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That's also what I have seen so far - but don't really like ^^.
I'm sorry but how would you tell that your editor? The view scales as you want. "as it needs to be" is totally subjective.
I can think of rules like:
* Width has to be a minimum of 80 chars (ruler setting) plus mini map.
* Height has to be a minimum of 35 chars.
And let the user override these settings within a settings file.
Now define "the right size" :).
I have a working solution which I have been using for some days now (OSX, virtualenv per project or repo). It should work within Linux, too. Read the details here:
That's kind of right and I've already switched to it, but I still would like to know why that happens. Also I would like to have the whole selection centered in the view and not only the end point.
If we would talk about priorities, this issue is not that important to me anymore 'cause at least the important half of what I wanted to have works quite fine.
Ok. Let's see. I have 2025 on OSX 10.6.6.

In my user defined keybindings I have:

{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+shift+t"], "command": "python_tidy", "context":
{ "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "source.python" }
{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+shift+t"], "command": "perl_tidy", "context":
{ "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "source.perl" }

These are not bound anywhere else.
When hitting save I can see that sublime reloads my two keymap files.

So here's what I discovered so far:
1. After starting sublime, I can go into any file and hit the key combo to invoke python_tidy - regardless of the file type/ext/syntax.
2. I add a prefix to the commands like "xxx" so that they won't work anymore and hit save.
3. When hitting the combo I get a strange letter in the view. Sounds deactivated. The console throws a proper error message.
4. I remove the prefix from the commands and hit save.
5. When hitting the combo they react as intended and not in every file (e.g. python-file -> python_tidy, perl-file -> perl_tidy, anywhere else -> strange letter).
For me it doesn't work :(. It seems like the context has no effect.
Like this?

{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+shift+t"], "command": "python_tidy", "context":
{ "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "source.python" }
Yeah - works very nice. Even when switching branches in hg producing massive code changes. :)
As of 2025 it uses my user defined build for Python - just as I wanted it to be. Thanks!