Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


$this as variable name wrongly highlighted

11684 il y a 11 ans 0

Not a very big deal, but if I want to use '$this' as a variable name in JavaScript ST2 highlights the 'this' part as if the dollar sign is not there.

It is useful in scenarios like this (with jQuery):

var $this = $(this);

But if the this in '$this' is wrongly highlighted it looks like a reference to 'this', not to a variable called '$this'.


Uniquify folders

Jason Baker il y a 12 ans 0

I have one project that I work on where I need to track two folders that have the same name.  Say /foo/bar and /java/com/foo/bar.  It would be nice to have a way to make these unique.

One way to do this would be to do something like Emacs's uniquify.  I have it set up so that these two would be named bar/foo and bar/com.  Alternatively, you could just let me choose a display name for them (that wouldn't involve renaming the folder in the filesystem).


Fuzzy Search

James Hogan il y a 11 ans mis à jour par robertcollier4 il y a 11 ans 1
If there were a way to detach and move the fuzzy searching...
"command + p" or "shift + command + p" etc...
Out from directly on top of the file I am working on...

I find this particularly annoying when in "command + r" searching for defined functions etc...


ctr + / not work

Nixon Girard il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Richard Hajdu il y a 12 ans 2
Not work

Matching bracket indicator does not follow wordwrap

Bailin il y a 14 ans 0
Platform: win7 pro
version: build 2027, portable edition

See screenshot. The underline that indicates the matching bracket is not wordwrapped when the matching or matched bracket is wordwrapped.

To reproduce:Turn on wordwrap, put cursor on one of the matched pair of brackets, then slowly resize window width until the bracket is wordwrapped. Depending on the size and possibly character size, the "matching bracket indicator" shows up in the wrong location indicated

Double clicking to show the same tag with highlight

skidu il y a 13 ans mis à jour il y a 13 ans 0

I think that if the Sublime Text 2 could show the same tag in text with double clicking would be better during our writting.

Any more,If i got a licenses for myself, can i use it again if i reinstalled my systemOS again?thanks a lot.


Keep tabs the same size while closing them

Mark Fielbig il y a 12 ans 0
When closing tabs keep all tabs the same size so that the x button for the next tab falls directly under the mouse cursor. You can then resize the tabs when the mouse exits the tab region. To see an example of an application that does this open Google Chrome. Open lots of tabs and then start closing them via the x button on the tab.

Add option to draw only trailing whitespace

il y a 11 ans 0
From the Sublime Text 3 default settings:

// Set to "none" to turn off drawing white space, "selection" to draw only the
// white space within the selection, and "all" to draw all white space

Why not trailing whitespace only?

Indenting with only the final line selected causes it to be deleted

Acorn il y a 13 ans mis à jour par aristidesfl il y a 13 ans 1
When you auto-indent using the tab button with only the final line of the file selected (by clicking the line number), the line is replaced with the indentation rather than being indented.

Bug with cut/copy out of focus in OS X

Miguel Pilar il y a 13 ans mis à jour il y a 13 ans 0
If I am in another window and ST2 does not have focus but something selected and I right-click the window and select Copy or Cut it does not work. This works with other editors/windows.