Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Ignore empty configuration files

cpf vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von mike henken vor 13 Jahren 1
I went to create a configuration file, selected the wrong menu item, somethingorother happened, and I ended up with an blank .sublime-settings file. 

The next startup, ST2 displays an error ("Error trying to parse settings") then "crashes." It doesn't actually crash though, it stays running in the background, preventing any future instances from starting up, even if the offending empty file is removed.

I think it should just ignore the empty file, offer an option to delete it, etc. 

When opening a new file from the command line, sublime should focus the window that already contains it.

Greg Anderson vor 13 Jahren 0
Consider the command:

$ sublime_text file.txt 

This does the right thing if the topmost Sublime window has file.txt open somewhere in it; file.txt becomes the focused tab. You do not get two copies of file.txt open.  However, if there are two or more Sublime windows open, then sublime will open a second copy of file.txt in the frontmost window.

Desired behavior:

Sublime should raise the window that contains file.txt to the front, then focus the tab that contains it, rather than opening a new copy of the same file.

Desired behavior with -n:

$ sublime_text -n file.txt 

If Sublime is invoked from the cli with the -n to open a file that is already open, then the -n flag should be ignored if file.txt is already open in a window that contains no other tabs (including folder views), and the existing window should come frontmost.  If file.txt is open in a window with other tabs, then Sublime should act as if the user had grabbed the file.txt tab and pulled it off into a new window.


On Linux, if you typically open your files in separate Sublime windows, then wmctrl can be used to focus the right window.  Use `sudo apt-get install wmctrl` to install wmctrl.  I use the script below, saved as "se", to enforce the one-window-per-file rule.  This script currently makes no attempt to solve the multiple-folder-view enhancement request (


for f in "$@" ; do
  # If the parameter is a directory, then open it in a new sublime window
  if [ -d "$f" ] ; then
    sublime_text -n "$f" &
    # Test to see if the file is already open in Sublime; if it is, then
    # bring the focused window frontmost instead of opening a new one.
    d=$(cd "$(dirname "$f")" 2>/dev/null && pwd | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|")
    b=$(basename -- "$f")
    if [ `wmctrl -l | grep -c "$d/$b"` != 0 ] ; then
      wmctrl -a "$d/$b" &
      sublime_text -n "$f" &


key_exists, no color ?

GlaiveÐ vor 11 Jahren 0

Sublime Text 2 should be able to recognize if a opened file was renamed in finder

vinulaxy vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von jeandeluxe vor 13 Jahren 1
Open a file in sublime text 2 and then rename the same file in finder. If you store the renamed file, a file with the same name is created.

project wide page crawling

Thadeus vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0
Implement the "Type Control/Command + r to reveal a popup that allows for this very thing (notice the @ symbol)! Even better, the search is fuzzy as well, which is particularly helpful for huge classes." to search across files.

I do this in eclipse+pydev all of the time, I can start typing the name of a function or class and it will open the file and take me directly there, it is also fuzzy and learns which items I go to the most often.

Add Perl Symbols to Bundle Perl Package

jjafuller vor 14 Jahren 0
I'd like to see perl symbols included in the default lib. I've posted my example symbols library in the forum:

on_query_context not invoked for bindings "outside" of a view

glyph vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0
I have a plugin which consists of some keybindings which can be conditionally toggled on or off, all of which have a 'context' requirement and an accompanying EventListener which checks the global flag to tell whether they should be enabled or not.

When executing an application command though, my keybindings only ever appear to be enabled when executing in the context of a view.  For example: open a new window, go to "layout -> columns: 2", then select the (empty) second column and press a key that has different definitions in the default map and my plugin's map, and the default map will take over, without ever consulting my EventListener.

This is a minor nitpick, since I can always just hit the default keybinding for "new file" and then all of my other bindings take effect, but it would be great if this behaved consistently.

(This on build 2139.)

My specified tab_size gets overridden incorrectly

Rob Speer vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Jon Skinner vor 14 Jahren 0
I'm editing Python code, and my Python settings have "tab_size": 4. Sublime Text doesn't always listen to this, and I think it has to do with the size of the first indentation in the file.

For example, if I have an import list wrapped onto multiple lines, with 20 spaces at the start of the next line to line up with "from module import (", it seems that Sublime Text takes this as an indication that I didn't really want 4-space indents, and it uses 8-space indents instead. Even though the rest of the file uses 4-space indents and now I can't get to half of the tab stops.

At least it doesn't use 20-space indents, but inappropriate 8-space indents are still frustrating.
Jon Skinner vor 14 Jahren
This will be the indentation detection guessing wrong. You can disable indentation detection:

Minimap headlines

krisdk vor 11 Jahren 0

Hey Guys, 

I know you are all aout making sublime the best to work with.

I have a suggestions for your next version: 

Minimap Headlines!

If I write:  

//  /&/ Search Area &/&


<!--- /&/ Search Area &/&  -->

and so on .. (normal comments with /&/  &/& (or something) inside them)


Browsers will read it as normal comments, Sublime will read it as comment headlines.

Meaning the 'minimap' Will be even more useful, showing overview with LARGE Headings, ease navigation and serve as a mild lock-in!

Hope you will conisder it. Feel free to mail if you have any questions, (I am in contact with your sales) and keep up the great work.




Please support eero.

Fishrock vor 12 Jahren 0

See, eero is essentially a much better wrapper for Objective-C. It would be really nice if Sublime would support editing in it's syntax. :)