Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Atomic file saves to ensure file integrity

jj05 vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert vor 14 Jahren 1

The way sublime editor works currently, is that first truncates the file, and then writes its content.

This has various unwanted consequences:
* Files are temporarirly left in an incomplete/inconsistent state while saving, and that might have various unexpected side effects. If there is interruption while saving to the network, the file will remain corrupted until the the user restarts the editor, and the file recovery mechanism kicks in.

* It breaks most file monitoring system, such as inotify; as the notification is triggered the moment it is truncated. It makes things like Guard and LiveReload not work properly, as they update the browser when they detect a change in the file. But when they do, the filesize is 0 bytes.

Screencast on Guard and LiveReload:




setting for reindent on save or load

Pavlos Vinieratos vor 13 Jahren 0
should have a setting for reindenting lines on save.

the command is on edit>line>reindent, just call it on save

Generate a Windows ARM build for jailbroken WinRT devices.

Everyone vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Feijoo Christophe vor 12 Jahren 1

Now that there is an untethered jailbreak for WinRT devices, they have become a realistic product for development. Would you consider producing a build for ARM?


Custom gutter icons

tdegrunt vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Diogo Resende vor 13 Jahren 1
Currently the add_regions(key, [regions], scope, <icon>, <flags>) call, only allows for dot, circle, bookmark, cross. It would be very useful to allow for custom icons, or, add a few more ..

I'm trying to write a debugger for NodeJS applications and I'll try to misuse 'bookmark' and 'circle' for the purpose (breakpoint & run). But specific ones would be more useful.

ASP Classic Comment Adding

Chase Hubbard vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Angel Curros Fariña vor 11 Jahren 1
When you go to add an ASP Classic comment, Sublime adds HTML comments (<!--comment-->) rather than the correct ASP Classic comment ('comment).

German Mac: Unindent shortcut clashes with Layout Grid 4

Leo Koppelkamm vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Felix vor 13 Jahren 2
The shortcuts are the same: Apple+[ === Apple + Alt + 5 on some european keyboards.

Please add something if [ == Alt + 5, then reassign the Layout shortcut to maybe Apple + Shift + Alt + 5

When dragging the last tab from one instance to another, don't leave remaining instance

Scott Bowers vor 13 Jahren 0
Sublime lets you drag tabs around and snap them out of an instance and into a new instance.  When you drag a tab from one instance to another, sublime will leave the separate instance open when there are no other tabs in it.

Suggestion: when moving tabs from one instance to another, destroy the empty  instance so I don't have to.


Leading and Kerning settings

Gaius Centus Novus vor 12 Jahren 0

Some monospace fonts are a little "fuller" than others, taking up the full line height or the full box width. It would be nice to be able to adjust the leading and kerning for these fonts.


Easily run Rspec tests

Patrick Turley vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Tom Brooke vor 14 Jahren 2
Many ROR developers rely heavily on tools like TextMate's ability to easily run Rspec tests. It would great if there were a built-in way to do this.

Regex character classes are not locale-aware

kofkof vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert vor 11 Jahren 3

Hello. The \w and similar regex character classes ([a-z], [[:alpha:]], [[:word:]], etc.) are not locale-aware in the Find/Replace panel. For example, on my french computer, \w correctly matches "a" but not "à". I first mentionned this problem here, in case it helps. Thanks.