Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Editor range selections/caret positioning behaves differently than the rest of OS X's text views do

Shaun Harrison 13 ár síðan updated by gscottolson 12 ár síðan 1

Sublime Text 2 handles text range selections and caret position changes slightly differently than the native OS X text views do. 

Test Case #1:  Open a blank file with a single line with the contents "one two three"

  1. Highlight the word "two" and press the left arrow key while holding shift
    1. Expected OS X behavior: Expand the text selection to the left of "two" by one, resulting in the selected range being " two"
    2. Sublime behavior: Decreases the selection from the right by one, resulting in the selected range being "tw"
    3. Note: This is not the case for shift+right, this works as expected.
  2. Put the caret in the middle of the line, press the up arrow key
    1. Expected behavior: The caret moves to the beginning of the line
    2. Sublime behavior: Nothing happens
  3. Put the caret in the middle of the line, press the down arrow key
    1. Expected behavior: The caret moves to the end of the line
    2. Sublime behavior: Nothing happens 
  4. Highlight "two", press the up arrow key
    1. Expected behavior: The caret moves to the beginning of the line
    2. Sublime behavior: Caret moves to the beginning of the word "two"
  5. Highlight the word "two", press the down arrow key
    1. Expected Behavior: The caret moves to the end of the line
    2. Sublime behavior: The caret moves to the end of the word "two"
  6. Highlight the word "two", press the up arrow key while holding shift
    1. Expected Behavior: It highlights the entire line up until the end of "two" resulting in "one two" being highlighted
    2. Sublime behavior: It highlights the entire line up unto the beginning of "two" resulting in "one " being highlighted
    3. Note: This is not the case for shift+down, it works as expected.
Test Case #2:  Open a blank file with a two lines, both with the contents "one two three"
  1. Highlight the word "two" in the second add line, press the up arrow key while holding shift
    1. Expected behavior: It moves extends the range to select everything from the beginning of two on the first line, to the end of two on the second line, resulting in the selection being "two three\none two"
    2. Sublime behavior: It changes the range to selection everything between "two" on the first line and "two" on the second line, resulting in the selection being " three\none "
    3. Note: This is not the case with shift+down while starting on the first line, this works as expected.
I tested and confirmed "expected behavior" in the following OS X apps:
  • TextEdit
  • TextMate
  • Xcode
  • Espresso 2
  • Chocolat

When cursor is on a closing bracket, showing corresponding open bracket and code

Polga 13 ár síðan updated by jeandeluxe 13 ár síðan 1
When you have a closing brace / bracket from a really long method or conditional statement and the opening brace is up and off the visible page, it's nice to see it along with the code, for reference. Zend Studio does this well and I've attached an image example. Very handy feature!

Image 125

Settings for adding padding around text.

Pedro Murillo 13 ár síðan 0
A couple of settings to add padding around text would be a very nice addition to the existing visual settings. 

It could be something along these lines:

"document_padding_top": 20,
document_padding_bottom": 20,

Please consider implementing this.

Thansk a lot

Scrolling margin

Aleksey Alekseyev 13 ár síðan updated by tomr 12 ár síðan 1
Usually the editor won't start scrolling the text unless you move the cursor to the last visible line and press down (or first visible and press up).

Scrolling margin means that there will always be X lines visible under or above cursor (except at the beginning of the file). So if the cursor is on the (X+1) line from the bottom of the screen, pressing down will scroll the text and move the cursor.

This option would be very convinient, because the user will always have a better context of where in the code (s)he is now.

Search and Replace should allow inserting newlines in the replace section

Markus Peter 14 ár síðan updated by Bobex Stojanovic 9 ár síðan 12
It should be possible to insert newlines into the "replace" section of Search and Replace


auto-hide/collapse folder pane

Prajwal Manjunath 12 ár síðan 0

In my experience, an always visible folder pane is just taking up precious screen real estate 90% of the time. 

My idea is to have the folder pane collapse to the left, appear when the mouse is positions on the left border for more than half a sec. You can also probably have an options bar at the bottom of the folder pane where a user would be able to set various attributes like "show after X seconds mouse is on left border","disable auto hide", etc. 

This would really help when I have large subtrees of folders, and I'd have to resize the folder pane all the way to the right everytime I wanted to select a folder on the lower levels of the tree, and push it back to the left when I wanted to get back to the code.


Bolder/more caret styles

Ibrahim Tencer 13 ár síðan updated by Tristan Koch 12 ár síðan 2
It is very difficult to see the cursor, especially in vintage mode. "wide" is nice but it doesn't blink.

Scroll horizontally using the minimap

Matt Campbell 13 ár síðan updated by Vachagan Balayan 7 ár síðan 2
A user should be able to use the minimap to scroll horizontally.
The portion of the page in the current view should be aware of width and highlighted on the minimap.

This would be:
  1. Awesome
  2. Really useful on wide documents
  3. Especially helpful when using multi-column layouts i.e currently I avoid multiple columns because it is too much effort to scroll horizontally and word-wrap make the document too long and uncomfortable.
Really hope you can do this


Hoisting the outline

Sten Linnarsson 12 ár síðan 0

It would be great to be able to hoist the outline in the editor. For example, double-clicking on an outline marker (those little arrows in the margin) would "zoom in" so that the editor now only contains that section. A bread crumb control at the top (or bottom) would indicate where in the outline you are.

Example: editing a large HTML document, I want to make changes to a particular section under <body><div id="main">. I hoist it, so that the editor now contains only the <div id="main"> and its contents up to the closing </div>. Pressing escape goes up one level in the outline.

Hoisting is sort of the opposite of folding. Instead of hiding a section, it hides everything outside the section. It would work equally well for HTML, XML and code.


quick add next and quick find all to be case sensitive

Paul Tramp 12 ár síðan updated by Ada Chao 12 ár síðan 1

One of the main features is to use Multiple Selections to rename variables quickly. But in java and some other O.O. languages it is important that the features that select them are case sentive.