Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Private Training at Koyal Group: Private Detectives and Investigators

Stanley Friel 11 років тому 0

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What Private Detectives and Investigators Do

Private detectives and investigators find facts and analyze information about legal, financial, and personal matters. They offer many services, including verifying people's backgrounds, finding missing persons, and investigating computer crimes.

Work Environment
Private detectives and investigators work in many places, depending on the case. Some spend more time in offices doing computer searches, while others spend more time in the field conducting interviews and performing surveillance. They often work irregular hours. About 1 in 5 were self-employed in 2012.

How to Become a Private Detective or Investigator
Private detectives and investigators mostly need several years of work experience in law enforcement. Workers must also have a high school diploma, and the vast majority of states require private detectives and investigators to have a license.

The median annual wage for private detectives and investigators was $45,740 in May 2012.

Job Outlook
Employment of private detectives and investigators is projected to grow 11 percent from 2012 to 2022, about as fast as the average for all occupations. Demand for private detectives and investigators will stem from security concerns and the need to protect confidential information. Strong competition can be expected for jobs.

Similar Occupations
Compare the job duties, education, job growth, and pay of private detectives and investigators with similar occupations.

More Information, Including Links to O*NET
Learn more about private detectives and investigators by visiting additional resources, including O*NET, a source on key characteristics of workers and occupations.

New York dethrones London som beste finanssentrum

joushuachin 11 років тому 0
Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications
LONDON: New York erstattet London som verdens ledende finansielle sentrum for første gang, etter at byen ble rystet av en rekke skandalene og spørsmål over Storbritannias plass i EU.

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New York har topplasseringen i den siste globale finansielle sentre indeksen med en "ustø, statistisk ubetydelig" to-punkts føre, ifølge Michael Mainelli, leder av Z/Yen gruppen, som sammenstiller indeksen.

Konkurransen er varme opp, med Hong Kong og Singapore, to ledende asiatisk sentre, innsnevring gapet mellom seg selv og de to øverste til færre enn 30 poeng på en skala på 1000, indeksen viser.

Skandalene inkludert banker misbruker sine kunder ved å selge unødvendige forsikring, manipulering av finansielle benchmarks og handel tap, har kombinert skader byens stående, akkurat som planer for en folkeavstemning om EU-medlemskap kastet tvil om vilkårene i tilgangen til dette markedet.

Mens New York har utfordret London for pallen siden starten av indeksen, fikk en sevenpoint økning i sin vurdering den topplasseringen etter den britiske hovedstaden LED en 10-punkts nedgang, den største av alle i topp 50.

"London trenger et rykte som alle som kommer vil bli behandlet rettferdig og kan konkurrere rettferdig," i henhold til Mainelli. "Uten store innenlandske økonomien bak New York og Hong Kong, London må opptre mer som en Singapore by stat eller har støtte fra et EU innenlandske økonomien."

Click to Read More


Westhill Consulting Jakarta: What You Need to Know About IPO Investments

Lilian Norum 11 років тому 0
1888 Press Release - Westhill Consulting is an international financial advisory firm based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Below is a guide to Initial Public Offerings (IPO's) intended to simplify the jargon and remove the fear that IPO's involve higher risk as compared to usual investments.

Westhill Consulting is a market leader in the Financial Services category. Here is a guide to Initial Public Offerings (IPO's) intended to simplify the jargon and remove the fear that IPO's involve higher risk as compared to usual investments.

Westhill Consulting is a reputable investment advisory firm based in Jakarta Indonesia, dedicated to providing you the most advantageous investments based on how you want your portfolio managed for the private middle market.

You might be wondering how you can increase the profits you make from your market investing strategies. If you're searching for the most profitable forms of investing that are available today, you should definitely investigate the possibilities of using Initial Public Offering (IPO) investments.

A simple description of an IPO includes the fact that you're buying a business that is just entering the open marketplace. The moment the IPO is released to the public is the first time anyone has the ability to buy the company openly, and this will surely give you a good idea on where the stock itself resides when it comes to the value of the offering. You can wage it is preparing for a large rise in its value because they are just releasing their stock to the public.

Though most of the Initial Public Offering stocks skyrocket after they are first released, you must keep in mind that they are hardly a definite investment. Because of this, there are several factors you must definitely examine before you place your capital into this type of investment.

Ctrl + click should highlight the word

Ernest Perez Jr 11 років тому оновлено David Johnston 11 років тому 3
This is a great feature in VisualStudio and may not seem like it's all that important, but it's really useful and I use it all the time. It would be nice to be able to do this in ST3 as well.

