Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


File is marked as dirty even though the file itself is unchanged

Sindre Sorhus 12 років тому оновлений 12 років тому 1
If I open a file using tab indentation and click the menu option "Convert indentation to Tabs" the file is marked as dirty even though the file didn't change.
Sublime should only mark a file as dirty if it actually changed.

This behavior breaks my plugin which forces a set indentation type.

Build 2210


Project Explorer

Tim Johnston 12 років тому 0

It would be good to have a consistent UI for 'managing' projects (creating them, deleting them, indexing/exploring them).

Right now all I have for this is the 'recent projects' menu option. Is there something out there that I'm missing?

If not, this could be another of many reasons why SublimeText is the best thing since sliced bread.


Is there a way to tab complete when dealing with paths as in terminal? (i.e., in the command palette and in the find/where panel)

Heather Miller 13 років тому оновлено Simon Wade 12 років тому 1
When dealing with paths, it'd be very convenient to have tab auto-completion like in emacs or a console window. 

Example: After pressing command + shift + F to do a find across directories, it'd be nice if it was possible to use tab auto-completion in the "where" field when entering the path to a directory that you'd like to search in.

Is it possible to enable this somehow?

Save just the workspace

Timo Mömmö 12 років тому 0
Saving just the current open files in to a single double-clickable file would be essential for my workflow. Current Sublime Projects are an overkill for this purpose. My projects don't usually consist of files being in the same path, so I don't want the extra hassle to define these useless folders in my projects. Also I need to save my workspaces to the desktop for quick access, and the current 2 file project model clutters my desktop quickly.

Restoring/restarting on the mac should re-open windows in the correct desktop spaces

joeling 11 років тому оновлено PanicBear 9 років тому 1

I use several "Spaces" or "Desktops" on the mac to organize work.  When restarting Sublime, it re-opens all of the windows on the current desktop, not the desktop where they were previously.


Show the number of lines of a file in the bottom bar

Fladson Thiago 12 років тому 0

It would be nice if we have, by default, the total number of lines of any file in the bottom bar, right before the current line and column display.


Acme style mouse chords

Rob Kroeger 14 років тому 0
Acme (Plan9 editor) style mouse actions: middle to execute, right to search, chords for cut and paste: select with left and chord middle to cut, right to pate. Or a way to write custom bindings for the mouse buttons both separately and in combination.

Alternate pointer when in column selection mode

Phillip Koebbe 13 років тому оновлено Peter Gassner 12 років тому 1
This is, admittedly, a minor thing, but I thought I'd ask anyway. When I press the Option/Alt key (I'm on a Mac) to perform column selection, it would be nice if the pointer changed to something other than the vertical bar. Cross hairs or something like that would be good.

Vertical selection toggle with alt/option

Kilian Ciuffolo ⚡_ 12 років тому оновлено Johan Kåhrström 12 років тому 4
Alt/Option key should switch toggle standard/vertical selection just like textmate/chocolat/etc do.


nick vajberg 12 років тому оновлено Pat 11 років тому 1

It would be nice to be able to do at least simple refactoring, now that the symbol database works so great.

At first, at least for C++, Java, ObjC and the like:

  - Rename functions and classes (update all references)

  - Introduce variable

  - Extract method

Other can come later.
