Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


find_selected_text not working

aristidesfl vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Vincent Côté-Roy vor 13 Jahren 4
Mac OS X Lion
Build: 2091

find_selected_text behaves like false by default, despite behind set to true in the default preferences.

the only way making it true, is setting it in the User preferences

Add File Context to Completions

Ryan Murphy vor 11 Jahren 0
Sublime-completions files are extremely useful but one key feature is really holding them back for me. I wish that I could give file context to some completions.

I have a simple script that parses my library of lua files and generates completions for all the apis. It would be great if I could add a completion that only worked within a single file or group of files (those functions only being available within that context).

If this is another, fairly cheap way to achieve intellisense like behavior(the custom plugins that do true intellisense seem very complex) I would love to hear it.

I could see completions files getting large used in this way. Especially with multiple projects. But this could be solved be having project specific completions additions.

is there any syntax for gettext?

Sergio Rus vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert vor 12 Jahren 1
 I need it for files django.po from Django i18n

Bug: If the name of a class in a plugin file is changed, the plugin is not reloaded by Sublime until restarted

Keith Holman vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0
I encountered this problem while writing my first plugin. I was using the Sublime API incorrectly, then renamed my plugin class, then fixed the error. I was then terribly confused because the Python console continued to complain about the old plugin and its error. The problem went away when I restarted Sublime. (The renamed plugin was loaded, and the non-existent ExampleCommand was no longer loaded.)

Repro follows:
  1. Launch Sublime Text 2
  2. Open the Python console (Ctrl+`)
  3. Click "Tools > New Plugin..."
  4. Save the new plugin as "Packages/User/"
  5. Change the plugin to subclass "sublime_plugin.EventListener"
  6. Rename the "run" method to "on_pre_save"
  7. (The plugin now contains an API usage error, because it references "self.view", which does not exist in EventListener.)
  8. Save and observe that the error is reported in the Python console: "AttributeError: 'ExampleCommand' object has no attribute 'view'"
  9. Change the name of your plugin class to "MyNewPlugin"
  10. Remove the "self.view" reference in the plugin class and replace it with a line "print 'I am trying to fix my plugin!'"
  11. Save and observe that the Python console still complains about the error in ExampleCommand, which no longer exists. The new plugin, MyNewPlugin, won't run at all
  12. Make sure (containing the MyNewPlugin plugin) is saved
  13. Close and restart Sublime Text 2
  14. The Python console will no longer report ExampleCommand issues, since it does not exist. Any MyNewPlugin behavior or errors now will show up.
Please let me know if you need any more information.

Fulltextsearch location wrong when multiple folders are edited

Sascha Depold vor 13 Jahren 0
When you currently open multiple folders in sublime and search for something via fulltextsearch the location is not updated to the specific folder. It would be even better if SL would only search in the files I've currently available in the sublime editor. So it's the same scope as it is when using cmd+T (on osx).

Feature request: make it clear what will happen to Sublime Text once new updates stop being released

John Maxwell vor 11 Jahren 0

See this blog post:

Really thought the makers of the text editors involved should read it :)


Small Screenshot Pane from another window

Mingwei Gu vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Sven Axelsson vor 13 Jahren 1
It'd be awesome if there were a small window on the bottom right that could hold static content from another file (like a screenshot of a sample api response from a browser), so that you can use that as a reference without needing to flip back and forth.

would be good to launch a version of Sublime Text 2 for Android

Jose Israel Caero Teran vor 11 Jahren 0

ST2 a version of Android would make it more portable and therefore more accessible, however if you download the portable version for PC always need a computer to program in ST2


Use semantic typography

Adam Avramov vor 12 Jahren 0

Be the first to leverage typography to denote semantics in a code editor, by allowing e.g. function headings to have a larger font size.


Incremental searching in Folder View

Me Whatever vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Jon Skinner vor 13 Jahren 1
It would be great if you could incrementally search for a file in the folder view :D Often I use projects load folders into them, and if they have a lot of files I have to scroll to the file I need to open. Tracking the current open file in the tree would be also great, but another request has been made for that.
Jon Skinner vor 13 Jahren
Goto Anything does this