
scanning folders does not take into account "folder_exclude_patterns"

brenes 14 років тому оновлено Jon Skinner 14 років тому 0
I have a project with a symlink between folders that create a loop.

Including that symlink into the "folder_exclude_patterns" allow me to hide it in the folders column, but it doesn't seem to be working while scanning the project folders, as it takes several minutes and it consumes nearly 2GB of memory (once the scan is finished it drops to 15MB).
Jon Skinner 14 років тому
Fixed in build 2020

Add support for standard terminal escape characters

Anand Gupta 13 років тому 0

Most *nix terminals support text formatting and coloring by specific control characters:


and many build/test systems (such as Google's gtest for c/c++/js) exploit these to have nicely formatted output. It'd be great to have support for these.


shift+scroll doesn't scroll left/right in OS X

jcoby 13 років тому 0
using shift+scroll wheel doesn't horizontal scroll like other OS X apps.

colors in the status line

glyph 12 років тому 0
I'd like to be able to colorize the status line to draw my eye to more important bits of it. For example, it would be nice if something like https://github.com/akrabat/SublimeFunctionNameDisplay could display the function name in the function-name syntax color and the class name in the class name syntax color, similar to what Emacs's which-func-mode does.

Indentation bug

Tomas - 12 років тому 0
I'm not really sure if it's a bug or it was intended to do so, but IMO it has to be fixed
Image 144

Move trailing brace up to when code folding

Hermi Mercury 12 років тому оновлений 12 років тому 2
Just a minor nitpick, but this example:
    while(1) {

folds to this:
    while(1) {  ... 

I'd prefer that the closing brace moved up to the folded line.  Not being able to fold a single nested line is also a bit annoying, but I believe that has already been reported.

Fortran not supported in Sublime Text 3

Andrew Murrell 11 років тому оновлений 11 років тому 2
I could get syntax highlighting to work for ST 2 but after migrating to 3 the language stuff is completely different. How can I get Fortran syntax highlighting on Sublime Text 3?

Mark / Bookmark color

Krys AkaSpectral 11 років тому оновлено Timo Palomaa 11 років тому 1

Compared to other tools, the mark/bookmark is hard to see. It is just a simple white arrow. I will just propose to have it in RED by example. Or use another more visible icon. It will be very useful.

Something else that can be useful : choosing the mark color. This way we can mark the code for different purpose (and by default in red :-P)

Thanks for your great tool...

MiniMap just for some tabs

bentastic 13 років тому оновлений 13 років тому 0
Show/hide MiniMap for each file separatly (just for this and for this file for ex.)

Searching folders

Skip 13 років тому оновлений 13 років тому 2
In the old version when you dragged a folder in you would open that folder as a project and remove any other project you already had in place.  You could then search just that folder/project.

In Sublime 2 when you drag in a folder to the Side Bar  it does not replace the other folders you were working on.  Now when you do a search you get all the files from all the folders you have open.

How do I restrict my search to just the folder I want?

wanted: yasm assembly syntax highlight

kelvin bitnick 12 років тому 0
subject says it all

Vintage mode ge and f... ;

Saša Tokić 11 років тому 0

It would be nice if Vintage mode supported ge, currently it just goes to the next word end....

Also when you search for a next letter using f(some character) ; should take you to the next occurrence like it does in Vim.



Clean up trailing whitespace for auto-indented lines

Scott Bowers 13 років тому оновлено Jon Skinner 13 років тому 0
When coding with auto indent, auto indent will leave trailing white space on empty lines.  When you have environments where trim_trailing_white_space_on_save is not feasible, this forces you to manually clean up after auto indent.
Jon Skinner 13 років тому
Automatically inserted whitespace is removed when you start typing.

Syntax highlighting for Apache files

gvillafu1994 12 років тому оновлений 12 років тому 0
It should be possible to see the syntax highlighted for files used a lot of times on Apache servers (with extensions *.conf, *.htacess, *.htpasswd, so on).

For example, highlight words like "RewriteEngine" or "RewriteRule" as keywords,
lines starting with # as comments, code folding if tags like <Directory "C:/my/files/"> </Directory> are written, etc.

Well, you know that more than I do.
Also, I agree SublimeText should print files too, and offer several options for that. Anyway, thanks for this excelent product and keep the effort flowing.

Memorize Code Folding

Yasha Nisanov 12 років тому 0
Not sure if this is already an option that I'm missing... please implement a code folding memory so that a file with previously applied folds remembers those folds on subsequent opens.



Сергей Бехарский 11 років тому оновлено Igor Stepanuk 10 років тому 0
Case-insensitive search in cyrillic languages (in russian) is not working.

Keyboard shortcuts in menu should match actual shortcuts

whee 13 років тому 0
When things are bound to different keys, the updated mapping doesn't show in the menu dropdown. The menu items indicate bindings that no longer work. It'd be nice if the menu updated to show the current keys.

escaped quotemark syntax highlighting

Jeff King 13 років тому оновлений 13 років тому 1
There is a bug in the syntax highlighting that does not recognize escaped quotemarks. For example:

"This is properly recognized as a string. \" This is not, but should be." This is but shouldn't be.

Provide universal portable

Mike Lehner 12 років тому 0
Provide a Universal Portable version,

It can have multiple binaries (would probably have to) but each binary could use a single set of settings, packages, etc.  


Sublime Text/sublime text.exe

Sublime Text/sublime text linux.bin

Sublime Text/sublime text mac.bin  

Both look at the setting/packages in:

Sublime Text/Data