Snippets tabTrigger can't start with a period
I just installed the official jQuery TextMate bundle. A lot of the snippet tabTrigger words start with a period, like
The tabTriggers do not work if the word starts with a period. I can easily remove the period from the tabTrigger definition in the snippet file and it works fine.
Richard Tape 13 лет назад
Looks like you can't start with a "<" symbol either. I had a snippet to insert inline html comments so that I typed
and I received
<!-- $0 -->
But when making a snippet with a tabTrigger of <! I get an error
Error parsing snippet xml: Error reading end tag. In file Packages/User/comment.sublime-snippet
(It's the same for either < and <! so it's clearly the < character it dislikes)
Richard Tape 13 лет назад
Haha. 30 seconds after posting this comment I had a lightbulb moment (because I clicked the 'code' button here on UserEcho. I tried using
(i.e. escaped html) and that works just great!
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