Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Filter to show only matching lines

cmulcahy 13 років тому оновлено Yatharth Gupta 12 років тому 2

This is probably a request for a plugin.

I'd like to be able to run a filter that provides only matching lines a la grep. I'd like it to filter out of the view any lines that do not match a provided regex. 



Mountain Lion Scrollbars

Niels Kobschätzki 12 років тому оновлено Sven Axelsson 12 років тому 1
I'd really like to see Mountain Lion-scrollbars because they are superior to the Lion-scrollbars with the two-finger tap to make them visible and becoming wider when one tries to grab them

Hidden Characters Not Displaying

Joey Baker 13 років тому оновлений 13 років тому 0
The following characters show up as diamonds in TextMate:


However, SublimeText fails to show them at all.

Straighten quotes action

Khánh Lê 13 років тому 0
Add edit action to straighten all quotes

Sublime Text 3 don't see settings files from the .sublime-package

kizu 12 років тому 0

I've tried to use the new method of packaging as described in the porting guide — — but I use sublime.load_settings() in my plugin, and the file with settings is going with the plugin, so it's in the package.

But when I do so, the settings are not loaded — when I do sublime.load_settings("filename.json").get("settingname") it returns nothing when the plugin is packaged and returns the setting properly if it is not.


Allow translate sublime interface

Nekmo com 12 років тому 0

Enable interface translation into different languages via plugins


Auto-complete: Display "verbose" information for the currently selected completion

Keith Holman 13 років тому оновлений 13 років тому 0
It would be very helpful (for plugin writers like me) if there was a place to display details about auto-complete options. In Eclipse, for example, the currently highlighted autocomplete suggestion has a tooltip-like panel displayed next to it that shows its documentation:

Image 111

Eclipse's version of the feature is very fancy -- merely allowing multi-line text would be more than enough to greatly improve Sublime auto-complete plugins.



Add panel param to hide_panel command

Will Bond 13 років тому 0
I have written a plugin that uses output panels to display the result of an operation. I tried to implement an option so the output panel would hide after a specified timeout. Unfortunately the hide_panel command does not accept a panel parameter, so if the user's focus has changed to another panel (such as Goto Anything), that panel will be closed instead.

I would very much appreciate it if you would add an optional panel param to the hide_panel command. Thanks!

compilation buffer should support colorization

codex 13 років тому 0
It would be nice to be able to tell from the build buffer whether a build has succeeded or failed based on the color, and to colorize error messages and warnings.

I'd like to use Sublime Text on my iPad ...

Joe1981 11 років тому 0

... will there be an ipad version?

... when will version 3 be available?