Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Spellcheck does not respect "word_separators" setting.

joseph 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 1

Currently, if words are joined with any unicode character other than a space or something included in the "word_separators" setting, it will be considered one entity by the spellchecker and thus be highlighted as misspelled.

For instance, the following are all treated as misspelled:

“forgottenalthough” (Using the <U+2014 EM DASH> character)

“Perfectionists” (Using the <U+2019 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK> character)

‣ etcetera…

The solution should be to simply add those characters to the "word_separators" setting. However, the spellchecker does not respect that setting, even though it affects the rest of ST3.

I propose either this bug be fixed or a more complete spellchecker be implemented to resolve such issues.


Ability to Expand All Folders in Side Bar with a Keyboard Shortcut

pretodor 8 years ago 0

I would like to see the same functionality when holding the 'alt' key and clicking on the root folder in the side bar implemented as a keyboard shortcut. At the time of writing, we can't even access the call being made via the API.


In system associated filetype icons (like dreamveaver)

Zbyszko Z bogdańca 8 years ago 0

It would be nice if we can have system icons for files associated with sbulime text. After migrating to ST i've noticed all my icons looks the same regardless of the type. It would be great addition and not so much work i think.


Customizable Shortcut to toggle Selection during Find

A New Level 8 years ago 0

During the "Find" and "Find & Replace" options, it would be great to have a customizable quick key/shortcut that toggles the "In selection" option. Also, during these processes, it would a nice option to toggle the behavior where the selection is deselected after replacing something.



Sharon D. Jones 8 years ago 0

The Peterson Group

som3rsirois 9 years ago 0

People Behind Your Home Building Project

You may be thinking of building your own home but do not know where to start and who to talk to. You are nearing the realization of your dream house but it is more work than you have expected. There are so many trained professionals that you have to deal with and you still have to make sure that they are not some fraud who will only go wasting your hard-earned money. No worries. These challenges are not enough reasons to stop you on your tracks into creating your dream house.

We, at the Petersen Group, would want you to have the homes you want as much as you do. For us to totally help you in your tracks, we have prepared this list of professionals for you to be acquainted with. These key members will work closely with you and with each other to create the dream house you are imagining.

• Developer

It all starts with finding a good location for you to be able to build your home. Real estate developers are in charged with finding a good community and land investment. That might be an open field, wooded land or some mountainous place with a breath taking view.

Developers mostly invest a lot of money and time into finding these locations. They are patiently acquiring individual parcels of land from many owners and assembling it on their own.

For every community the developer builds, there is a specific target. They review the potential of each location. There are those which are exclusively built to look like Hollywood’s neighborhood community in the middle of the busy and populated city of Jakarta, Indonesia and there are those which are built like it is in the middle of the city when in fact, you are near the desserts of Egypt.

• Architect

Once builders purchase the lot, it is up for the architect to design it. The result is a series of floor plans that falls within the community’s price range, square footage and concept.

• Design Consultant

If the design has already been chosen, it is now time to choose the materials to be used and a design consultant is vital in mixing and matching things together

• Contractors

Of course, after the design and materials are set, it is now time to build. Contractors and his helpers do the manly works from the building of the foundation to painting the walls.

• Inspectors

Inspection is vital to know if your home is ready to be occupied. There will be a double checking of the plumbing, electrical systems and other installations before issuing a certificate of occupancy.