Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Scroll Package Descriptions

Nathan Broadbent fa 12 anys 0

As most package descriptions are longer than the width of the package list menu, it would be nice for the package description field to scroll (like a ticker) when a package is highlighted.


Real time multi user edit of the same file

Peter Ivanov fa 13 anys updated by Xavura fa 13 anys 1
I am using sublime for large project
We have one file which is 3000 lines of code and few people need to edit it in the same time. 
I would love to see this possible with Sublime

Automatic unindent does not always work

Joshua Benner fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 0
There are intermittent cases where text matching indentation decrease patterns do not decrease the indent.

1. Make new file
2. Set language to XML
3. Enter <test>
4. Press enter to move to next line (one or more times). At this point, the editor correctly indents.
5. Enter </test>

On step 5, the editor sometimes correctly un-indents, and sometimes does not. If it does not decrease the indent, removing the line and trying again is often successful.

I first encountered this issue with a custom language definition, but have now encountered it with XML as well. I first assumed it was a problem with my custom language, but I have not been able to identify the issue, and I have now see it with XML (which I have not customized at all).

This behavior was not encountered prior to build 2181. I have reproduced this on Sublime Text 2 build 2181 on Mac and Win64.

Hangs when calling interactive help in console

User768294 fa 13 anys 0
  1. Open the console (Ctrl + `)
  2. type 'help()' (without quotes)
  3. Sublime Text hangs
Sublime Text 2 Build 2210  

Feature Request: Please add a Locate File In Project View Key Command

Guy Zisman fa 13 anys 0
When the command is hit, the file should be highlighted in the Project View, this will allow to easily navigate to files in the same directory, and other files that are close on the directory tree.

ctrl+break doesn't work on windows

Kyle Rocha fa 11 anys 0
"keys": ["ctrl+break"], "command": "exec", "args": {"kill": true}
doesn't kill the currently running exec.


"File dirty" marker gets cut off when tab title is truncated

JonThornton fa 14 anys 0

 When lots of tabs are opened, the "file dirty" indicator gets cut off when the tab title is truncated.


goto anything

Stéphane Payrard fa 12 anys 0

how the goto anything index is generated?



Moving tabs back into a Sublime text window.

Andrew Savill fa 12 anys 0

Currently one of my only pet niggles of Sublime text is when I occasionally use the mouse to move a tab across to another pane in a layout, I can miss the tab headers and it will pop out into a new window.  As far as i can see there is no way to put it back. For a demo you can look at how Firefox handles this, letting you place the tab from a new window back into the list of tabs via a pointer on a separate window.