Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Available them classes/attributes reference

Abel Muiño 13 year бұрын 0
I'm having a hard time finding a good reference of the customizable classes and their attributes on a theme file.

i.e. things like:

    "class": "tab_control",
    "attributes": ["dirty"],
    "layer0.tint": [255, 200, 200]

I know there are lots of themes to borrow from, but I wonder… how could they find out the available class and attributes?

A reference/cheatsheet would be handy.

Disappearing tab when dragging

Bill Spingarn 13 year бұрын updated by gvillafu1994 13 year бұрын 1
Dragging a tab off the main window will sometimes cause the tab to disappear completely instead of making the tab it's own new window. However, the disappeared tab remains an "open file" in ST2. The only way to recover is to restart ST2.

Win7 - ST2 Build 2181

Make environment variables available to menus

notanumber 14 year бұрын 0
I posted this on the Sublime Text forums here ( but didn't get a reply.

Do plugin menus have the ability to take environment variables? I see the `open_dir` command does, but is this exposed to plugin writer?

eg. Can I do something like this: `"args": {"dir": "$file_path", "file": "$file_name"}`?

I'd really like to be able to accept the file name, if possible. As it stands, in order to mimic this somewhat, I have two layers of text commands; the first simply calls the second, passing the file name as argument. Ultimately, I'd like to be able to do away with this abstraction.


snippets always take priority over autocomplete

David Trejo 13 year бұрын updated by robertcollier4 11 year бұрын 1
Snippets should always take priority over autocomplete when I am typing.
This is very frustrating.
Also, my autocomplete and snippets should not reorder based on how often I use them.
Thank you,
Paying user

horizontal scroll bar blocks my click, OSX

Derek Adair 11 year бұрын 0
very minor thing, but you can see in my video that i am trying to click on the last line of this file, it is being blocked by the horizontal scroll bar.  At the end you can see my  clicking while slowly moving my cursor up until the click finally registers.

Code School tutorial

Emil Hemdal 12 year бұрын 0

A Code School tutorial of how to do all the awesome things in Sublime Text would be awesome!

It's posted at Code School as well. Please vote for it!


Windows 7 Error: "Unable to run package setup"

Mario Olivio Flores 13 year бұрын жаңартылды 13 year бұрын 0

I'm getting this bizarre error when trying to run on Windows 7.  I lost track of which release started causing this error, but it's been happening for over a month now. 

Image 119

I'm not sure how I could fetch a stack trace, but if there is anything I can do to help, let me know!

Easier way to get/set settings on a per-buffer basis

Bradford Larsen 13 year бұрын жаңартылды 13 year бұрын 0
Occasionally, I'm editing a file of a particular type, and I want to use a custom setting just for that buffer.  For example, I might want to enable word wrapping at column 60 in a particular buffer.  I do a web search to look up the console command to do this:

    view.settings().set('word_wrap', 60)

I never remember this incantation and have to look it up each time I want it.  Other editors, such as vim, have a much simpler way:


Perhaps a similarly lightweight way to specify custom settings on a per-buffer basis can be added to Sublime Text 2?

Comments syntax coloring bug

David Čepelík 14 year бұрын 0
While class A {/* comment */ is a correct comment syntax in PHP, the comment is not highlighted by Sublime Text 2 b2047.

Reindent lines bug in Javascript

Petter Wichman 11 year бұрын 0

1. "Indentation:Reindent lines" does get confused by lines with faulty indentation...
In the example below i have "Tab size set to 4" and "Indent using spaces set"

2. Another bug in the "Indentation:Reindent lines" function: it gets confused by comments.

// Before 

namespace('lala', function() {

    initialize: function() {

      _debug("lala1"); // only indented by two spaces!




// After "Indentation:Reindent lines"

namespace('lala', function() {

    initialize: function() {

      _debug("lala1"); <-- still only two spaces




// Expected but not actual

namespace('lala', function() {

    initialize: function() {

        _debug("lala1"); // only indented by two spaces!


