Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Why Focusing On Your Career In High School Will Pay Dividends Later

abi ross 11 ár síðan 0

Looking back at my career, I’m always thankful that my parents pushing me to get an internship in high school. That single experience has a lot to do with how I got to where I am today. Back in 2001, all of my friends decided to do one last summer as camp counselors before they graduated high school. Instead of following in the same path, I had a job at a local internet service provider making cold calls. Although I never landed any new business, what it taught me was that you have to work hard, if you don’t love what you’re selling you won’t close any business and that I wanted to focus on marketing in college and avoid sales at all costs. That single internship experience ended up helping me getting into the college of my choice and enabled me to get future internships because I already had a track record. Back then, I wouldn’t have guessed what that single internship would do for me over ten years in the future.
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Today, we see that unemployment is high, especially for recent college graduates, who also suffer from one trillion in student loan debt. The economy has forced us all to rethink career management . No longer can you wait until your junior year of college, like most career centers recommend, in order to get an internship and pray that it will magically turn into a job. You have to start focusing on your career earlier in life in order to be able to become much more competitive throughout the course of your entire life. Those that wait will face the menacing realities of the job market, where if you aren’t a proven entity, you will get passed over. “For students, work experience is the key to ensure they make a good career decision and build their professional network,” says Robin D. Richards, the CEO of

In a new study called “High School Careers“, by my company and, we surveyed 4,769 students, which includes 172 high school students and 4,597 college students. 90% of companies agree that high school internship programs can help students get into better colleges, 89% say they’ll have a competitive advantage when looking for a college internship or full-time job, and 83% said those internships will yield better paying jobs. ” The sooner that students can leverage employment opportunities related to their field of study, the more likely they will be to complete their degree and find a relevant career opportunity post graduation,” says Brad McMahon, the SVP of Business and Product Development at +U, an partner.

Imaging you’re in college admissions and you see the same old applications day in and day out. Students who have a good GPA, interesting essays and good SAT scores are now a dime a dozen. A college recruiter that sees an internship on an application will be impressed that that student is already career focused, that they took the initiative and are already heading into their freshman year with a solid foundation. Now think of college recruiters who see similar resumes every single day. If they run across a resume with internships dating back to high school, that applicant is going to stand out and have a better chance of getting the job. Furthermore, getting that high school internship, will make it easier to get future internships and jobs, which will set them on a path to long term success.

I urge parents to help their children get on the right bath because then they won’t complain that their son or daughter had to move back home after graduation without a job. I urge students to take initiative because competing in this market isn’t going to get easier. You have to start earlier, work harder and constantly leverage each work opportunity to secure future employment.


Windows License Location Problem

Icarus 11 ár síðan 0
Windows 7, Home Premium, SP1, 64-bit
Sublime Text 3, Build 3047
Single User License

I think there is a mistake in where the Submlime Text 3 user license is stored on Windows. This doesn't cause software failures, but has the potential to cause problems if people are synchronizing application settings between machines using something like Dropbox.

There are several user-specific folder locations for application settings on Windows. Under <user>AppData the following exist:
\local (stored in %LOCALAPPDATA%)
\Roaming (stored in %APPDATA%)

The ST3 license key is located in a folder "local" under "Roaming": \Roaming\local instead of just \local. For example:
"C:\Users\userName\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Local"
"C:\Users\userName\AppData\Local\Sublime Text 3\Local"

The problem occurs for users that have created a symlink for their roaming folder that points to a shared location. In my case the desktop and laptop installations of ST3 keep overwriting each other's keys (License.sublime_license) in the Roaming\local directory.

I think the keys should be stored in ...\local and not ...\Roaming\local, which prevents this conflict and seems to be the correct location for machine-specific settings.

It's possible to workaround this by creating symlinks further down the directory tree:
"C:\Users\userName\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages"
"C:\Users\userName\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Installed Packages"
So that "C:\Users\userName\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Local" remains local. But it would be an improvement to move these machine-specific files to \local, for example on my machine:

The confusion might have been using the %APPDATA% variable for everything, which points to the "Roaming" directory. However, you can also use the %LOCALAPPDATA% variable which will point you to a user's "local" folder.

Text navigation shortcut

Justin Noel 11 ár síðan 0

I write latex code which involves very long single lines of text (essentially a paragraph's worth). It would be nice if there were keys that would move visually up/down through the text as if it the word wrapping had inserted line breaks. 


Westhill Consulting Business Diagnostic

Shane McMillian 11 ár síðan 0
TalentReflect ™ is a diagnostic tool defining the natural strengths of the subject. It combines self-assessment and 360 degree feedback . Yet invites five other people who opine operation and behavior of the person being evaluated.

SCM is a tool combining evaluation methodology based on the Success Case Method of multimedia form of follow-up training. The tool assesses whether specific skills acquired during the training were used with measurable success.
Utility is an introduction to the in-depth individual interviews (acts as a screening).

TEAM PLUS diagnoses assessed the quality of teamwork by all its members. The report describes 10 dimensions of team effectiveness on a scale of plus / minus (which has a tested team, what's missing). The survey is anonymous, and the results are analyzed collectively.

Westhill Consulting


line wrap in build errors

Justin Noel 11 ár síðan 0

It would be nice if the build error panel wrapped the lines (perhaps making it clear where one error ends and the next begins). The errors from my compiler are long single lines and I have to use the mouse to select all the text to see exactly what the error says.



Asal Sunda Kenary 11 ár síðan 0

Implement "select code block"

codex 13 ár síðan 0
Other editors have a feature which allows one to select up the code block stack, e.g.

def foo():
if 1:
pass<cursor here>

On the first invocation, the current line is selected.  On second invocation, the entire if statement is selected.  On the third invocation, the entire function is selected.  Very useful.

Error windows EVERYWHERE when deleting Packages while ST is running

Scott Vivian 12 ár síðan 0

1. Open Sublime Text.

2. Go to Prefences > Browse Packages...

3. Delete (or cut & paste to a different folder) a bunch of the folders here.

4. Marvel at the complete system breakdown when 50+ error alerts are generated ALL AT ONCE!! It took me over 5 minutes to clear them all.

Sure, deleting stuff from these directories when ST is running may not be the best idea, but ONE error window will suffice! ST shouldn't collapse like that...


Allow editing in "Find in Files..."

Sergey Telshevsky 11 ár síðan 0
When searching for anything, it would be a killer feature for an editor that has multiselect, to allow editing all files in one, you select the search string and may perform something like comment all strings that have the needle by going to the beginning of the line and inserting comment tag. This commenting in beginning of the line is impossible to do with "Replace"

Error when delete file on Sublime Text 3

Lê hồng hiếu 11 ár síðan 0

I tried and find it SublimeText3 following error: When I delete any file on one sublime interface, it is still displayed on the interface of the SublimeText3. Only when I restart it takes away from the look of the SublimeText3