Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


command palette open without any open files

Sheldon Els 12 jaar geleden 0
With sublime text open but no windows open on osx the command palette is disabled. It would be nice to have application wide command accessible from the palette at this stage.

Strange color schemes rendering

aristidesfl 12 jaar geleden 0
The used theme for testing in was the stock Monokai bundled with Sublime Text 2. The same theme file was installed in all editors.
Youtube video

Besides, doctype html is not being highlighted for some reason..

make search highlight customizable in themes

Vincent Côté-Roy 13 jaar geleden 0
the white box is next to useless when using a white or near-white background.

Large menus are sized incorrectly when opened on a second (smaller) monitor

Matt Channer 11 jaar geleden 0

I have 2 monitors, the second monitor is a wide screen with less vertical space than the primary one.

When I open a large menu (syntax list) when sublime is running on the second monitor, the drop down goes off the screen.  It looks like the primary screen size is being used to calculate the available space. 

It should be using the dimensions of the screen that sublime is attached to.


Show current file in the new groups after switching

Denis Tomilin 14 jaar geleden 0
When you switching to the split mode, need to show current tab from group 1 in the group 2, but in "shadow" mode(like it in the preview of files from project or inchanged new file) and switch focus onto group 2.
It's similar to emacs behavior.

"ctrl+<" shortcut is not working on US keyboard layouts

senzo 13 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 13 jaar geleden 0
A workaround could be "ctrl+shift+," but this is not working across different keyboard layouts. To replicate a specific feature from TextMate which was mapped to the "ctrl+<" shortcut it should be possible to define it.

Allow spaces to be insert when typing with the shift button down and space bar is it

Gareth Evans 12 jaar geleden 0
When typing with the shift button down (in windows) hitting the space bar does not output a space.

If I wanted to type the following;

$foo = "HELLO WORLD";

I'd end up with;

$foo = "HELLOWORLD";

Sort document based on Sections

ℴℓℯᵩ 11 jaar geleden 0

assume you have a data sheet with multiline information per data:

id: 501

name: Two

id: 500

name: One

so basically what I want to do is:

1. select "id:"

2. press Super+Ctrl+G to select all occurrences

3. select those two lines

4. sort based on the id

(or a different approach. Go to menu "Sort Based On Sections", define the paragraph/section and sort the document)


Ending brace/parenthesis/quote should only appear if otherwise it would leave braces/parentheses/quotes unbalanced.

Tart Toter 12 jaar geleden 0

Say I have code that looks like this:

function blah (arg, anotherarg)

And I type a single open brace at the end of the first line. What should happen is this:

function blah (arg, anotherarg) {

What does happen is this:

function blah (arg, anotherarg) { }


cmd+9 should take you to the last tab even if there are less than 9 open tabs (like Chrome)

Drew Allyn Gross 11 jaar geleden 0

Recently I had a lot of files open, and I would switch to the last one (with cmd+9) then edit it and close it, then switch to the last tab again. When I got down to less than 9 tabs left, I was very confused when cmd+9 no longer did anything.