
Keyboard shortcut to change the width of views

Erik Olofsson il y a 12 ans mis à jour il y a 12 ans 0
Add a keyboard shortcut to change the width of the current view. I usually work with 3 files side by side. Sometimes i want to widen the current view. It would be great if you could use the keyboard to set the current view to, say, 90% of the total width. Then, with a different key stroke, change it back to 1/3 of the screen.

Open two or more eml-files crash ST2

Stas Ovsky il y a 11 ans 0

Select two eml-files -> right click -> Open with Sublime Text 2 -> ST2 crashed. Every time.

Win 7, ST2 build 2217


Global / Sitewide Find/Replace Scope

Austin Condiff il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Sergey Zarouski il y a 13 ans 1
It would be nice to change the scope of find/replace to all the files in the open folder.

Scroll Package Descriptions

Nathan Broadbent il y a 11 ans 0

As most package descriptions are longer than the width of the package list menu, it would be nice for the package description field to scroll (like a ticker) when a package is highlighted.


Real time multi user edit of the same file

Peter Ivanov il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Xavura il y a 12 ans 1
I am using sublime for large project
We have one file which is 3000 lines of code and few people need to edit it in the same time. 
I would love to see this possible with Sublime

Automatic unindent does not always work

Joshua Benner il y a 13 ans mis à jour il y a 13 ans 0
There are intermittent cases where text matching indentation decrease patterns do not decrease the indent.

1. Make new file
2. Set language to XML
3. Enter <test>
4. Press enter to move to next line (one or more times). At this point, the editor correctly indents.
5. Enter </test>

On step 5, the editor sometimes correctly un-indents, and sometimes does not. If it does not decrease the indent, removing the line and trying again is often successful.

I first encountered this issue with a custom language definition, but have now encountered it with XML as well. I first assumed it was a problem with my custom language, but I have not been able to identify the issue, and I have now see it with XML (which I have not customized at all).

This behavior was not encountered prior to build 2181. I have reproduced this on Sublime Text 2 build 2181 on Mac and Win64.

Hangs when calling interactive help in console

User768294 il y a 12 ans 0
  1. Open the console (Ctrl + `)
  2. type 'help()' (without quotes)
  3. Sublime Text hangs
Sublime Text 2 Build 2210  

Feature Request: Please add a Locate File In Project View Key Command

Guy Zisman il y a 12 ans 0
When the command is hit, the file should be highlighted in the Project View, this will allow to easily navigate to files in the same directory, and other files that are close on the directory tree.

ctrl+break doesn't work on windows

Kyle Rocha il y a 11 ans 0
"keys": ["ctrl+break"], "command": "exec", "args": {"kill": true}
doesn't kill the currently running exec.


"File dirty" marker gets cut off when tab title is truncated

JonThornton il y a 13 ans 0

 When lots of tabs are opened, the "file dirty" indicator gets cut off when the tab title is truncated.


goto anything

Stéphane Payrard il y a 11 ans 0

how the goto anything index is generated?



Moving tabs back into a Sublime text window.

Andrew Savill il y a 11 ans 0

Currently one of my only pet niggles of Sublime text is when I occasionally use the mouse to move a tab across to another pane in a layout, I can miss the tab headers and it will pop out into a new window.  As far as i can see there is no way to put it back. For a demo you can look at how Firefox handles this, letting you place the tab from a new window back into the list of tabs via a pointer on a separate window.


Environmental scams and the people who pay for them

hayatirazaka il y a 11 ans 0


The Environmentalism Movement has become a powerful and wealthy cult like phenomenon. It has little to do with improving the environment, it is all about power and money and is costing all of us dearly.

We have those who travel the world creating large carbon footprints, spouting unfounded information while making huge amounts of money. Most responsible scientists agree that climate change is taking place as it has since time began, however they admit that they don’t know how and why it is changing. The doomsayers should be telling us how to cope with change rather than scaring us with unfounded information. Neither Mr. Gore or Mr. Suzuki is a climatologist. One is a former politician and one is a Zoologist.

The other part of the Movement are the professional protesters. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that Canada has become an economic threat to the oil interests in the Middle East and Venezuela. There are many out there who can be hired to bad mouth Canadian oil.

Unfortunately for us, the so called middle class this Movement has been able to cajole our politicians into reckless spending. This has appeared in the form of the Ontario Green Energy Act. The Billions wasted on the cancelled gas plant, e-health and Ornge scams pales in comparison to what we will be paying because of theGreen Energy Act. This Act costs each household $1,100 per year. Taxpayers in Ontario are on the hook for $600 million per year for the next twenty years.


The great environment scam

andrewbindi il y a 11 ans 0


The question of electricity and power that the country needs, one would argue, is at the heart of all this. Going by the estimates of the Planning Commission, GDP growth of eight to nine per cent will need between 1,475 and 1,659 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) of coal for electricity generation in two decades from now. This is more than twice India’s current coal consumption of approximately 650 mtpa.We are not even talking about the other millions of tonnes of iron ore, bauxite, limestone and uranium.

