Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.
Word wrap indents not matching the originating indentation
Sometimes, word wrap will put the wrapped line at the same indentation as the content I'm working on. Other times it will put the wrapped text one tab over resulting in it appearing as though it's a completely separate line of code.
Since this behavior is inconsistent, I am under the belief it is a bug. If it is not, then I am requesting a setting to allow me to make it so the wrapped indentation matches the indentation of the originating line.
Switch between 2 latest files with F12
In my previous editor (EditPlus) I could switch between the latest 2 files with F12, which came in very handy. I know you can switch with ctrl+tab, but then you have to remember if you need to go forward or backwards. As far as I can see F12 is not used yet.
Keep up the good work!
ctrl-p / ctrl-r improvements
- nested symbols: for example: '@SomeClass some_method -6' -- jump to to -6 line above class method
- search symbols in many files: 'file_name@SomeClass' show all files matched file_name and contained SomeClass
Mulitlanguage spell checking
In some code editors it is possible to have multiple spell check dictionaries activated at the same time. It would be a very comfortable feature in ST too, for example when working with multilanguage text files.
Ability to create create/open files via Dock's context menu
I'm talking about this menu:
R - folding multi-line comments
It would be great if the R lexer could support folding multi-line comments in R. This is particularly useful with function headers. Ideally, when the comments are folded only the top-most line shows (i.e. the name of the function). Here's an example of a function header using Roxygen-style documentation.
#' Test Function
#' My test function description
#' @param firstParam first parameter description
#' @param secondParam second parameter description
#' @return what the function returns
#' @note some notes here
#' @author First Last
#' @importFrom plyr ddply
#' @export
TestFunction = function( ... )
Default file extension
During "Replace" show a live tooltip below each match displaying the replacement string
Hotkey does not work on another language layout
Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho