Option for autocomplete to search all open documents, not just current one
It would be super useful if autocomplete searched all open buffers/documents for words, instead of just the one being currently edited. This is basically how Vim's Omnicomplete works (unless you deck it out with crazy options and plugins). It also seems like a much quicker option than the full-blown Intellisense-style proposals for autocomplete, and wouldn't need language-level support.
If there are people who prefer single-buffer completion, maybe it would just be a flag somewhere that could be set to enable multi-buffer autocomplete?
Ordering the suggestions would be a bit more difficult for multi-buffer completion, but I guess you could just throw all of the suggestions from other buffers beneath the distance-sorted suggestions from the current one being edited.
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Similar post, but same concept. I'm upvoting both as I think whatever the best way to implement this is will probably be adopted.
The only real matter is actually implementing it as such, I can't imagine it to necessarily be a simple matter; That's why Jon is the creator and not myself though :p
Voting up, although you can use this plug-in https://github.com/alienhard/SublimeAllAutocomplete