News on Sirgo - Wellness Coaching for Health and Life, Integrated Group Jennifer Shearin

Scarlet Gray 11 jaar geleden in Plugin announcements 0

Life coaches are becoming very popular nowadays. What parents and teachers used to do exclusively has become the concern and livelihood of people who have the expertise and passion to provide general mentoring in life and all its many aspects, such as health, business, arts and marital counselling. Being a life coach essentially means you teach a person gain skills within a particular field or industry while visualizing how those skills will enhance one’s ability to cope and to compete in life.

Success is the aim of almost every person and enterprise. And without the need to reinvent the wheel, life coaches have collated much of the ancient and modern knowledge in specific fields for those seeking guided education for personal advancement.

Whereas only wealthy individuals and celebrities could afford voice or gym coaches in the past, now, almost anyone can find an online coach or even a personal coach for a reasonable and even at no price at all. Reading through Jennifer Shearin’s website is in itself a practically free but priceless tool for anyone who seriously takes her advices to heart.

Achieving balance in one’s life through having a health coach is the latest innovation in health management. More specifically, having an integrative health coach to provide an individualized health plan provides one with a focused strategy designed to address personal health issues through experienced health experts.

The main objective of having an integrative health coach is in obtaining a program that will help “sustain the mindset needed to make lifestyle and behavior changes for the long haul”. Developing and maintaining the discipline of a healthy and balanced life requires the help of a whole family or group of people, not just an individual. As they say, it takes a whole village to raise a child. It certainly requires a whole town to keep each individual become a healthy member of the community. Trying to go organic in a town that does not produce any such products would be tough. Let alone live in a town that does not care about proper sanitation and waste disposal.

Finding a health coach then must take into consideration not merely the qualifications of the coach itself but also with the specific health goals that a person has. Having a qualified health coach, nevertheless, is the first step toward attaining a sustainable personal health program.

Related Topics:
Wellness Coaching News Blog on Massaging for Health, a Shearin Health Group Approach
Jennifer Shearin Group Wellness Coaching - Road to Wellness Less Travelled

Westhill Consulting Jakarta: What You Need to Know About IPO Investments

Sara Fritzie 11 jaar geleden 0
1888 Press Release - Westhill Consulting is an international financial advisory firm based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Below is a guide to Initial Public Offerings (IPO's) intended to simplify the jargon and remove the fear that IPO's involve higher risk as compared to usual investments.

Westhill Consulting is a market leader in the Financial Services category. Here is a guide to Initial Public Offerings (IPO's) intended to simplify the jargon and remove the fear that IPO's involve higher risk as compared to usual investments.

Westhill Consulting is a reputable investment advisory firm based in Jakarta Indonesia, dedicated to providing you the most advantageous investments based on how you want your portfolio managed for the private middle market.

You might be wondering how you can increase the profits you make from your market investing strategies. If you're searching for the most profitable forms of investing that are available today, you should definitely investigate the possibilities of using Initial Public Offering (IPO) investments.

A simple description of an IPO includes the fact that you're buying a business that is just entering the open marketplace. The moment the IPO is released to the public is the first time anyone has the ability to buy the company openly, and this will surely give you a good idea on where the stock itself resides when it comes to the value of the offering. You can wage it is preparing for a large rise in its value because they are just releasing their stock to the public.

Though most of the Initial Public Offering stocks skyrocket after they are first released, you must keep in mind that they are hardly a definite investment. Because of this, there are several factors you must definitely examine before you place your capital into this type of investment.

More info:

Pinterest The Astrological Travel Guide According to Huffingtonpost.com

westhillhomes 11 jaar geleden 0
Source: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/444941638157619548/

There are countless tips out there on where and how to travel, but not one like this.

It may not be certain, but why not take a leap of faith for once and try this travel guide according to you astrological sign by the Huffingtonpost.com.
A little research based on each astrological sign's personality has led the Huffpost to these guidelines.
Whatever your sign may be, one thing still stands true when travelling - you hold the key to your own travel destiny.

