Fraud Sellers Get Big Profit Due to the Rise of Amazon Scam

elisha kim 7 år siden 0

Convenience is one of the benefits offered by e-commerce websites like Amazon. It is one of the popular e-commerce websites that most consumers use for shopping. People don’t need to step out of their house to do their shopping needs. Purchasing the products can be done anytime and anywhere. The orders are delivered to the customer’s doorstep.


No warning when deleting or renaming open files

Jimbo Jim 7 år siden opdateret 7 år siden 0

When you rename or delete an open file in Windows Explorer, Sublime marks the file as "unsaved changes" instead of warning you the file is gone. If you continue working and save the file, Sublime silently recreates the old name, leaving you wondering why your changes aren't appearing.



Lexie Grey 7 år siden 0

Aside from Japan, China, and other Asian countries—Philippines has kept a good relationship with other western nations like the United States through the years. However, due to the increasing rate of deaths in the drug war of the country, the neighboring nations expressed their opinions.

Human rights group based in the Philippines condemn the killings under the drug war. The growing rate of deaths also alarmed other international human rights activists and organizations from other countries such as the United States.

Human rights protest

Human rights group from the United States was troubled by the budding number of extrajudicial killings in the Philippines. There were data released mentioning about thousands of people that are mostly drug users and small-time dealers, who were been killed since Duterte took office.

The Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has promised a crackdown on illegal drugs. During his State of the Nation Address (SONA), he highlighted his will to drug trafficking in the country. He also released a warning to the cops and government officials involved or having any connections with drugs.

He ordered the national police to strengthen their efforts to apprehend drug lord, suspected drug dealers, and users. According to the president, he will support and give awards to the police to boost their morale.

Thousands of police-involved killings have been reported and a big percentage of those are still under review and investigation. Because of the rising rate of extrajudicial killings, it has brought condemnation from human rights activists and groups locally and internationally.

Police defense

The recent drug raid operation of the Philippine National Police (PNP) became a controversial one. There were civilians injured and killed which the police called as “collateral damage.” A 17-year old grade 11 student named Kian Delos Santos is one of the people killed during the police operation.

There were mixed reactions to the news about the 17-year old individual who was shot during the drug operation. According to reports, there were also other victims affected by it. The police said that the minor was a drug courier. He was killed because he tried to resist the arrest with a gun. A witness released a statement about the incident. Instead of a warning shot, the police fired at the 17-year old.

The family and friends, as well as other people from social media, thinks that the police who cornered the child have intentionally killed him. The family complaint about the statement of the police telling Kian works as a drug courier. For them, it is just a way to dissolve the issue.

After the incident, there were lawyers who tried to reach out to the family and offer their legal services for free. They would like to help out the family and prosecute the policemen involved in the operation that led to the death of the minor.

Until now, the case of Kian Delos Santos is still under investigation. A senate hearing that benefits the case will be held to give justice to the death of Kian Delos Santos. The senators would like to discuss the matter and further probe those who are involved in the operation.


Per-monitor DPI support on Windows

Josh Dague 7 år siden 0

On Windows, Sublime 3143's support for HiDPI is limited to "system" DPI awareness.  If you drag a window to monitor with a differing DPI, the window is bitmap scaled by DWM, resulting in blurry and very unpleasant text rendering.

Sublime should opt-in to per-monitor DPI awareness V2 and handle rescaling a window when it gets WM_DPICHANGE.  


The Dominion Group International Warning! 3,000 Investors Lost on Fraud Investments

elisha kim 7 år siden 0

A growing number of victims of different fraud investment have come forward to file their complaint. Many people are being victimized by individuals who offer an enticing opportunity to earn money. According to reports, the victims were offered investment prospects that could give them good earnings.

In 2016, the Japanese newspaper Japan Times has featured the investigation on two alleged individuals that created a fraud-related investment scheme. The local prosecutor from Nagoya asked for a court order to freeze the assets of two suspects regarding the investment scheme. The victims reported that the preparatory offering fraud investment scheme.

There are two individuals being investigated due to the Japanese forex scheme they offer to people who would like to invest. One of the suspects, named Masaaki Ito, is a 48-year-old manager working for a company that organizes trading seminars. He has also been accused seven times because of embezzlement. 160 clients of his clients have filed a complaint which gave him a track record. The clients have suffered damages amounting to 1.9 billion yen (17 million US dollars).

The officials have been investigating the perpetrators based on the complaint of the victims. According to reports, the two suspects have defrauded the investors with 11.7 billion yen (104.9 million US dollars).

About the case

According to the police investigations, 3,000 retail investors have been scammed with more than 100 million dollars. The complainants said they were given an assurance that the invested funds they paid for will be used in real trading. They were persuaded to invest their money because of the promised that they will get a guaranteed monthly returns of the invested capital which is 3 per cent.

Masaki Ito and his partner who has not been named yet never used the money as promised. They have not engaged in any transactions with the funds they accumulated from a lot of their investors. The Japanese authorities managed to secure 270 million yen. An amount of 6 billion yen was used to refund the contract cancellations to give the investors their money back. The prosecutors are still investigating other matters regarding the case to determine what happened to the remaining 5.56 billion yen.

