Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


snippet with text transformation

baurzhan zhakashev 12 лет назад обновлен FichteFoll 12 лет назад 1

i have this snippet


    <content><![CDATA[ \$${1:var}['${1}']['${3}'] ]]></content>





and i want to text transform (Title case) this part['${1}'] while typing ${1:var}

so result should be like this


is it possable?


Bug in highlighting Erlang format strings

Christian Kruse 13 лет назад 0
Syntax highlighting for Erlang has a bug in the format strings parser: the format string ~4..0B (an integer with 4 digits, filled up with 0's when the int is smaller, same as %04d in sprintf() format string) is highlighted red (as invalid) while it is a valid format string.

Adjust the alpha of the sublime text's window when the mouse move outside the window

Dupl 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 0
Let adjust the transparency of the main st2's window when the mouse move out of it (or with a keypress) to let a faster and better view of the website behind it (live reloaded with CodeKit or LiveReload) Example ->

Support more complex language guessing.

James Farwell 12 лет назад обновлен 12 лет назад 0
Guessing language by the file extension alone or by the first line is often not enough. For example, the ".h" extension is shared by C, C++, Objective-C, and Objective-C++ (and more). The user can choose which language to open ".h" files as by default, but if they are working in a mixed codebase (e.g. it is likely if they are working with Objective-C++ there will also be Objective-C and C .h files laying around too) then this isn't enough. It would be pretty nice if there were keyword matching on the whole file to be able to guess the language.

For example, for ".h" files:

contains["@interface", "@end", "#import"] -> Objective-C
contains["class", "namespace", "::"] -> C++
contains[Objective-C AND C++] -> Objective-C++
default -> C

Another solution might be able to allow the user to assign the language based on directory... e.g. all ".h" files in "foo/bar/objc" are Objective-C but "foo/bar/cpp" are C++.

Python syntax highlighting for binary literals

Bcj Brendan 12 лет назад 0
The python language file (Python.tmLanguage) is missing the pattern for binary literals (e.g., 0b1010). To add support, all that needs to be done, is to add a few lines of code( to the patterns array (just search for constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal, and add it underneath).


include filter for Projects

Mike Craddick 12 лет назад 0

Would love to have back the ability to specify "include_filters" for Project files. Would be happy with whatever way this worked (e.g. if include filter was used, would ONLY include those files/folders specified with filter).


hot_exit true, remember_open_files true

Structured QA Web 11 лет назад 0

I love hot_exit because I always work with Open Folder.. so that means my folder is always remembered. BUT, this means I can't turn off remember_open_files. Which is a huge problem because tabs keep piliing up and I have to close each of them manually.

I'd really like it to never remember tabs once I close Sublime, but still remember the folder I'm working on.

Your comment explains that this is the situation indeed:

"// remember_open_files makes the application start up with the last set of

// open files. Changing this to false will have no effect if hot_exit is

// true"

Would be great if you can allow that!


modified file indicator on tab

Mihkel Miliste 12 лет назад обновлен 12 лет назад 2
Indicator for modified but not saved file has gone missing in 2181 (OSX)

Statically Link Everything For Linux Use

Dane Curbow 11 лет назад 0
I am trying to get ST2 up and running on RHEL5 64bit for work. I managed to resolve some other library conflicts, but the glibc-2.11 can't really be worked around. If I update that in my environment the most likely (as other people got this result) outcome is that I have to setup my environment again because taking such actions will break it. This could easily be resolved by not having ST2 dynamically linked and instead go with a statically linked release for those who need it.


Timestamp your digital signatures on binary files.

11 лет назад 0

Timestamp your digital signatures on binary files. That way it will validate after certificate expires.

Easy to do while releasing a version + usually free.

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