
What determines which items end up in the command palette?

aristidesfl 13 year бұрын updated by Dave G 12 year бұрын 1
There are plugins with actions in the command palette and puglins which don't.
There are actions that are parcially in the command palette, like the unfold all, but no other fold actions..

Is there some criteria?

TextMate 2 style list box as a snippet placeholder

Tommi Tissari 11 year бұрын 0

In TextMate 2 you can make a snippet placeholder such as: 


And when you land on that placeholder, a list box pops up which lists the specified entries: red, green and blue. Then you can select one of those entries using arrow up/down keys, and hit tab to select and move to the next placeholder.


navigate back through edit/view locations

Tiest Vilee 12 year бұрын 0
I'd love to be able to navigate back through edit/view locations, even within a file. A bit like eclipse (alt-left arrow), intellij (ctrl-[) and visual studio (ctrl-minus) do. I have some big files that I keep on navigating around, and it would be handy to have this so I don't have to think about where I'm navigating to.

Quick start

Andrew Smith 13 year бұрын updated by Joel Thornton 13 year бұрын 1
Sublime text takes too long to start on my machine. Compared to notepad or notepad++ it is simply not fast enough. 

Having some kind of quick start daemon may be a happy compromise.

GAMS language plugin

Laurent Drouet 12 year бұрын в Plugin announcements 0

GAMS is a widely used modelling language to write optimization model.

I wrote a plugin for syntax highlighting and compilation command.

The repository is located in github: https://github.com/lolow/sublime-gams


Syntax selection for qbasic/qb64

GERALD BENDER 12 year бұрын 0
Great program but would also like to see syntax selection for qbasic/qb64



Doc block auto complete

Garrett Johnson 14 year бұрын updated by Dave Akers 13 year бұрын 5
When I type "/**" it would be great if it automatically finished the docblock for me.

Frequent beachballs of death on OSX

lanzz 12 year бұрын 0

I'm getting lots of beachballs while using ST2 (2.0.1 build 2217). It seems that over time those are getting more frequent. Usually it spins for 3-5 seconds, but rarely it persists for 30-60 seconds, at which point I usually lose patience and kill ST2. No "slow plugin" alert appears when this happens. I have no idea how to debug this further. Any ideas?


Key bindings in menus are not properly updated

iconv 13 year бұрын 0
Look at the screenshot:
Save As is binded to Alt+Shift+S, but Shift+Ctrl+S is still displayed.

Expand layout size on mouse over

Mark Harwood 13 year бұрын 0
I use the 2 column layout view constantly but I will mainly use one side as more of a reference for modules and such I don't need the windows to be 50/50 split.

It would be great if you could have a way to increase the size of the columns on mouse over so you could have say 75/25 split by default but on mouse over (or on activate) you could told the sizing to something else. 

This will allow you to always have the focus column take up the majority of space.

Inline Issue Text

Eric Huss 12 year бұрын 0
It would be great if there could be a way to display text with regions instead of just being limited to highlighting and icons in the gutter.  A particular use case is to display "issues" when running a linter or when there is a compile error, similar to how Xcode works.  Currently plugins have very limited ways to explain what the error is.

Make recent/open document list work with LaunchBar

Robert Tobler 12 year бұрын 0

ST2's recent and open document list does not seem to be exposed to the OS in a standard manner, since LaunchBar is not aware of the recent and open documents and only lets me select the application. Since LaunchBar is my favourite launching tool, I'd hope that you can expose the recent/open document list in a more standard manner.


Checking routines for Preferences

Klaus Hougesen 11 year бұрын 0
When changing preference files (especially keyboard shortcuts etc.) please add a check for allready existing keyboard shortcuts - and tell the user where they're used allready.

Many times i've accidentially overwritten a shortcut i used somewhere else.


Goto Symbol typedef and struct tagging is broken in sublime 3 beta

Tai Horgan 12 year бұрын 0

As of Sublime Text 3 beta build 3008

Goto symbol understands typedefs, but doesn't understand struct definitions.

For example tagging to my_struct defined as

struct my_struct_internal { blah };

typedef my_struct_internal my_struct;

works, but defined as

typedef struct my_struct_internal { blah } my_struct;

does not.

Additionally, Sublime 3 seems to believe that function pointer typedefs are symbol definitions for their output types, i.e.

typedef return_type ( *myFunction ) ( args )

should be a definition for myFunction, but st3 believes it is a definition for return_type.


CMD + 9 (or ctrl + 9) goes to the last tab

Sjoerd van Elferen 12 year бұрын updated by eproxus 11 year бұрын 1

In browsers cmd + 9 (on OS X) goes to the last tab. This is a nice shortcut to have for tab control. Could this be added to Sublime?

Thanks for this great piece of software!


UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character

Michal Mikoláš 13 year бұрын жаңартылды 12 year бұрын 3
Hello, in some packages, I got an error: 

Exception in thread Thread-13:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\threading.py", line 532, in __bootstrap_inner
  File ".\Package Control.py", line 1890, in run
  File ".\Package Control.py", line 1759, in make_package_list
  File ".\Package Control.py", line 1121, in list_available_packages
  File ".\Package Control.py", line 1066, in list_repositories
  File ".\Package Control.py", line 175, in get_repositories
  File ".\Package Control.py", line 148, in fetch_channel
  File ".\Package Control.py", line 1007, in download_url
  File ".\Package Control.py", line 602, in download
  File ".\urllib2.py", line 126, in urlopen
  File ".\urllib2.py", line 391, in open
  File ".\urllib2.py", line 409, in _open
  File ".\urllib2.py", line 369, in _call_chain
  File ".\Package Control.py", line 92, in https_open
  File ".\urllib2.py", line 1133, in do_open
  File ".\httplib.py", line 910, in request
  File ".\httplib.py", line 947, in _send_request
  File ".\httplib.py", line 904, in endheaders
  File ".\httplib.py", line 776, in _send_output
  File ".\httplib.py", line 735, in send
  File ".\Package Control.py", line 71, in connect
  File ".\ssl.py", line 350, in wrap_socket
  File ".\ssl.py", line 113, in __init__
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe1' in position 23: ordinal not in range(128)

This error shows me, when I use plugin SublimePackageControl>install, or plugin Nettuts-Fetch>Fetch>PackageFile, and maybe in some other plugins. Because of that, I think that error is in SublimeText 2 and not in packages directly. 

I use SublimeText 2 beta, build 2181. 


Changing fade_fold_buttons to false makes folding arrows disappear for all other open tabs.

Austin Cargol 13 year бұрын жаңартылды 13 year бұрын 0
I added
"fade_fold_buttons": false
to my user settings, and after saving, the code folding arrow appears for the settings file, but for all the other files open in other tabs, the folding arrows disappear. It's only a minor burden since any files that are subsequently opened will show the code arrows, so you just have to close the existing file and reopen it, but it would be a nice fix.

Make typing "1G" work in Vintage mode

Eric Lindvall 13 year бұрын 0
I expect typing `1G` to seek to line 1 (or `25G` go to line 25) in Vintage mode.

Make completions smarter with regards to word separators

guillermooo 13 year бұрын 0
Completions seem to take word separators into account, but some characters like _, if not listed as word separators, prevent completions from kicking in.

Maybe a soft_word_separators could be used, or a completions-specific list of word_separators?