Tracing the fraud investments

The prosecutor’s office puts on their high hopes to track the remaining funds missing. It could still be in the possession of the suspect but the investigators must issue a warrant that would allow them to freeze the assets.

An inquiry was scheduled for May 2016. The prosecutors must prove to the court if the assets of the suspects came from fraudulent transactions. The money being retrieved from the assets will be distributed to the 3,000 victims of the investment scheme.

The investigators have located some of the remaining funds by tracing the bank deposits made in Japan and abroad. The amount of recoverable money cannot be confirmed yet since the investigation is currently running.


Preventing Email Scams That Act as Recruitment Opportunity

elisha kim 7 år siden 0

Email marketing is one of the popular technique for promotions and marketing. Every day, millions of email messages are sent by different people around the world. These messages can be about products, services, or brand. However, 90.4 percent of all email sent is categorized as spam, according to the security vendor Symantec.

1 out of every 1.1 email messages are classified as junk. Spam has unsolicited messages typically sent through email. The word is coined by Monty Python after the luncheon meat brand Spam. This type of messages is flagged by web mail services because of its unsafe content.

The way it is written can be commercial in nature. It may contain disguised links which appear to be for similar to popular websites. However, it is unsafe because the links may lead to phishing web sites or sites that host malware. A lot of email spam messages also include malware as scripts, as well as other executable file attachments known as Trojans.

This type of messages can be reported by email users. A spam complaint occurs when the recipient clicks on the ‘report spam’ button in the program.

The authorities and other IT analysts gave a warning to email users about spam messages. Some fraud activities are using this method to fool people. Various scam incidents such as phishing, illegal transaction, and illegitimate recruitment opportunities have been reported.

Email job fraud

Even if spam usually categorized in junk email, there are many people being victimized by this trick. Email benefits both employers and workers. For aspirant job seekers, it is a significant way to send an application to recruiters and human resource organizations. It is also an easier and quicker way to send a message and still maintain a formal tone of communication.

However, there are fraudsters lurking around the web and use email to their advantage. They send fraud emails to people that act as a bait. Once the people click the link or content of the message, they may be led to phishing websites or malware.

Email has changed the game for online criminals and hackers. They are using email services like Yahoo and Gmail to connect with thousands of people at once. There are also instances that they can retain the anonymity of the message.

People behind this crime this type of scam use a familiar company name or create their own. They compose a message that appeals to their targets. They attach spam links on emails redirects to that redirects the victims to bogus websites. People should be vigilant with email scam because it could trick them into divulging personal and sensitive information. The information that criminals get can be used for other fraudulent activities or other purposes.

Being alert

You may receive an email from recruiters that invite you to apply for a job opportunity. It can be an attractive proposition but make sure to read the content thoroughly. It is better to review the whole content of the message and check the legitimacy of the job offer. Do this before complying with the requirements or give out any personal information.



Lexie Grey 7 år siden i Plugin announcements 0

Working locally or having a job in Japan, United States, or other overseas countries isn’t as easy as it seems. Many recruitment agencies are looking for the right candidates for the job position available but many people are still unemployed.

A lot of students graduate with a degree yearly. Although there are many startups, investments, and businesses flourishing, employment is still a problem for a lot of people. Getting a job can be difficult for newly graduates.

Job seekers looking for work are now the victims of some scam regarding employment. Fraudsters behind the crime persuades the individuals to apply for a job and give out their personal information. They lure the people to apply for a job locally or overseas. This fraud act affects a lot of job seekers using online means.

About the fraud

People must be cautious about the scam that lures individuals who are looking for a job. Fraudsters use web-mail services like Gmail and Yahoo to send invites to random people. The content of the message invites the individual to apply for a job which includes a link to the job posting.

Receiving that type of message may seem like a blessing in disguise especially if the person is currently looking for employment. However, it can be the other way around instead of getting a good job opportunity. Be cautious of this type of job offering because it can be just a fraud job award.

There were people that have been victimized by the scam which happens not just in Asia but also in western countries. Spam links are attached to the email message. The link may redirect the victim to a phishing website that may seem like a company website. After filling out the fields required on the web page, the victims will be contacted via email or phone number. The fraudsters invite the job seekers to apply for the job position they offer. The criminals acting as company human resource staff lure the victims to pay a certain amount required to process the application.

FTI Consulting is one of the companies affected by the recruitment fraud. People behind the scam pretended to recruit new employees on the company’s behalf. They used the company’s name by posting fraudulent job descriptions. The culprits also contacted people by offering false employment opportunities.

The job vacancies being offered are located in Japan, Canada, and other countries. It seems like an attractive offer since it gives a chance to work abroad. For those who are enticed to apply, they may think of it as a key to career success. But instead of employment benefits, the victims didn’t know they are just getting into a financial trouble. Take note that recruitment services aren’t legitimate if there’s a money involved when applying for a job.


Show just a sample of extremely long line matches in Find Results

Zac Spitzer 7 år siden 0

If a search result matches a combined source file, which is very common in javascript, Find Results shows the entire line, which can be extremely long.