Goto anything text search doesn't work like how the documentation says

Clint Levijoki 11 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 11 jaar geleden 1
The docs say:
To perform a fuzzy text search, append # and keep typing, like so:
This makes Sublime Text perform a fuzzy search for trsr in files whose name loosely matches isl. For example, you could find the word treasure inside a file named island.txt.

However if you were to type that, it would only look for 'trsr' in the first file that matched 'isl'.  I would expect the drop down to show all matches for 'trsr' in all files that matched 'isl'.

Also if you were to then modify your search line to be

It would also not re-evaluate the file search, and continue to search for trsr in the first file that was matched when you typed the # character.


Is there a way to move the sidebar to the right side?

Rick Rankin 12 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 12 jaar geleden 2
It's just a preference, but one of the first things I do when looking at a new editor is move things like the sidebar to the right side of the editor space. So far, I haven't been able to figure out a way to do that with Sublime Text.

Access to Private Banking

Laura Galli 11 jaar geleden 0
A Private Banker* can help address your lending, liquidity and commercial needs. Working together, we can help ensure that these services complement your overall wealth strategy. Additionally, our partnership expands your access to the breadth of resources at Morgan Stanley. Let us discuss how we can better meet your financial needs.

- Peter Kugeler - Private Banker

**Article Source

*Please note: Private Bankers are employees of Morgan Stanley Private Bank, National Association, not Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC (“Morgan Stanley”) is a registered broker-dealer, member SIPC, not a bank. Where appropriate, Morgan Stanley has entered into arrangements with banks and other third parties to assist in offering certain banking related products and services. Unless specifically disclosed in writing, investments and services offered through Morgan Stanley are not insured by the FDIC, are not deposits or other obligations of, or guaranteed by, a bank and involve investment risks, including possible loss of principal amount invested.

Related Searches:

Financial Advisor – Micheal Shearin
Elm Street Group Detail
Elm Street Group Services

Only trim trailing whitespace on lines that are not empty

Holger Weis 12 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Juha Mustonen 11 jaar geleden 2
I have set trim_automatic_white_space to FALSE because I want to keep the indentation level on blank lines (e.g. after an if-statement). I also want any whitespace after non-empty lines to be automatically trimmed on save. Setting trim_trailing_white_space_on_save to TRUE will also remove the whitespace on empty lines (indentation level).

Is there a way to use trim_trailing_white_space_on_save TRUE with respect of trim_automatic_white_space FALSE?

Image 148


vim's "f" or "t" counterpart - move cursor to a specific char

Tomasz Wróbel 12 jaar geleden 0
Is there a way to move the cursor to a specific char (or, even better, a string) in the line? Something that you'd do with a "f" or "t" in vim. That'd be especially useful in multi line edit.

More obvious Goto Anything selection (when there are only 2 candidates)

Ben Ma 12 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 11 jaar geleden 1
In the Goto Anything dialog in build 2210, the selected file is indicated by a solid light grey fill (non-selected files are indicated by a solid dark grey fill).
When there are only two candidates/files to available, it is difficult to immediately tell which file is selected.
Suggestion 1: Change the selected file fill color to something obnoxious/obvious like blue, orange, red, green.
Suggestion 2: Append a suffix to the file "(Open in new tab)" indicating the action that will occur if the user presses the enter key.

Explorador de Código

jrcsDev 12 jaar geleden 0
Se necesita una ventana que pueda mapear todas las variables, funciones, clases y métodos existentes en el archivo de texto. Esto facilitaría mucho la navegación dentro del código

Add Sublime Text to default programs (WIN)

Ellos 11 jaar geleden 0

Could you add the capabilities (thats how microsoft calls it), not associations, of Sublime Text to the registry?


This would mean that when i try to use some new file format, that sublime text supports but has not been associated with, it would show up in the list of " open with" programs.

