Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


project view not updated when located on a windows / samba share

Vincent Côté-Roy 13 år siden 0

when a project folder is located on a windows (samba) shared drive, the project view does not get updated for any file/folder create/rename/delete, be it generated from within the editor or from outside.  for example, when creating a new file, it does not appear in the folder view.

the only way to update the view, then, is to go to Project -> refresh folders


wrong link to error line

thebugfinder 12 år siden 0

here is a ruby script:

class MyClass
  attr_non_existant :test

When i build this code,  i get

C:/ruby-test/break.rb:2:in `<class:MyClass>': undefined method `attr_non_existant' for MyClass:Class (NoMethodError)

from C:/ruby-test/break.rb:1:in `<main>'

[Finished in 0.2s with exit code 1]

if i click on the second link


it opens a new file called *weird square symbol*from C


Improper highlighting of GHC pragmas

Sergei Lebedev 13 år siden opdateret 13 år siden 0
Pragmas are basically comments with `#` going right after the opening and before the closing comment bracket, for example:

Image 78


Project Explorer should inherit colors from current theme

Joshua Henn 12 år siden 0

Would be nice if the left sidebar (Project Explorer) would inherit color scheme so doesn't contrast so harshly.

Image 246


Subblitext 2 quits suddenly

Victor Salvans Montesó 13 år siden opdateret af Yuri Padilha 11 år siden 2
I have a very weird behavior, st2 crashes when I start editing a php file in one determined project. For example, click on "install.php" of that project, then I press enter couple of times in the code after the <?php and when I hit a letter, boom! the application quits suddenly.

I have:
MACOS Version 10.6.8
Sublime Text 2 Version of 2.0.1 . Build 2217 
with the following installed packages

And when it crashes I have this log:

23/07/12 14:04:56Sublime Text 2[563]unrecognized button type 7
23/07/12 14:05:05Sublime Text 2[563]unrecognized button type 7
23/07/12 14:05:06Sublime Text 2[563]unrecognized button type 7
23/07/12[205]([0x0-0x48048].com.sublimetext.2[563]) Exited abnormally: Broken pipe
23/07/12 14:05:11Path Finder[263]CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.

Any clue?


Fix symbol lookup for long method declarations

Matt Hauck 11 år siden 0

The symbol/method lookup gets a bit unwieldy when a method name/arguments are very long and have many spaces. For example, if writing in java, I may have a method that looks like this:

public static void doTheThing(final String foo,
  final FooManager fooManager,
 final BlahManager blahManager,
  final String name,
  final String color) throws IOException, AnotherException {
When this method name shows up in the symbol lookup, it is hardly recognizable. 

Image 254
The dots here are using up precious real estate for this long method declaration. I presume spaces are already being stripped out, but I'm not sure the logic used to display, for example, the name of the final argument, rather than the name of the method itself. I think method names should always appear in the symbol lookup, and their return types and arguments should be prioritized after. 

context in completions

Philipp Scheit 12 år siden 0
it would be really nice if we could use the context feature from keybindings in the completions file.
that would allow more context-sensitive completions and would allow more specific completion list


Change highlight color for file/folder side bar when focused

Ben Ma 13 år siden 0
It's difficult to tell when the file/folder side bar is focused to receive arrow key input (up/down). It'd be really useful and usable for an option to change the grey highlight color to a focused color (orange?) when the side bar is focused.

MacOS: add "Open Window" in context menu

Anton Danilchenko 12 år siden 0

When I right-click on SublimeTest3 icon I have not see option "New window", like I see on Safari or other programs. I work with two projects at the same time, and I need to open new window by click on "New window" option in this context menu.

Now I do this by select in top context menu "Project -> Open recent" and select project to open.

It's not major issue, but must have to be done. Thanks.


Setting Mark (as in EMACS)

Pratyush Mittal 14 år siden opdateret af Jon Skinner 14 år siden 6
EMACS has the option of setting a mark using CTRL + Space (mainly used for selecting/highlighting text).
The same is helpful for easy selection/highlighting of text when coupled with customized key-bindings. Thus not requiring to move to arrow keys or requiring mouse.
Jon Skinner 14 år siden
Added in build 2027

Kundesupport af UserEcho