
Sublime needs a "Find Definition" command

chaiguy 12 aastat tagasi 0

I find myself constantly doing a "Find All" for a certain identifier, searching through the hits for the definition, opening the definition, and going back and closing the Find Results window. It would be super handy if this workflow were shortened to just a "Find Definition" command.

Granted this would need some language level integration in order to determine what hit was most likely the definition, but it could also be done via some popup list of the hits ordered by likelihood of being a definition which the user could click and it would pop open that find result without the intermediate step of having a Find Results window to deal with.

Furthermore, having a shortcut for this command such as command- or control-clicking (or double-clicking) a word would be super rad. I used a shortcut like that in Visual Studio for years and loved it.


Open in Terminal subl

hiver yan 13 aastat tagasi 0
when I open my folder in terminal by  'subl .' , it will open many blank page.  This made me bother。

Sublime Text goes at the top of the page by itself when regaining focus

Pierre 13 aastat tagasi uuendatud 13 aastat tagasi 2
I'm using a recent build of Sublime Text 2 (2173 on Ubuntu Linux Oneiric) and I noticed a strange bug occurring on several occasions when editing a long file (I have used ST for 2 or 3 weeks only, I don't know for how long this bug has been there).

When I go back and forth to the browser and the editor, it sometimes goes up to the beginning of the file I'm editing while regaining the focus. I didn't find a way to reproduce it systematically, but some files seem to have issues, while others don't.

I was expecting this bug to be fixed quickly since it is pretty annoying, but I wonder if this isn't some platform-specific issue, so I decided to report it. I don't know if that can be of some help but I'm using "virtual spaces" when switching from the browser to the editor, maybe that's linked.

Thanks for your answer and your help ! Should you need more information, feel free to contact me, I'd love to help you out to fix this issue if I can :) !

PS : Sublime Text is a really awesome editor, and I definitely fell in love with it ;) !

simplify preference editing by using a split view for default and user files

rowen 11 aastat tagasi 0

Editing files to set preferences is nice and flexible, but it's a bit of a pain to have to select the default file first (to see what's available) and then select the user file (to make changes). That also subtly encourages editing that default file. Here's a simple solution:

- For each kind of preference in the Preferences menu, display a single item: the name of the preference.

- Selecting that item displays both the default file and the user file in a split view, e.g. defaults above, user below. The user can then read the desired info from the top pane and copy the appropriate lines into the other.

- The Preferences menu item could then be much simpler: a single entry for each preference would display the pair of files (as just described).

To reiterate, I see these advantages:

- Simpler Preferences menu: one item per kind of preference.

- It is easier to for the user to edit preferences: one selection does it all.

- There is less temptation to edit the default file.


ctrl+alt+up doesn't work in linux

Nickolay Hodyunya 13 aastat tagasi uuendatud 13 aastat tagasi 0
accroding to http://www.sublimetext.com/docs/2/column_selection.html ctrl+alt+up and ctrl+alt+down keys should select a rectangular area of a file, but it doesn't.

Make Jump to Definition Work for Imports

Jonah Dahlquist 11 aastat tagasi 0

Hitting F12 (Jump to Definition) should work if hovering over an import statement in a given language.  Language examples:


@import "other_file.less";


include "other_file.php";

I understand this may be more practical for some languages than others, I certainly wouldn't expect it to work in all languages in all cases.


build 2134

/usr/bin/sublime-text-2: line 2:  9240 Segmentation fault      /usr/lib/sublime-text-2/sublime_text $*

Expose some low-level API for tabs

Test Account 11 aastat tagasi 0
The usability of Sublime Text would skyrocket if you exposed some low-level API to interact with tabs and how their contents are rendered, allowing plugin authors to embed terminal emulators, browsers, document previews for LaTeX, etc.

Improve multi line cursor performance.

Ivan N 11 aastat tagasi 0

Simple operations on each line in big file (50k lines) are not very fast. And I see only one CPU core is used at this time. I think performance can be improved if you run those multi line operations in parallel.


Build system console - colour background by return code

Chris Shucksmith 12 aastat tagasi 0

Please subtly colour the background of the build console when the task completes, either slightly pale green if the errorcode is zero, or red if non-zero. It should remain white whilst running. 

Currently I find myself occasionally dismissing a subtle failure.


Replace in Files opens tabs for all of the files with replacements

Stefan Wrobel 13 aastat tagasi uuendatud 13 aastat tagasi 0
I don't get why Replace in Files is opening tabs for all of the files that it does replacements in, and then I have to save them and close them manually. I swear it used to just make the changes and save the files without opening them. Is there a setting I'm missing?

FYI, build 2183 here

Jump to Tab in Any Group

Alex Le 13 aastat tagasi uuendatud 13 aastat tagasi 0
Hey I wanted ask if it is at all possible to have this feature implemented. Basically, let's say I have 2 groups (2 columns) and the first column includes 1.txt. If I am working on the 2nd group and I forget that 1.txt was open in group 1, when I type ctrl+p and then enter 1.txt and press enter, is it possible to jump to the 1.txt file open on the first group rather than open it again in the current group?


DPI issue

Jason Hansel 11 aastat tagasi 0
On Windows 8 with a high-DPI screen, the UI looks very large and fuzzy. Could a setting be added to disable DPI-based scaling, for people with this issue?

Color picker

Mukah Wagner 11 aastat tagasi 0

When entering a hex color, showing a small square with a color display and when you click a color picker.


Plugin loaded hook

dz0ny 12 aastat tagasi 0

Use case: I'want to enable custom plugins for LiveReload plugin. Currently loading process relies on name for load order. It would be great if i Could control loading of plugins with decorator. The basic idea would be same as in pep369 http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0369/#reference-implementation 


"Wrap icon" pop up on screen when "Find Next" wraps around end of file

Anil Doshi 11 aastat tagasi 0

I used to use Textwrangler. What I miss most is when I am doing a Find for a term through my file, it would always fade in/out a looped arrow when the next instance of "Find Next" was on the top of the file, and the "Find Next" command caused me to wrap back up to the top of the file. Is there any way to implement that in ST?


Quick Create File Menu

Jonah Dahlquist 11 aastat tagasi 0

One of the best features of SublimeText is it's amazing ability to open existing files extremely quickly.  Just typing in "apviadind" can open "application/views/admin/index.php".

I would like to see efficiency transfered over to _creating_ files.  For example, if you type "apviad/settings.php", it creates a file at "application/views/admin/settings.php".  This is a use-case I often encounter, and I'm sure other people would find it quite useful.


Bigger int values get garbled

Oktay Acikalin 14 aastat tagasi uuendaja Jon Skinner 14 aastat tagasi 5
I want to set the following in my base file settings file:
"highlight_trailing_spaces_max_file_size": 1048576,

But after some restarts or time (I don't really know when) it suddenly become this:
"highlight_trailing_spaces_max_file_size": 1.04858e+06,

And I don't change the value using set or anything else.

Last seen on OSX 10.6.6 with build 2031.
Jon Skinner 14 aastat tagasi
Fixed in build 2036

compile/deploy/debug modes support

Denis Ovod 13 aastat tagasi 0