Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


10 Tips: Stay in Shape While Traveling

shvartsaliza hace 11 años en Plugin announcements 0
When you’re out and about flitting from tourist attraction to subway station to lunch, it’s hard to keep up with your diet and exercise regimen.

Even though you’re out walking all day, and it may seem like you’re getting a lot of exercise, you’re probably also eating a lot of high-calorie and fatty foods that pretty much negate all the good you’re doing with the walking, hiking and stair-climbing.
Those extra pieces of cake and pie for dessert aren’t helping either. Contrary to popular belief, calories do count on vacation, as much as you wish they didn’t. So, if you want to stay on track and earn those meals, you might want to add additional exercise to your vacation itinerary:

Get outside
I love to be outdoors when I travel. It’s the best way to see your destination, so why not get out a little more and burn extra calories?

  • Go running – You’re going to bring along a pair of walking shoes anyway, so why not make them running shoes that are also good for walking. If you run at home, then keep your routine set and get up early to run around the block or the hotel grounds.
  • Jump rope – This is an easily packable item and gets you great exercise anywhere you have some extra room. Not just little kids love to jump rope. It’s fun and helps you tone and keep in shape. Make sure you buy a nicely weighted one that will stand up to the rigors of the road
Make your lodging your gym
You walked all day yesterday, but you got up early in order to watch the news or eat breakfast in your room. As much as you know you should put on your workout clothes and hit the gym, the thought of looking presentable just doesn’t sound appealing. You aren’t alone. While you’re waiting for your bagel to toast or you’re listening to the weather report, you can take advantage of the floor space in your room to get in a quick workout.

  • Chair crunches – If you have a chair, you have a low-impact gym. Work your abs by sitting on the edge and pull your legs up or pump your legs as if you are riding a bicycle.
  • Do lunges – You’ll feel a lot less awkward doing them in the privacy of your room than out in public, too.
  • Calf raises – Do these anywhere, like while you are brushing your teeth, making oatmeal or waiting in line to get into the Louvre (for bonus exercise points).
Use what’s available at your accommodation

Your hotel or rental property might have some useful ways to help you work out. If the weather cooperates enough to be outside, then you’re in luck.

  • Go for a swim – Almost all hotels have a pool. Pack your swimsuit and you can get in some laps. If a fancy indoor pool is available, then you can swim if the weather is uncooperative.
  • Use the stairs – Walk or run up the stairs to your room and you’ll start to feel the burn. Generally, the stairwell is pretty private, so you also won’t be disturbing others if you are up early or late doing this.
  • Go for a run – Not close to a park or afraid to go out running in unfamiliar terrain? Strap on your running shoes and do laps around the hotel. Chances are it is surrounded by a parking lot and/or sidewalks that make it easy to get your strides in.
Keeping up with an exercise routine when you travel will keep you motivated to continue doing it at home, even if it takes you a few days to get back into your healthy eating habits. You’ll feel better about yourself and might even add to your regular workouts.


extarnal file open in linux stopped working

U N. hace 13 años 0

As of build 2125, opening files with spaces in path (even quoted) has stopped working in Linux. E.g. `sublime_text "my file with spaces.txt"` makes ST open a new empty tab named "my". `sublime_text my\ file\ with\ spaces.txt` produces the same result


vintage mode: cj and ck should act like in Vim

Michael Seiwald hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
In Vim cj and ck have the following behaviour:

* cj deletes the current and the line below and goes into insert mode
* ck deletes the current and the line above and goes into insert mode

I think STII should follow Vim's behaviour here.

Allows nagivation within sidebar folders using keyboard

chilang hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
One thing I really missed from TextMate is ability to navigate between folders/files in the sidebard using keyboard.

Forget that, just realized it is already there in build 2165. Thanks

Adding version numbers for windows

Nelson Lim hace 9 años 0

Hi guys,

I think it will be great is Sublime Text was installed with the version numbers available on the windows "Add or remove program". I'm trying to be able to manage a batch installation of sublime using SaltStack and because sublime does not seem to register a version number with windows, I am unable to find out what version of salt is installed across several machines.




Incorrect scope selector precedence for fontStyle

Alex Lopatin hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 1
To replicate:
Use the Mac Classic color scheme on a new file with Python syntax highlighting.
Enter any integer (e.g. 123).
Observe that the scope is "source.python constant.numeric.integer.decimal.python".
Observe the color (#0000CD) and font style (bold).

Expected behavior:
In TextMate the scopes and color are the same, but the font style is regular (ie. not bold).

The relevant section from Mac Classic.tmTheme:

According to the TextMate scope selector docs, the first entry should have a higher precedence because it matches the deeper element ("constant.numeric" vs "constant"), but I doubt there's a problem with the ranking. It's more likely that the value "<string></string>" is being discarded when in fact it signifies that the scoped text is not meant to be bolded, italicized, or underlined.

It would be great if Sublime recognized the empty value for what it is; alternatively, you could add a "regular" font style (and perhaps have Sublime automatically replace the legacy syntax on load to reduce ambiguity).

Thanks! (Build 2169, OSX 10.7)

Edit: Apparently UserEcho strips whitespace from code/pre tags; replaced with gist link.

Syntax higlight.

Strelets Anton hace 11 años actualizado hace 11 años 1

I I'm working with the code of old one game (Red Alert 2) in it uses it's one syntax. It would be great to set up own syntax for own targets and projects


Sidebar not refresh!

