a></li>
The output should have been:
    <!-- <li><a href="news.html">News</a></li> -->
This seems to be broken in html, css and js files, but works with python. 


Fast and easy settings framework

Catalin Poida vor 11 Jahren 0
It's great that there is a file where you can edit the settings, but it takes a lot to learn how to edit it and to customize it.
It would be great to have a window where to have all the setting and even more a search tool for the settings. When dealing with many settings, it takes you a lot find the specific option, that is why a search box for the settings will be most appreciated. 

Settings for default file extension on save

Lee Powell vor 11 Jahren 0
For file types such as Markdown that can have multiple valid file extensions, it'd be nice to be able to configure Sublime on which to use. At the moment Markdown is saved as *.mdown, but it'd be great to be able to configure to use *.md, *.markdown etc depending on user perference.