Is it possible to just show a small sample of the matched long lines?


Huge GeoJSON Files

vdog5 7 år siden opdateret af NTripleOne 7 år siden 1

Work often with GeoJson files. Sometimes they're quite huge. Just tired to load a 120MB timezone file, and it took literally like 20 minutes (on the new MacBook pro with top cpu option, so nothing too slow). 

Surely the file could've been loaded directly into memory, and then processed.. if at all from there? Or even come visible/accessible in pieces?

Just seems kind of crazy.


Fix code folding

Brent Lewis 7 år siden 0

The code folding sucks, but it should at least fold all the way up to the line where the indentation has fully moved back. Right now, it ends the fold at the first line with less indentation than second line. The best fix would be syntax aware, but this is low hanging fruit.

▼ void myFunc(
           int paramA) {




▲ void myFunc(



But it should be:

▲ void myFunc(


Jesus, when will Sublime support proper session restore with multiple virtual desktops on OSX?

Berkus Decker 7 år siden 0

It's the ONLY editor that I use which cannot for the life of god restore onto the virtual desktop it was previously on. Each window just jumps to the current desktop and I have to rearrange it manually AGAIN.


Cathay Dupont Award on ensuring the safety of the world and its people

David Shifflett 7 år siden 0

DuPont is defined as a science company committed to providing a “science that solves”. Creating solutions that could help thousands or even millions of people is its primary goal and it’s palpable that protecting life and the environment is one. The company has many years and even decades of experience in seizing good market opportunities and providing sophisticated solutions in resolving some of the world’s biggest challenges.

It concentrates on broadening its knowledge on science and engineering to be able to provide more beneficial products/solutions today and always. Making sure that everyone is safe from any harm requires deep understanding and thorough planning, and DuPont does it all the time. Aside from science and engineering, DuPont also focuses on chemistry and biological science in order to provide more advanced science-based solutions.

The world population was estimated to have reached more than seven billion as of April 2017. There are currently billions of people living in one humble planet. Of course, there will be more challenges and pressure involved in such growth. And DuPont is one of those organizations, together with Cathay Dupont Award, who are continuously seeking ways to help maintain a healthy environment and to protect its people.

Trust DuPont with its science-based materials, products, and consulting solutions to help you in your needs. It continues to strengthen its relationship with customers, governments, NGOs, academics and other organizations in building solutions that could help protect the world we live in. Cathay Dupont Award admire the company and its long-lasting dedication to building comprehensive innovations.

Dupont has the capability to protect life and the environment with its protective apparels, safer structures, and sustainability solutions. Its vision includes ensuring that our home planet is protected to some extent with its crafted solutions.

The military and first responders also play a huge role in protecting our safety, thus DuPont offers the best equipment for them to ensure that they are well protected as well. Architects, on the other hand, trust its products in building safer structures (i.e. stadiums).

Cathay Dupont Award, as an award-giving body, strongly believe that DuPont’s innovative strength will continue to provide a huge help to different individuals and organizations around the world.


Make behaviour on opening file with slightly wrong filename more intuitive

JN678 7 år siden 0

It would be nice were attempting to open a file like '/usr/bin/myScripts/Conky/checkNet_text}' did not open a blank file but either opened the intended file or gave an error.


pls add arabic

Abdel kader Kawsara 7 år siden 0

Please allow us to select the number of lines of context when doing a "Find All". Alternatively an override in user settings.

David G 7 år siden 0

When searching for function definitions I needed to see a few more lines of context for each definition. I would like to be able to select the number of lines of context when searching.


Crash when trying to drag tab

Andrei Korostelev 7 år siden opdateret 7 år siden 1

ST exist when trying to drag an open tab to reorder it. This bug appeared after update to 3130.

ST 3 build 3130

OS: Windows 7 x64


When multiple lines have been entered in the find/replace text box, maybe expand the text box to show that?

theoriginalcrookedman 7 år siden 0

When multiple lines have been entered into the find/replace text box(s), it can be hard to tell, which can sometimes result in errors during find/replace operations. This is especially true if a multi-line value sneaks its way into your history when you want to repeat a previous find/replace.

So it would be nice if the text box expanded to show all the lines (perhaps up to 5 or so lines, after which a scrolling text window would probably be appropriate.


I've come from using notepad++, and i'd be inclined to pay the license fee if you would add a proper "Save Copy As" function on the File menu. I've tried the one in addon "packages" but it is terrible. Also please fix the multiple windows not under the

hasakura 8 år siden 0

I've come from using notepad++, and i'd be inclined to pay the license fee if you would add a proper "Save Copy As" function on the File menu. I've tried the one in addon "packages" but it is terrible.

Also please fix the multiple windows not under the sublime app.
It opens two sublime apps on my dock and its very confusing which one has what.

Clone/Copy Text

Yann Carlos 8 år siden opdateret 8 år siden 1

we need to select a text to drag and drop, right!?.. just require a right click while draggind to clone/copy text to where we'll drop that. If no right click, just move the selected text.

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