Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.



sony ferariu 11 years ago 0

Sublime is Textmate 2+

Gernot Kogler 14 years ago 0

On ubuntu 11.10 sublime text 2 2153 not work.

Eduar Carvajal 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
"/usr/bin/sublime-text-2: línea 2: 14658 Violación de segmento  /usr/lib/sublime-text-2/sublime_text $*"

2 column layout sync of changes

Alan Lilly 11 years ago 0
I use 2 column layout often to make changes to different files, but I also use it to make changes to different sections of the same file.  
I make changes to the top part of a file in the left column layout and also make changes to the bottom of the same file in the right column layout.

If you forget to save the first changes in the left layout, you will lose them when you save the second change in the right layout.  The warning is nice but, I prefer how Notepad++ handles synchronization between layouts of the same file.  

All changes should be sync'ed on the fly... so I don't loose any changes and I don't have to save my file until I want to.

Jump with keyboard from find in files

Alexander Schepanovski 13 years ago 0
The same what is done now with double click


pazsxn 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0

nevermind, I found it works as I wanted


Clicking on "find in folder" when find is open closes find.

Skip 14 years ago 0
If the find dialog is open and you click on "find in folder" the dialog will go away.  I would expect it to stay open and update the "in location" field with the folder that I have selected.

Ctrl+D Ctrl+K doesn't work as expected when it wraps around the file

Istvan Kispal 12 years ago 0

When the next match found by Ctrl+D is above the starting point (search wraps around to the beginning of the file). Ctrl+D Ctrl+K will toggle the selection of the match with the highest line number instead of the last match, which actually has the lowest line number.


lazy tasks

Klaus Hougesen 11 years ago 0

Create a way for both plugin developers and users to run "lazy task" at various points. for instance: register lazy task in a queue and execute on startup once, every 10 minutes, every day etc.After typing and nothing happens for 10 minutes etc.


Package Manager could use this to register an "update repository as stream when nothing is happening" and stop as soon as something is happening (it would be up to the author to continue from last load index or begin again).

User build lets say just compiling some .less to .css or linting to a log, could be registered as a lazy task . run when available, run once anytime after startup 
