Automatic updates
On Mac OS X you need to download every new alpha release, which is a bit of a nuisance. It would make sense to use something like Sparkle, or maybe the App store to do automatic updates. For Linux and Windows i suppose there are good mechanisms too.
If this is too much work, i guess an automatic check at startup that gives the user a popup that a new version is available might be possible as well.
If this is too much work, i guess an automatic check at startup that gives the user a popup that a new version is available might be possible as well.

Jon Skinner 14 years ago
Added for OS X in build 2020

For linux it can be native DEB and RPM packages. For Ubuntu - PPA. If really needed - i can support PPA for ST2 and DEBs, but not now. I think, now ST2 have more priority tasks.

With the amount of current releases, I think this would actually be pretty neat. Something like Chrome update :)

i am not sure, why this got downvoted. i too think, that automatic update-check would be a nice addition. there are probably ways to implement this in a cross-platform way. but i don't think, that it is the right time for sublime text to be in the mac app-store. would appreciate it for the final release, though.
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