Игорь Стержаков hace 11 años actualizado por Ciro S. Costa hace 11 años 2
Hello I use mac os Maveriks and your product version 3059. After I select a file in the sidebar and delete it from there it does not disappear. Same with creating and renaming files. 

Runaway Backpacker Jobs

erick heur hace 10 años 0

Image 317

Most people believe that in order to work abroad, one must first obtain an expensive work visa. While this is true for most types of professional employment abroad, rarely is it necessary for backpacker jobs.

Backpacker jobs are off the record cash in hand jobs, and can be found just about everywhere. While some backpacker jobs can be lucrative and painless, others can be backbreaking and pay next to nothing. Nonetheless, whatever the pay, they are sure to make for some awesome experiences.

In the following guide, you will find a list of various backpacker jobs ideal for actual runaways, intense budget backpackers, and even African immigrants.

1) Day Work on a Luxury Yacht
Like luxury cars, luxury yachts are always in need of cleaning and maintenance and who better for the task than yourself. Pay is usually high in Europe, around 15 to 20 Euros and hour, and work generally consists of painting, polishing, cleaning and varnishing. Just head to any port, meander the docks at dawn, and simply ask if there is any day work to be had. For more information, check out How to Work on a Luxury Yacht.

2) Work in an Eastern European Hostel
Eastern European hostels are ideal for the runaway backpacker because more often than not, their business is run off the books. This means they are accustomed and more willing to hire wanderers like yourself. Hostels generally look for people who can clean, bar tend, manage the books, and keep guests happy. Prepare to do a lot of drinking and partying. The pay is generally low but room and board is usually provided. To get a job in a hostel, just send your resume to one of millions of hotels listed on

3) Work the Yachts in Eilat, Israel
Israel is abundant with jobs for the migrant worker. And in the resort port city of Eilat Israel, almost every worker is an immigrant or backpacker. All you have to do to get a job is simply ask around. Since workers are constantly coming and going, you can almost always get a deckhand position aboard a party charter boat.
Although you receive free room and board, the rooms are reminiscent of slave bunks and the board is comparable to war rations. The work is grueling and the hours are long, and monthly pay is only around 300$. However, morning swims with wild dolphins definitely make up for it.

4) Work in a Hotel in the Middle East
There are quite a few privately owned budget hotels in the Middle East. You can usually find them around the bus and train stations of Istanbul, Damascus, Amman and Cairo. Though it is not common for foreign backpackers to work here, due to extremely low wages, you shouldn’t be turned down should you approach the manager. If you are hired, expect no more than a few hundred bucks a month. Work, not unlike hostel work, will generally range from acting as receptionist to cleaning toilettes. Talk about some serious cultural immersion.

5) Work on a Farm in Europe
Throughout history, the farm has always been a haven and source of employment for the nomad. And today, not much has changed. The best way of finding employment on a farm is by asking around. If you’re lucky, a friend of friend will own a farm and be in need of laborers. While some farmers in western Europe will ask for working papers, most will gladly turn a blind eye.

Farm work can include picking fruit, planting trees, erecting fences, or caring for animals. Though it depends on your arrangement, room and board is often factored into your paycheck. The most lucrative countries for farm work are those of Scandinavia, while pay in the rest of Europe is considerably less and can vary greatly by country.

6) Pick Grapes on an Italian Vineyard
If you enjoy fine wines, and eating fresh tomatoes, mozzarella and olive oil, picking grapes in Italy is the backpacker job for you. The best time of year to seek out work on a vineyard is during harvest, which in Italy is from late August through October. Pay will depend on how many grapes you can pick. So if you’re looking to save up, this will mean a lot of picking. No matter how much you make, the experience is well worth it.

7) Teach English
While you won’t be able to work at a proper school without papers, you can always teach English lessons privately. Believe it or not, craigslist is one of the best ways for students and teachers to connect. This is especially true in Japan, Korea, Jakarta Indonesia, and China, where there is a large demand for private English tutors. In East Asia, it is not unreasonable to charge anywhere between 15 and 50 dollars an hour. Warning, some of these jobs are under the table so keep them there. There are no complaints procedures if you are caught or involved in a scam.

8) Work Construction
Needless to say, most construction work is backbreaking labor and generally pays minimum wage. To find work in construction, just walk up to any construction site and ask to see the foreman.

Other and potentially higher paying day labor opportunities can be found with private contractors who are working on house construction. To get these jobs, simply be on the lookout for houses under construction and inquire.

9) Work a Sail Boat on The Nile
All along the Nile River are beautiful working replicas of the ancient Egyptian sailboat known as the Felucca. While in the past these vessels were known to transport goods, today they primarily serve tourists.

If you don’t speak Arabic, getting a job aboard a Felluca will prove quite difficult. However, if you do manage to convey your intent and are hired, you won’t regret it. Though pay can be as low as 20$ a month, the experience of sailing the Nile, constantly surrounded by ancient Egyptian temples, and drinking tea with your shipmates is well worth it.

Westhill Consulting Career & Employment Australia endorsers the above statement.

More Info:

Thank you, thank you.

Bart Bons hace 12 años 0
Where were you all my life? What a fantastic text editor!! Thank you, thank you. Crazy fast, extendable, Flat UI.... sweet.