
Monitor project folders for changes

Karl Bowden 14 years ago updated by Jon Skinner 14 years ago 10
And indicate if file contents have changed on disk


Added in build 2027
We really need this for working with most of code projects.
the "watchdog" python package might be helpful for implementing this
Perhaps only update open folders (unfolded tree nodes) to be faster?
In the nutshell - no. Imagine this case: you wrote some app, some in vim, some in ST2. But! Files, written in vim, are folded in ST2 and it won't be added in the tree. What happens if you'll try to build project via ST2? It could give a rise for bunch of bugs.
As long as it's fast I won't have a problem with that. I just think of my colleagues who work with Magento and have over 10000 files in their code base.
I would like an option to disable this feature as well; when working on network mounted files, this could slow things down severely
assuming there will be SCM plugins for ST2, you might want to expose the the ability to "watch" folders via the plugin API, so that, for instance, the plugin could notice the changes in the .hg / .git directories that happen, for instance, when the user switches branches externally
This is implemented in build 2025!! Check it out: http://www.sublimetext.com/dev
Yeah - works very nice. Even when switching branches in hg producing massive code changes. :)
Added in build 2027
The new build works great, but could you also retain the current line? Every time I switch branch in git, I find the file reset at line 0.