Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Save multiple panes and files position

Martin Supiot fa 12 anys actualitzat fa 12 anys 2
Sublime Text save panes configuration and opened files on exit. I wish I can save multiple states, one by bug or feature, and switch between them when I need. 

Don't close project window

Geoffrey Clements fa 13 anys updated by Stefan Trkulja fa 11 anys 2
If you hit Cmd-W a bunch of times to close all open files, ST2 should not close the project window if there are no more files open. In other words, Cmd-W should close files, but not the project window.

ST2 can close the window if the window is not associated with a project. For instance if the subl command line tool was used to open a file or directory.

hightlight current linge

Cyril Lamotte fa 12 anys actualitzat fa 12 anys 2

I noticed I often search the cursor in the screen when the ST's window is unfocused, even i focus the window, the cursor is not very visible.
I suggest the possibility of highligh the current line.

According to me, it will be great.

Sorry for my english ;)


Add "Mac OS Roman" text encoding

Steve McLeod fa 11 anys actualitzat fa 11 anys 2

On the Mac version, in "File" -> "Reopen with Encoding", there is no "Mac OS Roman" encoding. I'm currently working with a file that has this encoding, and it would be nice to have it in the list.


Issue with the .dmg for Mac

Raphael Lopez fa 11 anys 0
My computer does not recognize the sublime text installer dmg :/
Seems to be broken.

Clicking on window from find should place cursor

levymetal fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 1

In the most recent build a feature was added - "Clicking on a background window will bring it to the front only, and not change the selection". I understand the use of this with multi-windows open, but now it's painful to place the cursor after searching for text. For example, I hit cmd + f to search for text in a document, then I have to click in the window twice to place the cursor (once to activate window, once to place cursor).

Perhaps this behaviour shouldn't happen from the find window (considering find changes the selection anyway), or there should be a toggle in preferences.


Context menu for directory

Gian Marco Gherardi fa 11 anys 0

From the commandline you can open a directory with sublime text and have the corresponding directory structure available in ST sidebar, but this option is not available in Windows Explorer context menu.

It would be nice to have this context menu added by the windows installer.


Highlight all instances of selected word for multiple panes

Taylan Kasap fa 11 anys 0

Question is: is there a way to achieve this? Probably not. So idea is: what title says and not only first selected word but all and maybe same feature for the word in search panel.


Thank you for this amazing coding tool, I'm getting more addicted everyday /o/

FloFlow fa 12 anys 0

It's been 2 weeks that I use Sublime Text and I already can't live without it, I makes me goes faster on my projects, thank you for this !


Shortcut to run current script

Jack Galilee fa 13 anys updated by Lance Parker fa 12 anys 1
It'd be good if like TextMate I could just run the script I'm working on. Maybe this exists but I can't find it, in this case it'd be good to have it more prominent.

CMD + R is a habit of running to test my script works. Unlike TextMate though it'd be awesome if when I do this Sublime asks me for program arguments before running the program.