Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Sublime to android platform

Dmitriy Medved fa 12 anys updated by Robert Schalk fa 11 anys 2
It would be very convenient to have such an application in a tablet. Whether it will release an application for Android??  

vintage mode - R (replace many)

Greg Elliott fa 12 anys updated by Pekk fa 12 anys 4
r is currently implemented, but R is not (replace many characters). this is a super useful command when you're changing out numbers (say, 309 to 410).

Allow tabs to be placed at the bottom

Heracles Papatheodorou fa 12 anys updated by Hai Zheng fa 3 anys 4

It would be great if there was an option for file tabs to be placed at the bottom (or perhaps left / right too) of the window. The current paradigm of browsers prefers tabs on the top, but if your taskbar is at the bottom, it makes more sense for them to be closer to it. Opera has allowed such functionality for eons.

Congrats on your otherwise great product; I love the code "bird's eye"!


Keep Afloat / SIMBL support

Adam Breen fa 12 anys updated by Matt Groth fa 7 anys 4

It would be great if you supported SIMBL accessibility hooks - particularly so that Keep Afloat ( can work with Sublime Text 2.

This would mean that I can have two ST2 windows open, with one floating above, while I type in the one beneath.  This avoids having to change whatever layout I have in the subordinate window, but lets me see code from the other while I type.


Keep undo history across sessions, per file

Vincent Voyer fa 12 anys updated by Brian Herold fa 12 anys 1
Would that be possible?

So that we keep an undo (ctrl+z) history per file across sessions. So that if I close my editor, re-open, I'll be able to still ctrl+z some changes.

Insert file creation date or current date into snippet

Chris Browne fa 12 anys updated by Kiran Singh Randhawa fa 8 anys 1

It would be great if there were a snippet variable for various dates (current date, file creation date, file last-modified date) in order to craft informative file-heading comments that give away some clue as to the age of a file and how often it's updated.


Support vim's scrolloff

Harald Lapp fa 14 anys updated by Oktay Acikalin fa 14 anys 1
Vim has a very nice feature called 'scrolloff' which allows to define a minimal number of lines to keep above and below the cursor when scrolling. It makes it very convenient to work with files where there's already content below the cursor ...

Mouse gestures

Nicolay77 fa 13 anys updated by Andrzej Makowiecki fa 12 anys 1
Like the ones in Opera browser.

"Zoom" reset

Andrew Montag fa 12 anys updated by Craig Patik fa 12 anys 2
I like using Ctrl + Scroll to change the font size (easy for presenting to other people) but the only thing missing is Ctrl + 0 to reset! 

Save a copy

Sébastien Le Martelot fa 13 anys updated by Messa fa 12 anys 1
A simple "Save a copy" function which save the current file under another name while keeping open the original.

For example :
I'm editing the file "Text1" and I would like to save it to "Text1_backup"  while continuing to edit "Text1".