Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.
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Edit files with no permission
On mac, I can't save it.
I suggest give me a notice to authorization. Like other editor
Problems with smb shares
With a network folder added to a project I don't seem to be able to navigate more than 3 levels deep in folder structure. Share mounted with smbmount. No problems with other apps
'Ensure newline at EOF' could do to trim extra newlines.
The 'ensure newline at EOF' option in ST2 checks to see if the file ends in a newline, and if not, adds one. However, it doesn't trim any excessive newlines. So if a file ends in, say, 7 newlines, it doesn't trim them to just one.
By default, EnsureNewlineAtEof looks like the following:
class EnsureNewlineAtEof(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_pre_save(self, view):
if view.settings().get("ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save") == True:
if view.size() > 0 and view.substr(view.size() - 1) != '\n':
edit = view.begin_edit()
view.insert(edit, view.size(), "\n")
I think it would be really nice if it could trim excessive newlines, like so (this code doesn't mess around with the position of the cursor, so you don't get scrolled up or down in the file):
class EnsureNewlineAtEof(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_pre_save(self, view):
if view.settings().get("ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save") == True:
if view.size() > 0:
edit = view.begin_edit()
content = view.substr(sublime.Region(0, view.size())).rstrip()
view.erase(edit, sublime.Region(len(content), view.size()))
view.insert(edit, len(content), os.linesep) # linesep is used for cross-platform compatibility - and line encodings - but "\n" works too for the most part.
I've added this code to a custom plugin, but it would be much nicer to get this behavior by default. Or at least, get an additional option to trim excessive newlines from files.
acces shortcuts from command palette
in numerous occasions some of the shortcuts i use are overridden by a plugin, i would just love the possibility to have in command palette the possibility to type something like "shortcuts: ctrl+shift+n" that will display all the shortcut files that use that shortcut.
Hints from many files
Hey, Sublime Text 2 is really great, but it would be extremely nice if the code hints available would include words from all the files in project, or at least from the currently opened files (like gedit)
Vintage mode should implement tilde key to change case
In Vi(m), the tilde key (~) normally toggles upper/lower case text.
API support to write plugins for marking the file with custom labels/ decorating its bar with signs
I would like to find a plugin very useful which can run a command in behind to check the current file's custom attributes, this is like integrating sublime with other tools like perforce when I can check a file out for editing in my plugin but I can't mark that file with custom signs/labels to indicate that its already checked out (something like the option dirty, just controlled by my plugin I would create and not cleared when saving).
Thank you
Trim lines at the time of saving file
You can put an ON / OFF option which will decide wheather to trim white spaces or not from each line in currently opened file at the time of saving the file.
Or you can ask user to specify characters to be trimmed at the end of the line in your Default File Preferences
//set to true if you want to trim lines for white spaces at the time of saving file."trim_on_save": true,//specify charaters to trim. It will trim if trim_on_save option is true.
"trim_characters": " \t",
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