Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


More animation in sidebar

Matt Peterson fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 0
When expanding or collapsing a folder with a large number of items in it, the sidebar likes to jump instantly to center the expanded or collapsed folder, which my eyes find quite disorienting. Is it possible to animate this scrolling?

Automatic autocomplete default suggestion

Bill Horsman fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 0
I love the new automatic autocomplete, but I think it should not default to any of the suggestions. As it is, if I type "else", for example, and hit ENTER it will automatically expand that to your best guess for else which is not what I want. I love that it pops up some suggestions but I don't want any of them to happen by default.

The workaround is to type "else" + ESC + ENTER which is a pain.

I think a reasonable expectation for autocomplete is that if you can still just type code without having to explicitly reject any suggestions.

Good work otherwise!

auto code formatting?

Elgs Chen fa 12 anys 0

I'm new to sublime text, and I found it cool. However, it seems it is missing code auto formatting, which is extremely important to me. I'm expected auto code formatting will work as what (my)eclipse does, which helps to format almost all language code. I have tried package control, but seems there's not a ideal solution, (yet).


Recent files list

aristidesfl fa 12 anys updated by Vladimir Prieto fa 9 anys 3
Recent files are sorted by usage
Image 149

I bought sublime and I use the license at work...

Daniele Niero fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 0
and I never been so happy with a IDE in my life!

Inline Composition ( in Japanese ) is truly wanted

Hiroshi Noto fa 12 anys 0

Typing Japanese in Windows, typed word appeared at outside of window.

Someone makes plugin (, but render is not beautiful.

I love this application, please fix this!


Dictionary-like access to settings

Rob Cowie fa 13 anys 0
Working with the settings object is often not simple. Making the object more dictionary-like would be a big improvement. Tasks such as combining defaults with user config would become trivial if we could iterate the key-value pairs.

Better visualization for "Goto Symbol"

Halbanonym fa 12 anys 0
I often use "#pragma mark TEXT" or "#pragma mark -" within my C-Code for structuring. Sublime Text recognizes those pragmas and adds them to the list of symbols correctly.
However, for a better readability it would be better when sublime highlights thos items in the list of symbols, e.g be using a bold font or a brighter color.

Close without saving dialog - improve button labels

Tim Haines fa 13 anys updated by Andrew Holloway fa 13 anys 2
If you have a new file and try to close it without saving, the buttons show:

[ Don't Save ] .....  [Cancel] [OK]

It would be an improvement to say:

[ Don't Close ] .....  [ Close Without Saving ] [ Save ]

Ctrl+Shift+P should open AND close the projects list

ZachDowd fa 13 anys updated by Greenwich fa 13 anys 2
Pressing Ctrl+Shift+P opens the projects window but there is no way to close it without opening a project or using the mouse to close the popup. It would make more sense for this to work like the other popup lists.