Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


detach file manager and minimap from main window

baka veell vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 1

I want to place it on secondary monitor.


Better autocomplete support for object methods

Android Developer vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 2
This may be a little more towards full IDE, but it would be nice to have better autocomplete support for objects and their methods. For instance (in Java), if you have a String object named test, it would be nice to give the methods available for the object when you type the period after the object name. For example typing "test." would give autocomplete suggestions such as isEmpty() and length() and would reduce autocomplete suggestions which are not part of the object's class. 

Alphabetize Go to Symbol

Shaun Harrison vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von doublethink vor 13 Jahren 1
TextMate offers an option to alphabetize the symbols in the symbol list (still structured, of course).  This is useful for larger classes.

def on_new(self, view) has no window

Aaron Scully vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 12 Jahren 6

I'm trying to create a plug-in which intercepts the new file command and opens the new tab to the right of all existing tabs. My code looks something like:

import sublime, sublime_plugin

class EventDump(sublime_plugin.EventListener):

       def on_new(self, view):  
          print ("new file") 
          print (view.window().__class__)
          w = view.window()
          w.set_view_index(view, w.active_group(), len(w.views_in_group  (w.active_group())) - 1)

The problem appears to be that the view doesn't have a window associated with it at the point at which the event fires, making it (as far as I can tell) impossible to move the new file's tab to the rightmost of the rest. Perhaps this event should fire after the view has a window or another event created, like on_after_new_complete.


When at the beginning of a line, ctrl-right should take the cursor to the first non-whitespace character

Ryan Park vor 14 Jahren 0
When the cursor is at the beginning of a line (with some whitespace before the first character), pressing ctrl-right will take the cursor to the end of the first word instead of the first non-whitespace character.

It would be nice if it brought it to the first non-whitespace character like pressing home does.

Closing a project closes all non related open files

Gerald Schneider vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0
When I have a project open and work on non related files all open files are closed, even when they are not related to the project. These files should kept open.

Use Apple's FSEvents (and other platform equivalents) to watch for external modifications.

James Farwell vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0
Apple's FSEvents infrastructure will allow Sublime Text to be proactively notified when a file it has open gets modified on disk out from under it, which means that the view can be refreshed as soon as that happens instead of when the view gets focus again. I'm not sure if there are Windows/Linux equivalents to this, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were.

find in currently focused file

otakustay vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Stanislav Krasnoyarov vor 12 Jahren 7
I don't see how to file all occurence in currently focused file, sublime seems to only provide find in <open buffer> and <open files>, but not a single focused file, is it a miss of functionality, or is there any keyword to specify search scope to current focused file?

"Replace" button has no default key binding

Chris Murphy vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0
There appears to be no default key binding (i.e. shortcut) for the Replace button in Find/Replace, so I'm forced to use the mouse to replace text in this manner.