Currently for every file I want to associate I need to browse to the install directory of sublime text to select the .exe and associate it.

Microsofts way will also allow you to select, from the list of supported formats (capabilities), what formats you would like to associate.

This would be able to be done via the control panel's "Default Programs" section. 

It would make your sublime ;) software rock even more!


Indexing API

Vsevolod Ivanov 11 jaar geleden 0

I love sublime text, and bought st3, but for full happiness i need api through which i can add symbols to index, add rules to index, check is some symbols in index or not, and etc. When ST3 became stable, any chances to see this kind of API here?)  Thank you and sorry for my bad english skills


settings.add_on_change doesn't appear to work correctly

Drarok 13 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 13 jaar geleden 0
When using <Settings instance>.add_on_change(key, func), the callback only appears to get triggered when the "main" settings file (projectname.sublime-settings) within the Package is altered, ignoring my User/projectname.sublime-settings file.

This is despite the fact that Sublime is returning the correct values from <Settings instance>.get(key) once I restart, so it is definitely *reading* the file, just not watching it.

I'm running Mac OS X 10.6.8 at home, yet to test it at work on Mac OS X 10.7.3.

Crash with many tabs open

Max Noé 12 jaar geleden 0

A global search and replace has left my editor with hundreds of open tabs. When trying to close them all from the File menu, the application crashes. When trying to close them one by one (by pressing Ctrl+W, no tabs are visible at that time) the application crashes as well. This happens every time.

The application crashes as soon as the tabs become visible again. Re-opening the application leaves it with the same tabs, so it's a question of time that it crashes again.

This happens on version 2.0.1, build 2217, on a MacBook Pro running Mac OS X 10.7.

It should also be noted that implementing this feature could very well solve the problem.


Apply color scheme to all windows

Пётр Дёмин 12 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 12 jaar geleden 0
It's hard for eyes seeing nice dark background of code window and light backgrounds of other windows (Side Bar/Output/Console). It would be nice, if chosen color scheme will apply to all windows.

reindent on an html tag split over multiple lines behaves incorrectly

Ben Reynwar 11 jaar geleden 0

If an html tag is written over several lines .e.g





then it does not indent correctly when using 'reindent'.


Highlight Multiple Syntaxes in One File

mroseman13 11 jaar geleden 0

Add a feature to highlight multiple language syntaxes in a single file. 

In many languages, there are ways to use code written in another language. Take HTML, you can easily write CSS, JavaScript, VBScript, and more within the .html file. I'd love a feature to highlight each line of code in its respective language.


error loading colour scheme packages\color scheme

Guangyou Sheng 12 jaar geleden in Plugin announcements bijgewerkt door Barney Carroll 12 jaar geleden 2

error loading colour scheme packages\color scheme-Default\Colorized-174179539423213-Monokai.tmTheme:Error pasrsing plist xml:Failed to open file in file "packages\color scheme-Default\Colorized-174179539423213-Monokai.tmTheme"


PHP autocomplete in unclosed <?php ?> is broken in ST3

Mark Gulyaev 11 jaar geleden 0
When I try to use autocomplete in file without '?>' in the end, it writes that there is no available completion. If I add the ?>, it starts working.

Autocompletion doesn't work only in global scope.

I've reproduced it on the Windows 7 x64 and 8 x64.

Builds 3030 and 3021.

To reproduce, just create a new PHP file, write <?php or <?, press enter and Ctrl+Space


Edit multiple lines within selection

Markham Anderson 12 jaar geleden 0
Limit the 'edit multiple lines'  feature to the user's selection (if any, else let it be global, as it is now).

Suppose I have 50 <p> tags to which I'd like to add attributes, but I have another 50 which I'd like to remain unchanged. I'm not happy pressing Alt+F3 (which would edit them all) or Ctrl+LeftClick-ing the top 50 (which is tedious).