Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Is there a build for Mac OS Leopard (10.5.8)?

Dima Dyachkov vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Jon Skinner vor 12 Jahren 1
Jon Skinner vor 13 Jahren
There isn't, Sublime Text on OS X requires 10.6 or later

C++ function template syntax highlighting

Andrew Montag vor 12 Jahren 0
The current C++ syntax highlighting does not handle templated functions very well. 
Image 161
Above, doTemplateStuff would ideally be cyan to make it more readable.

Sublime Text 2 freezing :: When entering text to find and automatically highlighting matches, on the latest keystroke you should cancel the previous find process.

Matt Campbell vor 12 Jahren 0

When entering text to find and automatically highlighting matches, on the latest keystroke you should cancel the previous find process because all text starts with a single letter and, in large documents, finding and highlighting this single letter causes Sublime Text 2 to freeze, and stops me from entering my entire text string to find


Ability to use fonts not installed on the OS

Dustin Sneeden vor 11 Jahren 0
I use Sublime Text on computers where I don't have administrator access to install fonts. It would be nice to be able to use fonts that are not installed on the system by specifying the full path to the .ttf file on the hard drive

Fold HTML tags

Flamur Kasa vor 11 Jahren 0

Allow ctrl+command+p to switch projects even when a project isn't currently open

Tyler Kellen vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0
You can't use ctrl-command-p when a project isn't open--could you fix that?

Ignore folders in search

Amir Abu Shareb vor 12 Jahren 0

I'm working in `node`, `php` environments but i'm sure this will be useful

for most developers.

currently when you search for something using command + t, it searches all folders all files, it will be very useful if we can specify wich folders to ignore...


Vintage: Autocomplete should terminate upon leaving insert mode

Ibrahim Tencer vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Bernardo Szpilman vor 12 Jahren 1
See title. When you're entering text it makes sense, but the dropdown should disappear once you exit insert mode (whether into visual or normal mode). One expects j and k to move the cursor, but they navigate through the options instead.

maximize/minimize window via api

Timothee Cour vor 11 Jahren aktualisiert vor 11 Jahren 1
The api is missing an important feature: ability to maximize/minimize a window, as well as querying for the minimized/maximized state of a window.

Use case: 
1) restore maximize/minimize state of each window upon restarting sublimetext (currently when sublimetext restarts, all windows are maximized regardless of their state when sublimetext was exited).
2) I have a tool that opens a file in sublimetext by first searching whether the file was in an existing tab in an existing window; if not it'll open a new tab in current window otherwise it'll make that tab in foreground. Turns out this doesn't work if the window that contains the file is minimized, and we don't even have a way to tell whether that window was minimized or not. 

Many serious problems in 2181 build.

Marek Tomko vor 12 Jahren in Plugin announcements 0
I have many problems with 2181 build, that are making Sublime Text 2 unusable anymore. 
For example word wrap can't be turned off, even if I make it false in default settings. 
Or Undo is not working correctly at all. I can't use it, because when I did, it would corrupt a part of code, which wasn't even changed. 
Or sometimes I can't use CTRL+X because it will not delete selected part.
And cursor very often just stays on one spot and don't move (he do, but I don't see it). That's maybe the worst.

Build 2165 was perfect and I was very happy. I tried 2181 in February, but when I had saw these defects, I returned to 2165. But unfortunately a few weeks ago Sublime Text 2 said that 2165 is not enabled any more and I have to switch to newer build.

I'm running on Ubuntu 10.10.

I know that this forum is about plugins, maybe, but I don't have an interest to register on your forum.