Fadeout horizontal overflow

Dušan Maliarik 12 років тому оновлений 12 років тому 1
Currently the the subtle shadow that appears on the side, if line is wider than column width, only works with dark color schemes, rendering a fugly drop shadow in the bright ones. IMHO it should fade out to whatever is the current background color instead.


drwe 11 років тому 0

On the find/replace menu. The tooltip pops up under the cursor. I use large cursors so I can never see this text


Mardell: US pivots to the Philippines

Maurice Brett 11 років тому 0

President Obama's much debated "pivot to Asia" can often seem like an abstract diplomatic desire.

But it may now be saving lives. The "pivot" has meant Mr Obama has continued switching US military focus from the Middle East to the Pacific Ocean.

It is controversial on many levels, but it may be paying dividends for the unfortunate people of the Philippines.

Yesterday two transport planes and a group of marines were sent to Tacloban.

New treaty likely

The aircraft carrier George Washington and cruisers Antietam and Cowpens, the destroyers Mustin and Lassen, and the supply ship Charles Drew are also heading to the area.

The US military has had a tortured relationship with the Philippines - a base was closed in the 1990s, which was a real strategic loss.

Recently relationships have improved a lot, and a new treaty is likely.

This swift response from the US is in contrast to the Philippines' big neighbour, China.

They've offered a measly $100,000. OK, they are locked in a bitter dispute over who owns the Spratley Islands.

This makes them all the more worried about the possible treaty between the Philippines and the US, but that makes offering aid clever diplomacy, rather than comforting the enemy.

In the summer I went to China to make a documentary on Sino-US relations.

Many Chinese are concerned that the "pivot to Asia" is little more than code for an increase in US naval power in the region, aimed at boxing them in.

Altruism as diplomacy

Unidentified soldiers stand near a V-22 Osprey in Leyte, Philippines on 12 November 2013 

A V-22 Osprey was among the US military kit deployed to Leyte, Philippines

At the same time there are some who want their country's ever-growing economic might to be matched with a bigger influence in the world, starting in their own region.

But many genuinely don't want to match what they see as America's presumptuousness and arrogance.

You would have thought that lending a friendly hand to a neighbour in dire need would be a textbook exercise in soft power, but it doesn't appear to be happening.

It's true Filipinos might not want to see Chinese warships off their shores, or men in PLA uniforms bearing food and water.

Then again, they might not care right now about the political provenance of help.

The US aid may not just be motivated by a good heart and a love of liberty - altruism is good diplomacy too.

Its request for a big base may now garner support among those who were wary.

It comes back to the old question, often heard around Washington, "If not us, who?"

In the Philippines, I bet they are just glad it is somebody with the lifting power to make a difference.



Readers' Travel Tips: Affordable Activities for Kids in the UK

Rosy Mishie 11 років тому 0
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Do you have a failsafe activity to keep the kids happy at half-term? From urban farms to art workshops, museums and wildlife walks, we are looking for your tips on family fun

Half-term is looming – breathe deep. Do you have a go-to place or activity that keeps your children entertained? Not so much camping in your own back garden as places to go, events that are on or a particular cafe that doubles as a play room. From city farms and nature walks to art classes and museums, let us know and you could win a top prize.

Up for grabs is a Sprindrift 300 tent from Force Ten worth £540 and perfect for wintery expeditions. Submit your tips by clicking on the blue button and using the text tab. Try and include as much detail as possible – location, website address etc – and feel free to add a photo if you own the copyright to it, but it will be the text we're judging! Your tip should be around 100 words.

Closes 5 February 2014 at 6am GMT

GuardianWitness is the home of user-generated content on the Guardian. Contribute your video, pictures and stories, and browse news, reviews and creations submitted by others. Posts will be reviewed prior to publication on GuardianWitness, and the best pieces will feature on the Guardian site.


Cannot tab to next placeholder in a snippet

James Cuzella 12 років тому 0

When inserting a snippet, the cursor moves to the first placeholder which I can edit.  However, when I press tab it does not move to the next placeholder in the snippet :-(

OS: Linux (Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS)

Sublime Text Version 2.0.1, Build 2217

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Type the tabTrigger for a snippet with more than 1 placeholder
  2. Type some characters for the 1st placeholder
  3. Press tab
  4. Cursor stays in 1st placeholder


Pass code to interactive interpreter as separate window

Thomas Sturges-Allard 12 років тому 0

Ability to run code interactively in the appropriate interpreter in a separate window a la the PyNPP plugin for Notepad++Image 216

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I prefer the interpreter to "pop-up" when I want to test my code. I can then take note of an error (Python gives great feedback on errors), close the command prompt window, go back to the code and fix the problem.

I don't like how "Building" in Sublime causes the console to pop-up using up reducing the code you can look at.

With PyNPP I can click in the main window to switch focus back or if I do not need to see the prompt again I can exit it which is much simpler than View->Console. I also find the grey-on-white much harder to read than the white-on-black of the command prompt and it is not representative of what my users will be seeing/using.