Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Delete Non-Empty Folders Linux

Jonathan Bradley 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja Martin Aspeli 13 aastat tagasi 2
Delete folders with content for Linux. Right now I think its doing a rm instead of an rm -rf if its a folder with content. This would help linux users a lot.

Shell-Unix-Generic-tmLanguage add nested brace syntax highlighing

electronico 12 aastat tagasi 0
It is so simple, just has to be added in Shell-Unix-Generic-tmLanguage ...

Lion's press&hold to insert foreign character problem

aristidesfl 13 aastat tagasi uuendatud 13 aastat tagasi 2
This feature introduced by OS X Lion isn't working properly. 2 characters are being inserted instead of 1.

Cmd+O should allow you to open directories

josh a. 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja kutu 13 aastat tagasi 1
It's a little thing but it drives me crazy that I can't open a directory easily. Yes, I could choose the "Open Folder" menu item, (1) there's no key shortcut, (2) I shouldn't have to.

Build 2220 - Crash when switching GPU on MPB w/ Retina Display

Nicolas Porter 12 aastat tagasi 0

Hello! Sublime Text 2 Build 2220 crashes (sometimes) when the GPU of my Macbook Pro 15" (w/ Retina Display) is switched from integrated to dedicated or vice versa.



Sidebar API to filter files on search

Sam Isaacson 5 aastat tagasi 0

I would really like the ability to filter the files in the sidebar by a search that includes file content. To achieve this, a plugin would need access to the sidebar API.

The current Global Search only provides an extract of the results in a separate buffer but I would like the ability to browse through the results with a quick preview of the files content. This is to achieve a similar search as in Evernote and other similar note-taking software.


Recognize < and ` as bracketing characters while text is selected

Chris Noe 6 aastat tagasi 0

It would be really useful 2 additional characters would wrap, rather than replace, selected text.

eg: and `mark-up` languages

Or otherwise make it behavior that can be optionally enabled.


Disable "Instant find" when working with a "Big" file

huzaifah 6 aastat tagasi uuendatud 6 aastat tagasi 0

when i use ctrl+f with a big file (500 mb for me)

ST tries to update search results with each keystroke and my editor goes to "Not Responding" state before even i type my complete search term

possible solution: don't update search results until the "find" button is pressed


accept hex values in goto line

IronDuke 6 aastat tagasi 0

right now, the goto line command (Ctrl+G), and /path/to/file:line_num syntax only accepts decimal values for the line number.

if you use 

int(line_num, 0)

then it should be able to parse other number formats, including hexadecimal, octal, binary, etc.



It would be cool if when you searched something it temporarily cached the results so if you searched the same thing again you wouldn't have to wait.

mgreen 6 aastat tagasi 0

Searching with Sublime is great right now and does exactly what I need it to do. It would be nice if the search results were cached for some time period of time, you'd have to do some sort of diff to see if things have changed but it would be a nice convenience. Thank you for making such a great editor!