Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Side Bar Key Bindings

Liam McLennan 13 year бұрын 0

 For those who don't like to use a mouse it would be great if there were key bindings to:

  • jump to the side bar
  • navigate the side bar (expand collapse select)
  • jump back to the editor 


colorized / more structured search results

Andreas Sekine 13 year бұрын 0
The results for a search are uncolored, and generally difficult to read. Providing syntax highlighting, coloring, ability to fold folder results, would make it immensely easier to use

Add Notification System to API

Jacob Gardner 11 year бұрын 0

It would be nice if there was a notification system that we could have access to from plugins.  Things like builds completing, tests failing/succeeding, etc. could appear in a non-obtrusive spot, briefly, then disappear.  


Support "hidden" data in the buffer

Kai Grossjohann 13 year бұрын жаңартылды 13 year бұрын 0
For plugins that compute buffer content, it would be useful to associate data with the buffer content that isn't visible in the text.

For example, SublimeTODO abbreviates file names that contain to do items, and for jumping to the right spot, it would be good to store the unabbreviated file name somewhere.

And Tablist shows tabs by their names, but since multiple tabs can have the same name, it would be good to associate the view identifier with each line.

And Dired shows files, but for easier parsing it would be good to associate the complete file name with each line.

It would be nice if there was an API that allowed plugin authors to associate data with a region in the buffer.

Detect new files or sync with filesystem for 'goto anything'.

Kevin Zettler 12 year бұрын 0

If I open a sublime project from the command line with `subl .`

and then later go to that directory and create new files with `touch newfile.txt` or even switching git branches which adds new files. These files are not detected in the session of sublime using the `goto anything` I have to close sublime and relaunch with another `subl .`


Edit related css and live editing in browser like adobe brackets

aristidesfl 12 year бұрын 0
Youtube video


Always show current line and column

Jimmy Soho 12 year бұрын 0

In the statusbar in the bottom left it shows the current line and column. If you select a word, line, etc. these values disappear. Why? Even in selection mode the cursor is somewhere, please show this invaluable information. Also, when searching within a file, it will show e.g. "32 of 56 matches". Nice, but not as useful information as showing the current line and column where the match is made.


Project windows should include folder name

chaiguy 13 year бұрын updated by Michael Mazour 13 year бұрын 1
When you drop a folder onto Sublime, the project name really should default to the folder name, so there is a way to tell what folder window one is working in. E.g. if I have 17 folders each with an info.xml file, I can't tell them apart in the window list.

project-dependant build system

Joshua Warner 13 year бұрын updated by for_the_winn 11 year бұрын 1
I would like the build system to be configurable on a per-project basis.  I find it somewhat of a pain to use the current build system setup, because I like to put mu cmake-generated makefiles in <project_dir>/build directory, which means that I also have to put another makefile in <project_dir> that just defers to that one, just so that Sublime will be able to "find" it.

Show key bindings for snippets in snippets menu

Ryan Anklam 13 year бұрын 0
Image 37