Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Remember encodings for saved session

Pavel Perestoronin fa 12 anys 0
When remember_open_files option is True it's desirable to remember encoding with which every file was opened. E.g. if I've opened a file, then chosen "Reopen with encoding - Windows 1252", closed the editor and then opened it - I would like to see my opened file in Windows 1252.

Open project opens new window

Michael Mackus fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 12 anys 3
Hi, when I "open project" it normally opens a new sublime window for the new project. This is great when I'm juggling multiple projects at one time. However, when I have no project "open" and I go to project -> open, it still opens the new project in a new window. IMO it would be a lot easier if it just opened the project in the same sublime window (but only if there isn't already an existing project open).


Keep fullscreen between sessions

aristidesfl fa 13 anys 0

Most of the time I like to use ST2 in fullscreen.

It's a pain to make it fullscreen every time I restart the application.

Full screen state should be kept between sessions.
Or at least an option to set fullscreen to default.


Select command - Display a dialogue containing all commands (like the select files or projects one)

Agile Apricot fa 13 anys 0
It would be great to have a command with keybinding that would open a dialogue - like the select project/file one - that listed all the commands. Allowing you to search and filter them. Also if it could display the key bindings that would be awesome.

fine-grained auto_match_enabled behavior?

Justin P. fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 0
so, it would be really awesome if we could have a bit more fine-grained control over what gets auto_match-ed.  so, for instance, in lisp i dont want to have to delete the automatically-appearing ' when i type in some data.  but i dont want to turn off auto_match completely (especially in lisp, with all thoes parens all around.... i'm just learning it so it's kind of scary :P  )

Better word-left/right movement on OS X

Ben Artin fa 12 anys 0

The usual behavior of word-left/right movement on OS X is to skip groups of word-separating characters. For example, using | to indicate caret position, word-left from "foo-bar-|baz" is "foo-|bar-baz", just as word-left from "foo bar |baz" is "foo |bar baz". In Sublime Text 2, on the other hand, word-left from "foo-bar-|baz" is "foo-bar|-baz".

Having the default word-movement and selection behavior in ST differ from the rest of my system is really confusing. (Compare to Mail, Safari, TextMate, Xcode.)


Under Windows, middle clicking Sublime Text 2 doesn't open a new window

Keith Buck fa 12 anys 0

Under Windows Vista and 7, you can middle-click an application's taskbar button to start a new instance or open a new window.  For example, middle-clicking Firefox's button will open a second Firefox window with your homepage loaded in a tab.  Sublime Text 2 doesn't honor this and instead performs no action.  Instead, it should open a new window with no files open.


trim trailing whitespace as sublime command

David Baumgold fa 12 anys 0
I wanted to be able to trim trailing whitespace on my file by opening the Command Palette and just typing it in. I was about to write my own plugin, when I noticed that the "trim_trailing_white_space_on_save" option was implemented in the Default plugin -- so I just modified that! I've put together a patch file which you can download at (or view at

The patch adds a text command to run "Trim Trailing Whitespace" from the command palette, and it operates either on the whole file, or on just the part that you have selected.

stdin not supported

Rsw Nd fa 12 anys 0
ST2 does not support the stdin,for python language,the 'input()' can not be excable with a EOF error.
addition, python debug is not being supported.
wish a improvement !

Smarter, Context-Sensitive Auto-Bracket Insertion

Aaron Wright fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 0
I write a *lot* of JavaScript. Mostly in MooTools, but even jQuery and "vanilla" writers would benefit from the following, I think:

If I type out the following (the | is my cursor):

window.addEvent ('domready', function () {|

Sublime will somewhat dumbly do the following when I press return:

window.addEvent ('domready', function () {


Now, I'm grateful that it's trying, but in cases like this, it's actually more of a nuisance. What I would love for it to do, instead:

window.addEvent ('domready', function () {


Yeah. Getting shivers? How awesome would that be? It would add the semi-colon and the closing round bracket. It could even be super smart and put an invisible insertion marker between the } and ) in the event this function has more arguments, and I could just tab past it to the right of the semi-colon if it didn't.

There is another instance in which the current auto-bracket closing is frustrating:

var App = new Class ({

'initialize': function (options) {|
'method': function () {
// some stuff here

Pressing return with my insertion point where it is above would yield:

var App = new Class ({

'initialize': function (options) {
'method': function () {
// some stuff here

See the syntax error? It would have to place a comma after the automatically-inserted bracket. Now, that's probably asking a lot, but even if it added the comma EVERY time in this context, it'd be a lot easier for developers to remove the superfluous comma than to continually go in and add one every. single. time.

I think that about covers my most frequently-encountered quirks with the bracket-closing magic of Sublime. I am 100% oblivious to the complexity of implementing such improvements, but I do feel like Sublime, which is scopes and such, is probably in the best position of all editors to make it happen.

Thank you for reading!

- Aaron Wright