Delayed loading of plugins
Some plugins take more time to load than others. For example the open_in_browser plugin takes ~50x more time to load than most of other plugins. Some plugins need to be ready as soon as the app is loaded and for others sublime can live without them for a few more milliseconds. I think you should add a pre-ui and post-ui loading lists to allow faster-snappier loading of the application.
ST3: wrap_lines works poorly with auto_wrap
In Sublime Text 3, the `wrap_lines` command (alt+super+q on my mac) does not work well when `auto_wrap` is true. Specifically, it is willing to make a line one character too long.
Find in files - reset to all open folders
When I first use find in files, the In Location is set to open folders - however once I change this to a specific folder, I can't work out how to set this back to <all open folders>.
OS X Help > Search menu doesn't work
Erlang snippets should comply to standard and be compilable
HTTPS Forum Login
I'm not too fond of my passwords floating nakedly in HTTP headers... Employing SSL on the log in page and user account settings page would be much appreciated.
I'm personally less concerned with session hijacking, but that can be fixed by securing the entire forum if deemed necessary.
are all the docs out of date or is the default config wrong?
re: tabSize =
in my config it says tab_size - but in docs it says tabSize... are all the docs out of date or are there different areas that are config'd differently?
Select all find results
Smart comment/uncomment
Let's say we have the following (code is Perl):
# if ( $_ =~ /a/ )
if ( $_ =~ /b/ )
It would be nice to be able to select both 'if' statements and by pressing ctrl+/ have the commented line uncomment, and the uncommented line be commented.
Control+Q hotkey to quit Sublime Text in Windows?
It's nice to be able to use the same hotkeys in multiple operating systems. In Mac OS X, Command+Q quits each application. In Linux, most desktop applications respond to Control+Q, and even a few Windows apps also do this.
Could we add Control+Q as a hotkey for quitting Sublime Text?
Command to help with keybinding
Sublime Text 3 underscore in .exe makes using it as a default program impossible
Hi there,
this is propably more a windows 7 x64 bug than anything else, but I have noticed that I could not use sublime text as a default programm to open let's say, .scss files because of the underscore in the .exe. I copied the exe, remove the underscore and now it works just fine.
NFS atomic save tempfiles shoud be ignored in the file listing by default
Whenever I set up a new workstation with ST3, the default setup shows the atomic save tempfiles (e.g. ".nfs00000000003207ff00000005") in the directory listing. The first thing I do on any new environment is edit the file excludes thusly:
"file_exclude_patterns": [ ".nfs000*", "*.pyc", "*.pyo", ...
Since these files are generated by ST, I believe it's only fair that they be ignored in the default config.
Crash right at startup on openSUSE 12.1 since build 2165
Displaying input panel at the top of the view
For example, adding an option to the show_input_panel() method for displaying it either at the top either at the bottom of the view.
Underscore characters in Open Recent menu for file name are double
for the Open Recent menu, the file names which contain underscore characters are displayed incorrectly.
Each underscore appear in double.
Better support for textmate snippets regexp
Complex regexp that inserts symbols on the same line as input, but before the cursor doesn't work.
Here's an example that works perfectly in TextMate but doesn't in Sublime Text 2
color ${1/(^\h{1,6}$)|.+/(?1:#)/}${1/(^\(.*$)|.+/(?1:rgb)/}${1/(^\(.*,.*,.*,.*$)|.+/(?1:a)/}${1:f}${1/(^\([^)]*$)|.+/(?1:\))/}${1/(^\h{1,2}$)|.+/(?1:$1$1)/}
Selecting text: is there any rationale or "talk" behind Sublime's different approach compared to many other editors?
I think (or rather feel) that Sublime Text's representation (and operation) of selecting text is a bit weird, compared to most other editors if not all of them.
For example, comparing Sublime Text to (oh, pick anyone) TextMate:
Holding Shift and pressing Down will place the cursor on the next line in ST2, compared to TextMate which does (what I'm used to) in fact highlight the current line leaving out the cursor.
This is my main barrier to entry (slight exaggeration since I love everything else in ST). Thus, I'm curious to know why it works like this and if text selection can be altered to (what I consider) normal behavior.
Diff checker
It would be great if sublime could allow checking difference between two versions of same file.
Make Sublime Text cheaper
Make Sublime Text $5, offer more payment options, and I guarantee people will actually buy it. I know I would.
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