
Sara Lawrence fa 2 anys 0

Web Browser Deployment

ehpotsirhc fa 2 anys 0

It would be great if Sublime Text can be deployed over a web browser. Although not that well known (yet), VSCode can be deployed on a server and be accessed completely over a web browser, which will make it that much more flexible to use across any platform.

To give some context... I've switched from developing on Windows, to a Mac, to now ChromeOS with a lot of the dev applications deployed from a server and accessed over a web browser. It keeps the local system light and battery-friendly, while still getting the high-performance I need. A lot of this is driven by VSCode being able to be deployed on a web browser with complete access to the terminal. I can still run Sublime Text on Crostini, and I still love Sublime Text, but sadly VSCode beats Sublime Text on usage as it can be deployed on a server and used over a web browser.


Is there a way to map force quit for the default close of the application? I am looking for a way to be able to close the app in one click with automatically save of all opened documents, and have those documents reopened next time I opened the app.

v1nce n7 fa 3 anys actualitzat fa 3 anys 1

Is there a way to map force quit for the default close of the application? I am looking for a way to be able to close the app in one click with automatically save of all opened documents, and have those documents reopened next time I opened the app.


Zero width non joiners

terry fa 3 anys 0

These used to show up in Sublime as just a vertical red line, now they display as <0x200c> highlighted in red so the Indian, Khmer and Farsi files I work on are full of them and I'd like very much to find the setting or what ever changed with an update that caused this change. I realize it's probably just a setting but I'm just a casual user, not a coder, so any help appreciated, thanks.


shift-tab unindent is broken in build4121

Dmitry Iv fa 3 anys 0

Try in markdown in any indented text, eg
asdf {}|
Try shift-tab cursor at the eol - it creates untrimmed space, as if doing unindent, but also Tab at the same time.


Filter text in output window

icastano fa 3 anys 0

It's not possible to search text in the output window. You can copy it and paste it in a new window, but that's of limited use when the output is still being produced. A more useful alternative would be to have an option to filter lines, This would be useful, for example, to see if a certain message has been produced, or if a certain file has been processed.


auto_complete_commit_on_tab should default to true

Jamie Cruickshank fa 3 anys 0

The docs state

// By default, auto complete will commit the current completion on enter.
// This setting can be used to make it complete on tab instead.
// Completing on tab is generally a superior option, as it removes
// ambiguity between committing the completion and inserting a newline.

If completing on tab is recognised to be "generally a superior option", which I couldn't agree more strongly with, why is the default enter? The autocomplete is an awesome and very powerful feature, however it does seem a little over enthusiastic and I had to google around to find out how to stop random things appearing at the ends of my lines - I'm sure other people will be doing the same.


support protocol buffer editor

Krishna Birla fa 3 anys 0

Equal spacing / lining up of variables

Chad fa 4 anys 0

Is there a way natively or with a package add-on to evenly space variable definitions within PHP  to make them pretty?


$this_is_a_variable = $my_value_array['something'];

$a_variable = $my_value_array['something-else'];

$another_variable = $my_value_array['something-more'];

and make it look like

$this_is_a_variable = $my_value_array['something'];

$a_variable            = $my_value_array['something-else'];

$another_variable   = $my_value_array['something-more'];


view.show(view.visible_region()) scrolls the view

ianh fa 4 anys 0

I'm writing a script to save and restore file positions, and I noticed that, when scrolled to the top of a file,


scrolls the view downward so that the top of the file isn't visible any more.

I can work around this behavior in my script, but it seems incorrect in any case, so I figured I'd report it.


Excluding subfolders in multi-file search

Guy Carver fa 4 anys 0

I have a large 3rd party SDK within my project directory.  When I do searches through the many libraries for text I very often get a bunch of hits from the 3rd party source code.  I'd like to be able to exclude that folder in much the same way as with certain file types (with the -*.txt) for example.


Project name should take priority in the window title

superluminal fa 4 anys 0

I usually have several different project windows open at a given time for my dayjob, and it would be nice to be able to quickly switch between them with the system's windowswitcher (Alt+Tab in my case). This is currently prevented by the window titles prioritizing file paths over project name, making it difficult to tell what project I'm switching in to.


Keep the status line report of line and column when a selection is made

Cornishman fa 5 anys 0

When a selection is made, the bottom left hand status changes from line / column to number of items selected. This is a pain if trying to line up a selection of text to a tab spacing. Can the selection count be added so that all 3 items are displayed? I really want to know the column number for the above. Currently I have to make a reference point then align a selection to the reference point and then delete the reference point. There is plenty of screen real estate.


file too large,skipping

branchNPC fa 5 anys en Plugin announcements 0

When i will search some words in the content, i get the tips what is "file too large,skipping". How can i do ?


Show all types(i.e. line endings) whitespaces in Sublime Text 3

vv7vv7 fa 5 anys 0

Dear Developers of Sublime Text,

Thank you for your project

Didn't find such common suggestion using search of this web site, thus, there is one.

Is it possible to add such feature to see any types of whitespace characters in text?

An example is shown on image below:

Image 569

As you may notice, there are return characters shown above which is very helpful sometimes.

It is worth to notice that a package called "RawLineEdit" has already been tried and it didn't work in the result. Thus it would be very wonderful to have such option out of the box.

Best regards


Native Windows 10 on ARM port

Kaloyan Nikolov fa 5 anys 0

With the release of the Surface Pro X it would be nice to have a native Windows 10 on ARM port.


Store currently entered find term in find history

RickyV fa 5 anys 0

Often I will be typing a complex regex into the find field, and then lose it by accidentally stepping through the history with the up or down arrow.  If the last thing to be typed into the Find field could bestored in the history whether it was actually searched or not, that would be helpful.  Also I would appreciate different key bindings for stepping through the history since I often seem to do it accidentally.


Can we mark some code as temporary like bug echo like echo and print_r() or var_dump

Can we mark some code as temporary like bug echo like echo and print_r() or var_dump so that when we push changes then we use some hot key to remove all those marked changes to be removed and then code can be pushed without unwanted code...


Make multi-file search-and-replace multi-threaded

Gabriel Charette fa 5 anys 0

ctrl+shift-F on large codebases sadly only uses one core (~2% on my machine when searching the Chromium codebase)


Drag and drop folder from open file dialog

tomasantunes fa 5 anys 0

We can drag a folder from the windows explorer to the sidebar but not from the open file dialog. Is that possible?