Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Make XML syntax definition mark invalid double-hyphen inside comment

Ola Vikholt fa 12 anys 0
In other words, please apply this patch or some variation of it.

diff --git a/a b/XML.tmLanguage

index 9438f60..bbb5823 100644

--- a/a

+++ b/XML.tmLanguage

@@ -109,6 +109,15 @@




+                       <key>patterns</key>

+                       <array>

+                               <dict>

+                                       <key>match</key>

+                                       <string>--</string>

+                                       <key>name</key>

+                                       <string>invalid.illegal.double-hyphen-in-comment.xml</string>

+                               </dict>

+                       </array>





Erlang syntax highlighting error (with potential fix!)

Anselm Eickhoff fa 12 anys 0

In Erlang, fun is not only a keyword for lambdas, but can also be used in -spec macro directives.


-spec for_house_of(Type :: row|column|box,
  Pos :: integer(),
  AccStart :: X,
  Fun :: fun((Pos :: integer(), Acc::X) -> (Y))
) -> [Y].

This breaks syntax highlighting afterwards though (because Sublime text thinks we're in an anonymous function that has never been ended).

(multiline or single line -spec doesn't matter).

It can be fixed by ignoring the fun keyword if it follows two colons in this case:

Erlang.tmLanguage, line 699





This is only a hack though, because the parameter spec could also be unnamed:

-spec for_house_of(Type :: row|column|box,
  fun((integer(), X) -> (Y))
) -> [Y].

Remove special characters from sublime text 2 directories and files

Nicholas Whittier fa 14 anys 0
I am running the Linux (x86_64) build.  I realize that this does not have true feature ramifications, but it would be great if the file/directories were restructured to remove spaces and special characters.   

I love the simple elegance that ST offers almost as much as the straight-forward customization that is available in the config files.  Then I navigate to those config files to find filenames like "Base File (Linux).sublime-settings" and I cringe.

Opening files and folders problem

aristidesfl fa 13 anys 0
Since I've done the update to 2200 I've been having problems opening files and folders some times. 
Sometimes they don't open, other times they take a long time.
I don't know if it only happens with the subl utility or by dragging files on top of the icon because those are the only 2 ways I open things.

Here are a few seconds of the log after having some problems: 

BACK and FORWARD button suggestion. to go the last opened file.

Diogo Pereira fa 13 anys updated by FichteFoll fa 13 anys 3
BACK and FORWARD button suggestion. to go the last opened file. 

Find in Files Saved Configurations

Owen Lewery fa 12 anys 0

I love find in files - saves me every minute of the day, it's fast and ST2 is the first editor to make it easier than using find at the command line. Thanks. However, I tend to have a few configs that I use all the time - usually combinations of directories and file globs. It would make life even easier if I could save those configs and then pick them from a popup, say at the end of the "where" entry box. I'd settle for recents but better would be to save them somewhere (or even create a settings file).


Code comments that show up in sidebar.

Joren Mathews fa 13 anys 0
If you could create a comment in code, which would show up readably sized in the sidebar. Something like //!User section would print "User section" legibly where that comment appears floating over the sidebar.

An API for images/iframes

altivan fa 11 anys actualitzat fa 11 anys 2
I can't believe I'm the only one who feels that ST3 is far from a improvement without this... maybe they are using a different wording...

Because really, for many things like choosing html images (img[src]), previewing Marcdown files, previewing image files selected on the side bar so we need some kind of iframe inside Sublime; if you want to to implement this in the most painless way you can use a Chrome app; all the platforms you support also have support for Chrome (or Chromium).

Goto default text doesn't work as expected

fl00r fa 13 anys 0

I mean:

    { "keys": ["super+c"], "command": "show_overlay", "args": {"overlay": "goto", "text": "controllers"} }

should open overlay with text "controller" so I can find only through controllers dir. But with first clicking it opens first file that matches this pattern and only on the second click it will open overlay will this text

Zen-coding and multiple cursors produces unusual results.

Aaron Spaulding fa 13 anys 0

Paste the following text in to ST2 then put cursors after the braces. Press tab:





It produces the following output:


