Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


scss background: url(); crash sublimetext2

Tom Pietrosanti il y a 12 ans 0

Not sure if this is the right place to report this, but I had an scss file with background: url(); and it would hang sublimetext2 every time I tried to open the file..  Not sure if it's a core issue, or related to a plugin, but I wanted to at least let someone know.  If there is any way I can help, please let me know.


on your website, the demonstration window, I clicked on the 'close window' icon. Can you have a JS popup to mock those of us who do that please...

il y a 12 ans 0
on your website, the demonstration window, I clicked on the 'close window' icon. Can you have a JS popup to mock those of us who do that please...

... also, on my open ID login it says
You are signing in to as
which is a bug?

theme scopes with backgroundcolor make line highlight dissappear

jaap groeneveld il y a 14 ans 0
not sure if this is a bug or intented.

nautilus-gksu doesn't work with Sublime Text 2

Simón ヅ il y a 14 ans 0
Ubuntu 10.04 64 bits
I have defined Sublime Text 2 like default editor of text files.
I have installed nautilus-gksu ( but when I try to open a text file as root, Sublime Text 2 opens nothing.

Bug in settings.has

Fredrik Ehnbom il y a 13 ans mis à jour il y a 13 ans 0
For the SublimeClang plugin I had a list in the settings. If the list only exists in SublimeClang/SublimeClang.sublime-settings, the plugin api Settings.has returns false, but Settings.get still returns the list as specified in that path.

If the list is in the user settings, has returns true as expected.

Italic font bug

Aliaksandr Chaiko il y a 13 ans mis à jour il y a 13 ans 0
The new Build 2165 has a some bug with new italic font feature: italic fonts are below the other text. You can see it on js function or var declaration. Keywords are italic and thay are below the normal text. Sorry for my bad english =\

Shortcuts in project view

Andrei Zisu il y a 13 ans mis à jour il y a 13 ans 0
F2 rename shortcut in project view
F5 refresh shortcut in project view
Drag and drop support for files move

Opening file over gvfs doesn't remember path of the file currently open

Frank Kumro il y a 14 ans 0
When opening a new file over gvfs, the editor doesn't remember the path of the currently open file. It works fine for local files, but nothing mounted over gvfs. Tested this on 2076/2087.

Reduce tab bar height

stijn il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Danny McVey il y a 9 ans 3
the tab bar is, what, 50 pixels high? On modern displays, favouring width over height, that is quite a lot. Also only half of the tab's height is effectively used, the rest is just a waste of screen space. An option to reduce the tab so that the text just fits with some border left would be great.

output can ignore wrong encoded chars and output others

贾延平 il y a 12 ans 0