What we have today is the “there is no alternative” (TINA) chorus. We need the growth, there is no alternative; we need the electricity, there is no alternative; we need the coal, there is no alternative. What we have not realised is that Rs1.86 lakh crore is only a fraction of the cost that we will be forced to pay.

For centuries, vital resources such as land, water and forests have been controlled and used collectively by village communities, ensuring their sustainable use. The first radical change in resource control and the emergence of major conflicts over natural resources induced by non-local factors was associated with colonisation whichsystematically transformed these common vital resources into commodities for generating profits and revenues.


When colonisation ended, however, resource use policies continued along colonial lines. Further, today, those affected are the politically weak and socially disorganised whose survival is primarily dependent on products of nature outside the market system. Recent changes in resource utilisation have almost wholly by-passed the survival needs of these groups.

Therefore, when taking a critical look at the exploitation of natural resources in India, we must take note of how the fundamental rights of tribal people are being sidetracked when vast tracks of forest land are being used in name of mineral exploration. We cannot brush aside the fact that many indigenous and tribal peoples live in areas rich in living and non-living resources, including forests that contain abundant biodiversity, water, and minerals. Historically, the desire of non-indigenous society for such resources has resulted in the removal, decimation or extermination of many indigenous communities.

Today, the survival and integrity of the remaining indigenous and tribal peoples requires a recognition of their rights to the resources found on their lands and territories.

One of the prime reasons why Naxalite violence is spreading throughout the tribal belts of the country is that the basic interests of the tribal people are not adequately protected even as the natural resources of the land they inhabit is exploited.

It is legitimate, in principle, for states to formally reserve for themselves the resources of the subsoil and water. This does not imply, however, that indigenous or tribal peoples do not have rights.


It is in the interest of the integrated, balanced and harmonious development of the economy that all-out efforts be made to identify, respect and protect the rights of tribal peoples; such rights include the right to a safe and healthy environment, the right to prior consultation and, in some cases, informed consent, the right to participation in the benefits of projects, and the right of access to justice and reparation.

Fortunately India is now witnessing the emergence of ecology movements in several regions. In the context of a limited resource base and unlimited development aspirations, ecology movements have initiated a new political struggle for safeguarding the interests and survival of the poor, the marginalised, including women, tribal and poor peasants.

The market-oriented development process can destroy the economy of natural processes by over-exploitation of resources or by the destruction of ecological processes that are not comprehended by economic development. Without clean water, fertile soils, and crop and plant genetic diversity, economic development will become impossible.

Thus in poor and developing countries such as India, ecology movements are not a luxury of the rich; they are a survival imperative for the majority which is not taken care of by the market economy but is, rather, threatened by its expansion.





Clone file view like in notepad++

Audrius Rudalevicius il y a 12 ans 0
Like in notepad++ u can clone file in other column, like in compere tool i think this is very useful for all

any idea disabling indent highlight?

きせいちゅう il y a 11 ans mis à jour par Robert Crooks il y a 11 ans 2

my sublime text highlights every spaces as you can see on this picture.

any idea how i can disable this?


Hierarchy in sidebar maintained.

saidfasf il y a 12 ans 0

When closing the editor, remember the sidebar folders and how they were open on a per-project basis.  When that project is opened the folders in the side bar should restore to how they last were.


Double clicking 300px selects just '300' not '300px'.

Jonathan il y a 13 ans mis à jour il y a 13 ans 0
In CSS its a pain to update numbers if I have to click & drag to select instead of just double clicking the number.

Issue with AttributeError: _tunnel_host in Package Control Install method

Ivan Zenteno il y a 11 ans 0

I was trying to install Package with Package Control and the console showing a error like the next trace:


Exception in thread Thread-3:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/threading.py", line 522, in __bootstrap_inner


  File "./package_control/commands/install_package_command.py", line 43, in run

  File "./package_control/package_installer.py", line 54, in make_package_list

  File "./package_control/package_manager.py", line 189, in list_available_packages

  File "./package_control/package_manager.py", line 145, in list_repositories

  File "./package_control/providers/channel_provider.py", line 140, in get_repositories

  File "./package_control/providers/channel_provider.py", line 72, in fetch

  File "./package_control/download_manager.py", line 179, in fetch

  File "./package_control/downloaders/urllib_downloader.py", line 110, in download

  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/urllib2.py", line 383, in open

    response = self._open(req, data)

  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/urllib2.py", line 401, in _open

    '_open', req)

  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/urllib2.py", line 361, in _call_chain

    result = func(*args)

  File "./package_control/http/validating_https_handler.py", line 44, in https_open

  File "./package_control/http/persistent_handler.py", line 70, in do_open

  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/urllib2.py", line 215, in __getattr__

    raise AttributeError, attr

AttributeError: _tunnel_host


As you can see I'm using Python 2.6.1, so I saw the file package_control/http/persistent_handler.py line 70, and it's correct the req param doesn't have the attribute _tunnel_host.

Adding the next validation was corrected for this time.

I don't know if you have any other way to resolv this?


70:  if hasattr(self, "_tunnel_host") and self._tunnel_host and req._tunnel_host and not self.connection:

