
It would be useful if the editor also supports other languages, with the help of which work with the program easier.

Дмитрий Раконский hace 12 años actualizado hace 12 años 1

More and more developers prefer to work in "Sublaym Text" and now she's one of the best source code editor. I'm from Russia, and also use the editor, but for me it would be useful if the editor also supports other languages, with the help of which, working with the program easier. Create a form in which all interested people will be able to translate the words of the program in its own language. I can help translate into Russian.


Add context menu option to "Open all contained files"

Martin K. hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
Please add an option to the context menu to open (edit) all files contained in a folder in the sidebar.

Preferably just the files immediately in the folder in question, traversing the folder tree is not necessary IMHO. The files in subfolders could be opened using the same mechanism, again, probably not necessary by default.

Thank you!

Code navigator CSS, html, javascript [...] similar to espresso

Alexandru Rada hace 11 años actualizado por Asal Sunda Kenary hace 11 años 5

Would be great to have a code navigator for different programming languages.

Espresso has a very good one, different for CSS, HTML, php, javascript and more others.


Open dialog should not default to /

Ben Alpert hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
On OS X, I believe it should go to the last opened folder; not sure what the behavior is on other OSes.

Make it available on Steam as Software, via Greenlight. Would be EPIC, and increase sales dramatically.

Magnus Juhl hace 12 años actualizado por SteamFanBoy hace 9 años 1

Make it available on Steam as Software, via Greenlight. Would be EPIC, and increase sales dramatically.


[option] Reorder tabs according to stack

aristidesfl hace 13 años actualizado hace 12 años 1
For people who prefer to use the stack switching, would be nice to have tab order reflect the stack order instead.
The same goes to open files in the sidebar.

just like the application switcher in Mac Os x works

Vintage Mode - I (shift - i)

Chris Holdsworth hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 1
In vi I enters insert mode before the first non-white space character (soft beginning of line). However in vintage mode it enters insert mode in the first column (hard beginning of line).

Vintage mode should use the correct vi behaviour (soft BOL).

As an aside it would be useful if vintage-mode was on github, as bugs like this would be trivial for the community to fix.

Clicking the beginning of any of the wrapped sections of a word-wrapped line will place the cursor in an unexpected spot.

icylace hace 12 años 0

Clicking on or before the beginning of any of the wrapped line sections of a word-wrapped line will place the cursor on the last character of the previous line section.  Depending on the window size this could cause unwanted horizontal scrolling.  This behavior happens in ST2 (Build 2219) and ST3 (Build 3010).  I think it makes more sense if instead the cursor was placed at the beginning of the wrapped line section that was clicked on.


Ability to move a file to a non-existing group without having to create that group first

phalkunz hace 13 años actualizado por lanzz hace 13 años 1
For example, pressing "ctl-shif-2" should move the file to group 2 whether that group exists or not. In addition, when a group has no files (views) at all it should disappear. That way we don't have create and remove groups when needed and no longer needed. This will save a lot of time and hassle.

What you do guys think?

Automatically figure out project files from includes (LaTeX)

Σωτήρης Φραγκίσκος hace 13 años actualizado por LouisRoisin Inc hace 5 años 1
The sidebar is pretty nice, but it would be perfect if it could be made to display just the included TeX files and graphics of the current project. Not *all* the tex files and graphics though; just the ones called by the TeX files. This could be easily done by checking the "\include" and "\input" lines scattered in the whole project (recursively, if possible!!)

Being able to fold a function that only consists of three lines.

Burak Cankurtaran hace 12 años 0

Functions definitions of three lines can not be folded. The function shown below in JavaScript is an example of this.

function foo() {



Typically I have to add a blank line after the function declaration to be able to fold the function.


Sublime feels frozen

Rashard A hace 12 años actualizado por Michael Herchenroder hace 12 años 2

Dear all, I'm having trouble with sublime text 2.0.1, I've been using it for a couple of months now but all of a sudden none of the files I've opened using sublime are responding so I can't type anything, try and delete code nothing its literally just like a read-only screen. Please any help I'd really appreciate it.


Check for updates screen

nblackburn hace 12 años 0

I think it would be nice if you could introduce a Help -> Check for updates screen as that way, we would be able to switch the release channel with minimal effort which i am sure many of us would benefit from.


Uncloseable tab/crash if you Ctrl+C subl before you close the tab it opens

Max Bolingbroke hace 13 años 0

To reproduce this, open some text with the subl command:

echo foo | subl

Sublime text opens with a view onto that file. Now Ctrl+C your subl command from the terminal. As expected, the file stays open in Sublime Text 2. However, if you try to close the opened tab bad things happen. Instead of the tab disappearing, it stays open - but the text vanishes and is replaced with solid background colour.

If you try to close the tab again nothing happens. It is literally impossible to remove the tab without closing the window. Furthermore, Sublime Text will outright crash (SIGABRT) if you close all of the *other* tabs open in the window.

This affects OS X (at least, other OSes may be affected).

New setting: Open large files without syntax highlighting

Tomas Mrozek hace 11 años 0
As was noted in one of the posts in the forum, the slowness of Sublime Text when working with moderately large files (e.g. 20 MB) comes from the syntax highlighting. Without it the editor is fairly quick.

Could a new setting be introduced that would make the editor open files larger than X kB/MB (where "X" is a number chosen by the user) without syntax highlighting? (if needed the user can set the syntax later after opening the file)

new icon

Oliver Lardner hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
The new one is nice and shiny, but it completely ignored the established identity of sublime. I promptly replaced it with the grey square.

What is needed is re-design, not replacement. The square is a good thing, it makes you stand out.

I'd like to try my hand at designing the next if at all possible. oliverlardner.com


IPython + Sublime Text would be the greatest Python enviroment ever.

Ben Frevert hace 11 años 0
IPython is a Mathematica-style way of executing cells of code, but is browser-based, so text editing is limited. Sublime Text provides stellar text editing, but is limited in execution for rapid code iteration.

__file__ is incorrect (a relative path) in plugin python modules

glyph hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
The __file__ variable in Python should allow a module to know what directory it's in so that (among other things) it can open resources which are its siblings.  It's OK for them to be relative paths, but then the interpreter's directory shouldn't change (and sublime definitely changes its current directory).  Ideally this would be set to an absolute path.

I should note that this is easy to work around though, since any script that wants to can work around it with "__file__ = os.path.abspath(__file__)".

On drag folder on SB2 make project

Daniel hace 12 años 0
When dragging a folder onto the SB2 icon (on mac os x), open project (releative to the folder dragged onto) window.

Tab behavior like Firefox

Matthijs Steen hace 11 años 0

When I am working on a project and have a lot of files open, tabs are starting to disappear from the screen, which then become unreachable, but even before that, they become so small, that they become useless as a means to navigate anyway. I really prefer the way Firefox handles tabs rather than the way Chrome handles its tabs, after which Sublime Text seems to be modelled. It would be great if there was an option to have change this behavior to a be more like Firefox, which means a larger minimum tab width (so they remain useful) and being able to reach the tabs that are outside the view by scrolling over the scrollpane, which triggers a horizontal scrolling of the tabs, so you can access the tabs that are out of view.

The scrolling behavior would be the most important aspect, because tabs becoming unreachable means that you are forced to rely on keyboard shortcuts.