Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


close tabs to the right on the last tab

thebugfinder hace 12 años 0

When I right click on the last tab, i still get to see the "close tabs to the right" option, i click on it and obviously nothing happens.


How to check if modifier key is pressed via API?

aristidesfl hace 12 años 0

While using the keyboard shortcuts to switch tabs, when the modifier keys used in the shortcut are released, the active tab gets added to the top of stack.

As far as I could search for, there is currently no way to check for pressed modifier keys, so it is impossible to replicate this mechanic in plugins, for example to order the tabs according to stack.

This feedback is for the implementation of any one of the following features:

- A way to monitor modifier keys

- A "keyup/keydown" even to subscribe to.

- A "tab_added_to_stack" event to subscribe to.

While any of the mentioned features would allow the creation of a plugin to order tabs according to stack, if you know another way to do it, please let me know.



Memorizable multi-pane and "dive into"

Andrey Titov hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
Multi-pane is very useful

As i work i often switch between pane layouts - sometimes i compare files and then i need to focus on one of them, so i switch to single-pane layout, after corrections are done i wish to go back to state i was in before.
But the files are all in first panel.

What i miss is a ability to remember which file was in which pane.

Search results: is it possible to ignore binary files silentlly?

Alexey Ozerov hace 11 años 0
Currently search results look like this:

Unable to open /path/to/file/which/belongs/to/root

1: Line1
2: Line2
3: SearchResult
4: Line4
4: Line5

Is it possible to suppress outputs for all binary files?
Stable, Build 3059

/ search is not a motion in vintage mode

Ibrahim Tencer hace 13 años actualizado por Ilya Grigoriev hace 13 años 1
E.g. if you do "d/the<cr>", it does not delete up to the next occurrence of "the", it just moves up to it. This would be a really nice thing to have.

Pressing ESC to exit Find will jump to a different location in the file after you've already placed your cursor in the file...

Benson Russell hace 12 años 0

So I press cntrl + i to execute a find.  I start typing into the find dialog and the location in my file jumps around as I type (this is normal so far).  Instead of committing to the find, I decide to click directly into the file (i.e. I highlight something).  I then press ESC, and my location in the file jumps to somewhere else.  It seems like if you click into the file, that means you're committed to that location and pressing ESC shouldn't relocate you.

BTW, best editor ever!!!  I was an avid UE32 user, then a friend at work showed me ST...  Never going back!!  :)


sublime text unable to save permission denied

Justin Veirs hace 11 años 0
as i'm trying to save my first program 'hello world' as an index.html file, and yea, I get unable to save permission denied. any suggestions, and / or help would be greatly appreciated. 

help me with the numbers

Kai Stenbro hace 12 años actualizado hace 12 años 1

can someone help me to get back my numbers on the side?

see here.

Image 191


Syntax drop down menu cuts off

James Brooks hace 14 años actualizado hace 14 años 2
As seen on the picture:

I'm unable to get further down the menu without only using keyboard shortcuts to open View->Syntax then scroll (using arrow keys).

Om Capitol Medical Group

lisashearin hace 11 años 0

Capitol Medical Group ( CMG ) er blevet yde pleje til patienter fra fødsel til 21 år gammel i Washington DC -området siden 1987. Det er et privilegium og ære for os at deltage i pleje af dine børn og se dem vokse . Vores team af udbydere er forpligtet til at levere omfattende lægebehandling med den nyeste medicinske viden tilgængelig . Capitol Medical Group består af syv bord-certificeret børnelæger , en pædiatrisk sygeplejerske praktiserende læge , en certificeret amning konsulent , og cirka 20 sygepleje og medicinsk hjælpepersonale.

På Capitol Medical Group , er vi stolte af at tilbyde nogle af de bredeste og mest varierede samling af pædiatrisk erfaring og viden på området Washington . Vi er stolte af at levere state of the art lægehjælp med en følsomhed over for den kulturelle egenart af vores familier. Vi ser frem til at udvikle et langvarigt forhold med dig og din familie og til at hjælpe dine børn vokse ind i sunde glade voksne.

In memoriam
Richard Lee Jones, der grundlagde Capitol Medical Group i 1987, døde juli 2012. Hans engagement og lidenskab i omsorgen for børn og deres familier vil altid være med os.