Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Can't import multiprocessing in plugin

johtso fa 13 anys updated by Fredrik Ehnbom fa 13 anys 1
When I try to import multiprocessing I get this Traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File ".\", line 57, in reload_plugin
  File ".\", line 5, in <module>
    from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
  File "<string>", line 27, in load_module
  File ".\multiprocessing\", line 83, in <module>
ImportError: No module named _multiprocessing

Does anyone know what's going on?

I want status bar of Sublime Text2 have a text to indicate the current file is in Unix or Windows format

Tung Dang fa 13 anys 0
I want status bar of Sublime Text2 have a text to indicate the current file is in Unix or Windows format. This feature is like Notepadd++, you can see it in status bar of Notepadd++

Styling of spelling errors

Florian Schulze fa 13 anys updated by chaiguy fa 13 anys 1
It would be great if one could style spelling errors. Personally I would prefer keeping the wavy underline and not change the color of the word itself.

multi language

Cideo fa 12 anys 0

Add multi-language support (en / fr / es / de / ...)


Sync folder view with currently selected tab

Thadeus fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 0
Eclipse has a feature that will sync the file listing with the currently selected tab. It opens the folder tree so browsing files that are close to the currently opened file is much easier.

Allow output panel to be undocked

MarcusO fa 12 anys 0
Currently the output panel can only be displayed at the bottom of the window - which is fine for single monitor systems.

For working in a multi-monitor setup though it would be great if this window could be undocked and shown in another monitor.

Only one group visible and/or 'maximize' the current editor tab

kimus fa 13 anys 0
I'm finding that is the Layout that defines how many Groups there are in the ST2. But sometimes I want to 'group' several files in one 'screen' and another bunch of files in another 'screen'. So, basically I could achieve that making only one group visible and then I could switch between them without being forced to split in Layouts. Or/And I could 'maximize'  the current editor (ie: like eclipse does double click in tab)

Color support (or command character hiding) in the build output

Martin Heidegger fa 11 anys 0

I use sublime builds to run unit tests and in nodejs the unit test system often uses code coloring. Unfortunately the build output shows just the command characters of the colors (no coloring itself) which makes the result painful to read (even in ST3). It would be awesome if the console would support colors but having the command characters ignored would also be a step forward.


Custom ruler & wrap?

Matt Shepherd fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 0
I'd like to put a ruler/wrap at 19 characters for a writing project. Any way that can be customized? 

Icons for Sublime project files

Halbanonym fa 13 anys updated by James Homer fa 11 anys 1
Please add an icon and file type registration for ".sublime-project" files. Currently the Finder displays a default blank document icon. There was another request for this a year ago and you answered it was fixed in build 2165 but this seems to be false or a regression.